This thread, at 5,000 posts, now belongs to the Guardians who have captured this closed thread. Hoist the mooose head above the fireplace, and set out the snacks for a party.
Latest poll today shows the Liberals will still a 4% lead over the Tories in Ontario. All this while we are being screwed by both the Federal and Provincial Liberal parties.
I am happy to report, that although Dalton is from Ottawa, it's not my riding! Of course, we did elect some other monkey with a red tie.
The latest polls show the Liberals taking a big lead over the Conservatives in Ontario... Unreal.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/17/2005 6:47:41 PM
by Diplomat Technician - 5/30/2005 8:02:34 AM
Toooooooooooooo slowww.
My company is a great one for supporting left wing causes.
They had our local Liberal MP visit.
I had two questions.
Since the Liberals having been acussed of criminal activity why are you not in jail ?
Do you support reducing waste ?
I did not vote for you but for some unknown reason you think I care what your programs and policies are.
Your junk mail is filling my blue box.
If you catch them stealing from you, and re-elect them anyway, what exactly is the message you are sending them?
Yes, and you know they'll start talking about the conservative '"hidden' agenda and how there the only ones who can keep Canada together all the while there stealing from us. Briding people with Goverment perks and pay offs. They disgust me. I wonder what Stonach's total payoff package will end up costing us.
They have no morale right to continue to govern.
[Message Edited]
by Citizen NewfyScotian - 12/13/2005 1:09:32 AM
Hi Paguma and fellow Canucks
I had the rep of the local liberal candidate call me for support the other day. I asked about their platform and what they thought the issues were. But ... all they could talk about was what a mistake it would be to re-elect the conservative candidate. When I asked them about the liberal scandals they side stepped the question. I told them I was not voting for the liberals because they couldn't be trusted.
The choices for who is left to vote for is pretty darn sad, the conservatives do not seem to have a solid leadership and never seem to be together on anything, and the NDP would bankrupt Canada by its social programs. Some choices eh?
Nice to see you guys
by Citizen NewfyScotian - 12/13/2005 1:12:08 AM
My company is a great one for supporting left wing causes.They had our local Liberal MP visit.I had two questions.
Are you still employed by your company Technician?
Technician, do you still have my email address? Drop a line sometime.