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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#3200  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:13:59 AM

This post belongs to the GROSS Empire, we came, we saw, we conquered, no one is allowed to touch this post, belong to us and only us. So get your hands off!!! Or you will walk the plank (and it has termites)!!!
[Message Edited]

#3201  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:14:32 AM

It is mine, all mine, no ones but mine mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!

#3202  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:28:01 AM

I see that all the Guardians are sleeping, so it is time to ransack this village and carry all the dobluns (Gold spanish coins that weight like one pound each) into our ships, don't take the womens, just the Altarian dancing girls and the Torian Slaves, no more fun or free labor for these guardians, and also release the Yors and let them have fun doing the ramsacking after we depart!!!!

#3203  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 8:28:09 AM

6 Canadian Star Federation 2667008
7 Realms Beyond 2648809
8 The Galactic Guardians 2579905

We are now 68904 points behind Realms Beyond and 7th place! Outstanding job, everyone!

Good morning! I see we have two Fleet Admirals in our empire, now! Way to go, Greldon and Lothmorg!

A 6.6K feather fall?!! Does it have a ton of bricks tied to it?

Compared to 60k it is quite the "feather fall" I had fun though, which is what counts to me

Yes, having fun is what's important! If you're having fun, you're going to continue to play the game. If you continue to play the game, you'll increase your score. And that's all that any of us should ask!

Well, my daughter's doing much better. Her fever's down and she's got her appetite back.

Don't know how busy work will be today but I hope to be around as much as possible!

#3204  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:29:00 AM

Is this the Theoden chair, carry it too to my ship and paint some mustach on the Terl's autoportrai, yes that looks better muahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

#3205  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:30:47 AM

Glad to hear that your daughter is doing better!!! Have you taken her to an allergist to find out if there is something in the house that she is allergic too and is creating this rebounds on her illnes?

#3206  by Veteran Terl - 3/9/2004 8:31:09 AM

Well, my daughter's doing much better. Her fever's down and she's got her appetite back.

Excellent, I am happy to hear that!

I posted another story in our private forums. Once done I will send you the file again for our website.

#3207  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 8:33:50 AM

Have you taken her to an allergist

Yup...she's not allergic to anything that they can tell. She's just picking up ear infections from daycare.

I posted another story in our private forums. Once done I will send you the file again for our website

I'm headed over there right now! Good morning, Terl!

#3208  by Veteran Terl - 3/9/2004 8:34:26 AM

Good morning, Terl!

Good morning to you too!

#3209  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 8:39:27 AM

Time to get a babysitter instead of the daycare (I know that they are expensives, but consider all that your daughter is going thru and what you are spending in doctors bill)

#3210  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 9:41:06 AM

Galactic Guardians News Update

The Galactic Guardians announce that our empire logo has been officially changed. To view our new logo, you may need to hit F5 to refresh the page.

#3211  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 9:49:06 AM

I love it, mor chivalery, old time Guardians, Crusaders, Old Templairs, nice, nice!!!

#3212  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 9:51:52 AM

Thanks, Renegade!

#3213  by Citizen Greldon - 3/9/2004 10:05:47 AM

Good morning, Guardians!

It looks like RDG-04 may have a chance of winning the Clone Wars! Great job to the most active Empire in the Metaverse!

Theoden: Glad to hear your daughter is doing better.

The Guardians have a new pawnbroker.....Congrats Lothmorg!

I'm very busy today, so I'll try to drop in , but no promises. (got a lot of catch-up reading to do too)

#3214  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 10:15:14 AM

Good morning, Greldon!

#3215  by Citizen CypherPax - 3/9/2004 10:16:16 AM

Congrats to the Guardians! When I check the boards, I expect to see you guys in first place...

Theoden - I think you should recruit wherever you feel like recruiting. Empires are what makes this game - don't let a vocal minority run the community for everyone...

Good luck,

                         Posted via Stardock Central
#3216  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/9/2004 10:23:50 AM

Good morning everyone! Thanks for the congrats.

Great story Terl! I can't wait to see what you have planned for me.

#3217  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 10:33:30 AM

Thanks're going to be missed around here, but like I said over in the SpecFor thread, I can understand. Games usually don't have a life of a year! Good luck in everything and don't forget to drop in every once in a while to see what crazy thing we've come up with!

Good morning, Loth! Yeah, the story is great! We've got some really good stuff going on over in the private forums!

For those Guardians who haven't signed up over there, the address is Link

#3218  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 3/9/2004 10:35:57 AM

the story is great! We've got some really good stuff going on over in the private forums

And theses stories are for guardians-eyes only ???

#3219  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 10:37:32 AM

for guardians-eyes only

Only until they are finished...then they get posted to our Fiction section of our website! We have one story over there already, and a couple more on the way soon! Link

#3220  by Veteran Terl - 3/9/2004 10:44:55 AM

I can't wait to see what you have planned for me.

I think you will like it

#3221  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 10:53:36 AM

I don't want to see what you have planned for me.


Join GROSS, we are the best, or something like that
[Message Edited]

#3222  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/9/2004 10:57:39 AM

Good morning, Guardians!

It's the middle of the afternoon here - another couple of hours and I'll be back home stomping Yor

But good morning to you all anyway. What an empire - churning up the Clone wars (ably assisted by the Diplomats and the Fellowship it must be said), and 2 literary geniuses cranking out the fiction. Awesome job Terl and Littlewotts.

Unfortunately my creative ability is limited to a hammer, so unlikely to contribute there. I know, "bloody engineers are all the same"

Glad your daughter's feeling better Theoden. I know there's nothing that makes you feel so helpless as when your kids are sick. Let her press the space bar when you next invade the Yor homeworld - should make her feel a whole lot better

#3223  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/9/2004 10:59:17 AM

Put a Terror Star near and let her do BOOM, one planet gone 3 to go!!!!


Join GROSS, we are the best, or something like that

#3224  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/9/2004 11:21:07 AM

Hey, Magnum!

Let her press the space bar when you next invade the Yor homeworld


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