Love to destroy Yor bots.
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Hail Terl! Dropped in another game I see. Good work!! I'll get this one in tonite yet. It's a Gig/Tough.
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I feel your pain. I've been ttying out the Tough level, but seemed to get my butt kicked on tiny. I moved to a Gig/rare setup and I seem to be doing ok.
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#2528 by Citizen Terl - 3/2/2004 9:41:06 PM |
Still at work?
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Just dropped a Small/Suicidal in for the team! Really tired, to everyone tomorrow!
Hi Wombie and Jaws! Yes, I always forget that I can post a one-liner. I really need to remember that!
Nite all
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Goodnight Theo. Talk to you tomorrow.
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One was from late last night. Doesn't look like I got this one in before tomorrow either.
I am an idiot. I just now figured out that if I turn off the influence filter, I can see which sectors I have not explored yet. DOH!
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No use rushing this game now.
Hey LW, are you still having trouble submitting your games? I was wondering if you got that fixed yet.
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Hmmm. I-League just popped up. Time to crush them. Be right back.
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Dunno...I'll find out when I get this game in. They sure are strange problems. I almost end my game, save it, restart my machine, open IE and open galciv, finish the game, and then submit. This is the only way I can games in after I went to 1.20.
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Sounds like a big hassle for you LW. I don't think I'll be going to 1.20 any time soon.
Thanks for the warning.
I'm always discovering new things. |
But, I'm sure not things as obvious as that.
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Greetings, Greldon. Up a little late this evening?
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By the way, Lothmorg, I'm on your tail. |
Holy crap! And I thought *I* did not have a life.
I guess I'd better step it up then, huh?
Way to go, AB!
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New Diplomat Logo. They keep getting better and better.
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