Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and that's what being free is all about. I just didn't want to read it here. I hope most people understood my position.
They are. And they are entitled to disagree with our President. But they aren't entitled to say it in an incendiary fashion. I believe he said our President has the intellect of a worm or something like that. Pretty over the top. But I have come to expect that kind of nonsense (Saddam's an ok guy, Bush and the U.S. are the real threat) from some across the pond. But all we usually hear about is the disgruntled ones. The ones that still like us don't make news. It's not so much political bias as it is sensational bias.
I know it takes at least a minimal level of smarts to be certified on the aircraft GWB is certified to fly. heck. It takes a minimal level of smarts to be certified on any aircraft.
Well then. Someone dropped a worm on me. I also got the new version of the anti-virus that will lift adware and if you're a former aol subscriber with the wonderful aol trojan adware, it will take that off your system too. Way cooollllll.
by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/21/2004 9:42:38 PM
Is there some formula for generating your average morality?
Well, Captain, keep running a tight ship and be sure you take the suckers... oops... "visitors" for what you can before making anyone walk the plank
Shhhhh. They aren't supposed to know that's why they are here. They don't get to walk the plank till the end of the tour.
by Citizen KitWarrior - 2/21/2004 10:08:53 PM
#485!!! Super cool I am now! Way over to be number 485 is me! I am on top of world turning in galaxy! Congratulations to pirates who I am now posting to be here! Dance and boogie boogie on my groove you know now. Plentiful board!