My first round number, Torian Tornado's for all on the house, at the Guardian Grog Palace, where you can here tales from the great Guardian Scribe Terl of the Galactic Guardians exploits through out the galaxy.
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Woohoo! Torian Tornadoes!
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Have you heard anything from Cari yet about your submission problem?
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I work at my PC all day long...
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...And I work at the Galactic Guardians Top Secret Military, Strategic and Weapons Division, Testing new Technologies in my DeathKnight. Im also Known to be a top strategist, and Command my own fleet for Theodens Galactic Guardians against the Yor and any who stand in our way. I aslo frequent the Galactic Grog Palace and have a few Torian Tornadoes with the Lads after a hard days work. I work under the greatest emperor to rule in this quadrant of the universe, the mighty Theoden of Rohan.
[Message Edited]
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Morning everyone. Another busy day for me today. I'll stop in from time to time, but I have way too much to do.
Don't they know I have a job here? I have to encourage our troops and demoralize the competition.
(stupid RL... )
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Hey, guys! I stepped out for a moment to work on a Strategy page for the website...I went ahead and posted MC's Beginner Guide there.
I'd like to add a couple more, if possible! 
Terl: I've got the Stories page all ready...just need a finished product to put in there! I'm looking forward to it!
I work under the greatest emperor to rule in this quadrant of the universe, the mighty Theoden of Rohan. |
Awww...shucks! :BLUSH:
(stupid RL... )
Definitely throwing a wrench in my day's plans...
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by Veteran Terl - 3/4/2004 10:59:12 AM
Guardian engineers had been working furiously on the starbase Terl's forces had captured earlier. Many constructor ships had slowly made their way to the site and converted the old Yor starbase into a massive Death Star. The engineers notifed Theoden of the completion and arranged to have the Death Star meet Theoden's fleet on the way to Poseidon. Theoden shuttled to the Death Star which was now but one jump from Poseidon and took command. Greldon and Lothmorg joined him on the bridge and the three prepared to move the huge ship to Poseidon. They radioed Terl and had him pull his squadron back a safe distance to watch the end of the Yor.
The immense ship moved slowly toward Poseidon and finally entered orbit around the ill fated planet. Theoden laughed and said to Greldon and Lothmorg, "Watch this, I love this part." Theoden took a microphone in his hand but before he spoke into it he turned and said to the two, "I read this in an ancient book I found on Sol many years ago. It is so very good." He pressed the button for the mike and announced, "Attention citizens of Poseidon. Your planet has been scheduled for demolition. Before you think yourselves worthy let me dispel the thoughts. Your planet is not being destroyed for anything as glorious as a hyperspace bypass. You are being targeted because, well frankly, we just don't like you. You are the scum of our quadrant, nay, the scum of this galaxy. I justed wanted to make that clear first. Oh, before I forget: bye-bye y'all."
The three men took positions near the viewer to watch the destruction of their much hated foe. Once in position Theoden pressed the controls to activate the mighty weapons system. A wide, bright beam shot forth and struck the planet. In mere seconds there was a tremendous explosion as Poseidon was torn assunder. The shock waves of the explosion shook the huge death star only a bit and after a few minutes the view cleared and the men saw nothing. Poseidon and the Yor were finally gone.
An ensign walked into the bridge and handed Theoden a message. The message read: "The Yor Collective have finally succumbed to the relentless power of the Galactic Guardians. Their last star system Poseidon has been blown up so don't bother sending any troops for the provisional government thing as there is no place to set up. It is the end of the Yor as an independent power."
Theoden heard a beep from his console and turned to look. A button was flashing on the communications screen. The button read, "Submit?" Theoden pressed the button. The death star shook and the views distorted and phased to emptiness. All fell through a void, tumbling, twirling, until finally it stopped. When they regained their composure the men looked about the bridge. Theoden was confused as Terl was now with them. The bridge was different. Wait a minute this is a surveyor! "What the heck is going on," Theoden asked. The men looked out the viewport and saw far below them Sol.
They looked at one another and almost together shouted, "Woohoo! We get to go again! Now, let's find those damned Yor....."
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Good night guys time for sleeps, just finished another cakewalk game, I want to take out the Defiant class, Im ready to move up to something harder but I will wait till this clone war is finished....
For Honor and Justice.
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Woohoo! We get to go again! Now, let's find those damned Yor.... |
Great job, Terl!
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Their last star system Poseidon has been blown up so don't bother sending any troops for the provisional government thing as there is no place to set up. It is the end of the Yor as an independent power. |
God, I wish the game actually said this...
You are being targeted because, well frankly, we just don't like you. You are the scum of our quadrant, nay, the scum of this galaxy. I justed wanted to make that clear first. Oh, before I forget: bye-bye y'all.
They looked at one another and almost together shouted, "Woohoo! We get to go again! Now, let's find those damned Yor....." |
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Im ready to move up to something harder but I will wait till this clone war is finished.... |
By all means, move up. We don't want to keep you in a position you won't be happy in.
Besides, we have to give TriForces something.
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They looked at one another and almost together shouted, "Woohoo! We get to go again! Now, let's find those damned Yor....." |
That was one awesome story Terl, I just wanted to read it before I went to bed, I hope to write this good one day, what an inspiration.
ok..... good night for real from this neck of the woods...
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I want to take out the Defiant class, Im ready to move up to something harder but I will wait till this clone war is finished....
Play what you are having fun with, MC! The Clone Wars will take care of themselves, I'm sure!
Get some sleep...you deserve it!
~Note to self: Better watch out...Lothmorg's Evil influences seem to be rubbing off on Monte Carlo...~
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Your planet is not being destroyed for anything as glorious as a hyperspace bypass. |
I loved those books. I was saddened when he passed.
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