Ready for business... and just in time for the big announcement...
Note, the "speech" planned for today will be simulcast in both this, the new com thread and the old Galactic Forum thread.
On another note, we will still want to keep our Galactic Forum thread active and in place, as I suspect most of our recruits will be generated from it...
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I'm about to go live with my speech explaining "Project Rejuvination", all Councilers with last minute opinions/concerns/suggestions should post to the Council Chamber forum ASAP!
Ten Minutes till I start writing it up.
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Dear Honored Overlords of the Jedi Republic,
With the advent of... DAG NABID!!!
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We interupt your regularly schedualed program to bring you this important message from Master Yoda
And now a message from the Head Council Member, Jedi Master Yoda
Ladys and Gentlemen of the Jedi Republic and interested others across the Metaverse, thank you for coming. Tonight, I am going to make public the details of a plan the Jedi Council has been working on for some time, code-named, Project Rejuvination.
(I will refer to this as PR)
First, to summarize the purpose of PR is simple, promote Jedi(Player) participation in the Empire. "Participation" would be calculated based on two distinct catagories:
1. Game Participation-- submission of scores regardless of skill level/points acquired.
2. Forum Activity-- Activity, activeness on the JR Forums.
The incintive to excel in either catagory focuses on a new "ranking" caste system, based on performance in one of the two catagories. This would include Promotions and Demotions, based on guidelines decided upon for each catagory (1 or 2 above).
These catagories would not be mutually excluding, for example; if one is contributing to the day to day workings of the Empire on the forum, or being a part of the community in general, he would not be excluded based on low Point Submissions. HOWEVER, nominal forum activity (once or twice a week) would not grant one a Promotion, but rather would allow the person to avoid recieving a Demotion.
Below are some more examples of how the system under PR would work:
Jedi A plays tons of games.
Jedi A NEVER posts anything on the JR Forums.
Jedi A thus has high frequency game submissions, but NO forum activity.
Jedi A is excluded from PROMOTION, however is not subject to DEMOTION.
This is due to the fact that Jedi A supports the Empire with point submissions, but with community development being an equal goal under PR, he is excluded from a Promotion because he is not a forum visitor. As Jedi A isn't a part of the Jedi Republic community, his status in the ranking ladder probably wouldn't matter to him anyway.
Jedi B is not a very good gamer.
Jedi B loves to chat and role play.
Jedi B lives on the JR forum.
Jedi B thus is a low frequency submitter, however has high traffic/participation levels on the JR forum.
Jedi B is subject to PROMOTION CONSIDERATION based on his uplifting of the JR community, however it is not guaranteed that he WILL be promoted. This is a special provision to allow the Council room to decide certain cases where the normal system would prevent a highly contributing member of the community a reward. Jedi B is excluded from DEMOTION unless his forum activity level drops and he becomes a virtual "Inactive".
Jedi C plays from time to time, submitting occasionally.
Jedi C stops by every couple days or three to post on the JR forum.
Jedi C thus is a moderate submitter and an occasional forum visitor.
Jedi C is eligable for PROMOTION if either catagory improves AND IF the other attribute remains around the same (submission/forum). He is also subjected to DEMOTION if either falls.
PR's caste system would likely either replace or be in addition to the current rank point requirements in the Jedi Republic.
Basically this caste system devides the JR into five groups. The remaining ranks would remain (Jedi Knight, Padawan, Healer, etc..) WITH THE ADDITION of one more important "Ultimate Rank"; induction into the Jedi Council.
A the warlord Jedi- eligable for Promotion ONLY under special cercumstances (outstanding point submission)
B the chatty cathy Jedi- eligable for Promotion ONLY under special cercumstances (outstanding community involment)
C the in the middle Jedi- eligable for Promotion if a catagory improves or meets a level to be decided (slighty more submissions for a while= more activity or more forum involment also =more activity)
Extreams of the system:
THE MASTER JEDI- BOTH High Submitter AND High forum activity (this is what most of you currently active Councilers are)
Result: Eventual Abduction into the council
THE INACTIVE JEDI- NO submissions NO forum activity.
Result: Eventual Demotion to the lowest rank.
This is the basic setup of the PR system. The exact details have not been decided upon, but a majority vote in the Council has been reached, and the system is a go once completed. Specifics of the system will be posted once finallized.
Thank you for your time, and happy gaming!
Master Yoda
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Well I finaly broke down and bought a account |
It is well wearth the money.
I played around a little with the AP BETA |
I have played 3 games and finish one (without problems) on the 2 others i have some kind of CTD problem, but nothing that can't be fixed by going one save back. I love playing with 8 races
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Did you guys slide down because of the recalc ?
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