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Canadian Star Federation Empire Thread
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#1425  by Veteran never-never - 3/27/2004 5:30:57 PM

It's this one of our national pass-times?

Whin'n Like A Pom

#1426  by Diplomat Technician - 3/27/2004 6:25:39 PM

I had a good fish fry tonight,
feeling much better.

Paint your terror stars red and throw another Torian on the grill.

#1427  by Citizen damoose - 3/27/2004 6:37:35 PM

I think it's very Canadian to complain a lot and do nothing about it.

hummm... Do I hear a 'whatever' in there someplace???

It's this one of our national pass-times?

To quote some anonymous Jedi... Indeed!

#1428  by Citizen damoose - 3/27/2004 6:42:47 PM

Whin'n Like A Pom

never never... explain please... I haven't heard the phrase before... Thanks

#1429  by Citizen Paguma - 3/27/2004 7:54:48 PM

You know, we could change our Empire to an Undead empire.

That would allow us to attract players from everywhere and perhaps make the Empire more lively. Wouldn't that be ironic?

Of course the big drawback is, we might lose some of the players already here, and we wouldn't automatically attract all the players from Canada.

Anyway, just throwing out ideas. I don't really mind being in a less active Empire myself.

#1430  by Citizen damoose - 3/27/2004 8:02:20 PM

I'm good with the status quo Boss. I like being Canadian , I like being UnDead , and I begining to like sushi!

We got Vir droping by and RoJo96 and Newf and the overlords keep droping games so...

And if truth be told... I couldn't keep up with the G-men, Diplos, GROSS or any of the others. I'm just the old slow Moose, and I too am to lazy.

Besides... I really, really like the Leaf.

#1431  by Citizen damoose - 3/27/2004 8:08:39 PM

Hey guys... was just over at the statbot Link

We are #1 in games submitted
We are #5 total raw points.
We are #10 in Maso games submitted.

Sweet! Grats to us!

#1432  by Diplomat Technician - 3/27/2004 9:11:20 PM

We are #10 in Maso games submitted.

The first one

I find it hard to get excited about being number 10,
very Canadian damoose.

#1433  by Diplomat Technician - 3/28/2004 12:24:57 AM

They are talking about snacks here Link

#1434  by Citizen Hurley - 3/28/2004 2:47:14 AM

explain please

[Hurls Mode ON]

Main Entry: whinge
Pronunciation: 'hwinj, 'winj
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): whinged; whing·ing or whinge·ing
Etymology: from (assumed) Middle English, from Old English hwinsian; akin to Old High German winsOn to moan
British : to complain fretfully : WHINE

POM - unknown origin, however,

Claim: "Pommy" (or "pom"), a slang term for a British person, comes from the acronym POHM, which was used to designate a "Prisoner of His Majesty."
Status: False.

Origins: "Pommy" (or "pom" or "pommie") is a primarily Australian (and largely derisive) slang term used to indicate a recent immigrant from Great Britain, or a Brit in general. The origins of "pommy" having been lost in the mists of time, someone needed to cook up an etymology for it, preferably one equal to the pejorative sense of the word. Accordingly, we now have the story that criminals transported to Australia were designated "Prisoners of His Majesty" or "Prisoners of Mother England" (some versions claim the convicts bore one of these legends printed on the backs of their shirts), and thus the acronym "POHM" or "POME" eventually evolved into the slang term "pom" or "pommy."

[Hurls Mode OFF]

#1435  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 5:31:15 AM

Thanks Hurley. I have enough troble following never never as it is but when he goes country on me... I am lost in the dark in a bunch of twisty passages.

I promise no 'smack the penguin' for a week.

#1436  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 5:37:16 AM

I find it hard to get excited about being number 10,

Well considering we were not even ranked a month ago... That's d&mn fine playin if you ask me.

And you're right very Canadian.... But after all that's what I am.

They are talking about snacks here

Wow... A new way to get LUNCH!

#1437  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 5:40:53 AM

Hey Tech... I see that Amulek is coming up fast 20K between you and 30k between you and the ringer.

Go Tech Go! Go Tech Go! Go Tech Go! Go Tech Go!

#1438  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 5:44:55 AM

Now for all you CSF Overloards who lurk in this thread. I know you're there... you're submitting games... so I know you're alive.

Get you're Canadian Bacon Butts in here and say something.

