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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#2950  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/5/2004 6:31:06 PM


#2951  by Veteran Terl - 3/5/2004 6:47:56 PM

You know the Jedi are waiting to try and ambush 3000...I just know it. We better remain on our toes.

#2952  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/5/2004 7:02:59 PM

You have the fort, Terl. I have to go to my brother's. He is trying to put a brand new CPU in a 3 year old MB.

#2953  by Veteran Terl - 3/5/2004 7:18:47 PM

You have the fort, Terl. I have to go to my brother's. He is trying to put a brand new CPU in a 3 year old MB

Have fun! My son was trying to put a new processor in his computer and broke the motherboard. And to think he was just trying to go from 900mhz to 1.2 ghz.

#2954  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/5/2004 7:21:05 PM

Try replacing DDR ram. That was fun. I didn't think the computer was THAT out of date. Also, it has a Pentium 2 233 MHz. Kinda ancient.

#2955  by Citizen Greldon - 3/5/2004 8:13:51 PM


#2956  by Citizen Greldon - 3/5/2004 8:20:33 PM

RDG-04 will top 3 million with the midnight update!
WTG everybody! Keep it up!

For Honor and Justice!

#2957  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/5/2004 8:21:49 PM

Cool! Great job all!

#2958  by Citizen Nastavnik - 3/5/2004 9:13:29 PM

Hello Guardians!
It's hard to keep up with this thread! So many posts!

RDG-04 will top 3 million with the midnight update!

I've just submitted a crippling. Since it is 3am here, the score should be there at "yours" midnight, so a little closer to that mark !
Congrats everyone, time to go to bed for me. Good night

#2959  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/5/2004 11:58:08 PM

Goodnight Nastavnik. Good work on the crippling! And hello night shift Guardians. I haven't seen anyone around so I'll just assume the is some Yor smashing occuring.

#2960  by Citizen Greldon - 3/6/2004 12:02:43 AM


#2961  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/6/2004 12:08:16 AM

Greldon, I am humbled by your amazing gaming skills. And very glad to be part of the same empire as you.

#2962  by Citizen Greldon - 3/6/2004 12:10:22 AM

Thanks littlewotts.

It is a great empire, isn't it!

#2963  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/6/2004 12:16:04 AM

It is a great empire, isn't it!


#2964  by Citizen Greldon - 3/6/2004 12:17:23 AM

I'm going to start another game....catch you later.

#2965  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/6/2004 12:24:43 AM

I'm off to finsh (I hope) my game I started DAYS ago..

#2966  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/6/2004 1:51:24 AM

If off to bed. The little one will be up in a few hours.

Good night everyone.

#2967  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/6/2004 1:53:17 AM

Goodnite Lothmorg.

#2968  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/6/2004 3:46:59 AM

Hello everyone how are you all going? Congrats on Terls new rank and Greldons BOOM BOMBS
and ......... oh what the heck congrats to everyone lets have a party, Torian Tornadoes on the house at the Galactic Grog.

#2969  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/6/2004 3:48:12 AM

Hey MC! I'm just getting ready to call it a night. But I guess i can have a 'night cap' before I go.

#2970  by Citizen Greldon - 3/6/2004 4:00:09 AM

Just one more before I hit the sack!


Good night....see you in the morning.

#2971  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/6/2004 6:35:26 AM

Forgot to mention that this was Magnumaniac's first Crippling...he's working his way up the difficulty ladder!

Thanks guys! I'm going to stick at this level for a while as it's the closest contest in the Clone Wars.

I'm going to have to give up this sleeping business - too many posts to catch up on, and too many Yor still living (but not anywhere near Greldon if they've got any sense). 3 60K bombs in one night! Awesome!

Quick quetion for the veterans - how much does an Alliance victory drop your score compared to all-out military slaughter? My current game has me friendly with Altarian, Torian & Arcean, and I could clear up the others in a few turns for a win if I took the alliances.

#2972  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/6/2004 6:44:22 AM

oh what the heck congrats to everyone lets have a party

Right on MC - shame we're on opposite sides of the world, so I guess a virtual party will have to do

I see your scores are on the up! Defiant class has no chance

#2973  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/6/2004 8:45:52 AM

I see your scores are on the up! Defiant class has no chance

Thanks Magnumaniac, with your help in the Excelsior class it is getting a good boost and now where ahead in there as well.
Hey MC! I'm just getting ready to call it a night. But I guess i can have a 'night cap' before I go.

Its almost my bed time here now but, Im going to stay up late and try to submitt a game or 2.

#2974  by Citizen Greldon - 3/6/2004 10:29:19 AM

Quick quetion for the veterans - how much does an Alliance victory drop your score compared to all-out military slaughter?

Honestly, I don't know as I always play for military victory. But, take your wins any way you can and don't worry about the points. If you're having fun, you keep playing and the points take care of themselves.

Everyone is doing an outstanding job....WTG!!!

Uh oh.......There's been a Yor sighting in the Theta Iota system.....gotta go!

We must endeavor to persevere.

For Honor and Justice!!!

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