Congrats Admirals! Um...but I thought a Jedi craves not these things? I wish you guys would get your philosophy sorted out!
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Congrats all!
I just tried a Tiny Maso and got destroyed.
I guess its back to Challenging for me.
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At Challenging I can just sit back and enjoy the game. |
That is what I find, too.
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Took a GalCiv break last night and decided to watch Attack of the Clones again.
I know that everybody has bad things to say about it, but I personally thought that movie kicked total @$$! Maybe I'm looking for different things in my movies, but besides a few storyline oddities (like the Death Star plans), the movie is very solid with plenty of action, romance and adventure.
Anyway, have a great day Jedi!
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On a side note... I was playing a Gigantic Tough game yesturday and was dominating and then it happened... I stole the "Final Frontier" Tech (Espionage works GREAT in the AP BETA) and thats how the game ended |
I am wrong or are you playing with alien tech victory off?
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M.B.M Kuunos you got mail
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