Hi, How are you, I'm from (insert you place of origin here), something... anything...

We're pretty friendly...

And the Boss is well, OK, for a Boss If you catch my meaning.

Drop by say Hi... And give Tech the warm fuzzies.

Note: CBB is a registered Trade Mark of the CSF. That means you can't use it Renegade.
[Message Edited]

#1439  by Diplomat Technician - 3/28/2004 8:26:16 AM

... I see that Amulek is coming up fast 20K between you and 30k between you and the ringer.

13 60000 points in one day is nothing I even want to try and catch.

I think the Metaverse is turning into a joke

#1440  by Citizen Paguma - 3/28/2004 8:27:58 AM

And the Boss is well, OK, for a Boss If you catch my meaning.

Hey! I'm not sure if that's an insult or not!

I can't be a "boss". It's been determined, that I speak the truth too much, even when people don't want to hear it.

#1441  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 9:27:03 AM

13 60000 points in one day is nothing I even want to try and catch.

Actually he was off line for over a week. Phone company problems. It's in the Diplo thread... There was some speculation as to if Terror Stars could actually be used on the phone company. I don't think the Diplo Senators came to any resolution.

#1442  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 9:30:13 AM

Hey! I'm not sure if that's an insult or not! I can't be a "boss". It's been determined, that I speak the truth too much, even when people don't want to hear it

Oh yes you can... Trust me I'm a 'boss'. I always speak truth. And it wan't an insult... .

#1443  by Citizen Paguma - 3/28/2004 10:24:32 AM

Well, when a VP asks you "How's it going?". They rarely want the truth.

#1444  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/28/2004 10:32:08 AM

Uh, one point that seemed to be neglected above, is the basis of the argument on the Urban Legends site (which is where the above definition of Pommie was taken). It reads:

"This amusing anecdote is doubtful as anything more than a fanciful invention, as acronymic origins antedating the mid-twentieth century are automatically suspect, and the use of "pommy" has been recorded at least as far back as 1915."

I assume this was omitted due it's obvious untruth (thus discrediting the rest of their argument). Naval acronyms have been in common use since the late 19th century - for example: POSH (Port out, Starboard home)

I agree there is no proof that Pommie is derived from Prisoners Of Mother England, but likewise there is no proof of any alternatives.

So the Aussies are free to call us whingeing poms according to their unproven definition of the term, and we English are also free to call them whingeing poms according to our unproven definition

Oh, and if they all love Australia so much, why are so many of them working in bars in London

P.S. Aussies please don't take any offence at this post, it is purely meant in jest

#1445  by Citizen Paguma - 3/28/2004 10:46:39 AM

Hey, no picking on other colonial countries in this colonial countries thread! I know you're joking of course.

I've been to Australia (and NZ), and this past year, finally made my way to London as well, and I'm not talking about the one in Ontario either.

I find all the countries are unique in many ways, but still very similar in others, and quite friendly to each other. Although speaking of foreigners working in bars. It was hilarious when I was vacationing in New Zealand back in 2000, the bartender at the hotel I was at was Canadian. He was desperately wanted to talk hockey to somebody, and was glad I was there.

#1446  by Diplomat Technician - 3/28/2004 10:51:58 AM

Well I did get one in today.

Easy game some games in seems like in the second turn four alien race are building next to you a demanding tribute.

I had oner 20 systems the only races I saw were minors before I seen a major race.

#1447  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/28/2004 10:57:53 AM

Well, you're doing better than me then Paguma - I've not made it to the Southern hemisphere yet (apart from the Falkland islands, but that doesn't count as it's British ).

Not too sure about visiting a country where every native living creature wants to kill / eat you, and the colonial population doesn't particularly like you either

Seriously though, I would love to visit Aus / NZ some time (and Canada for that matter), as I have some good friends I've worked with over the years from those parts of the world. I know the welcome would be good, even if I am a whingeing Pom

#1448  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 11:16:48 AM

when a VP asks you

Well... Now there's the difference... Talking to VPs about anything seious is way above my pay grade. Director is as high as I go.
[Message Edited]

#1449  by Citizen damoose - 3/28/2004 11:22:11 AM

I had oner 20 systems the only races I saw were minors before I seen a major race

Gigantic... That fact that that kind of thing happens once in a while makes some sense. Just wish it's happen more often.

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