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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#3975  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 1:40:43 AM

HAHA!! I can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks Lothmorg!

So yeah....BOOM!!!

#3976  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/14/2004 1:57:05 AM

So yeah....BOOM!!!

#3977  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 1:57:59 AM

Ok, I'm off to bed now.

#3978  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/14/2004 2:24:15 AM

Night LW

#3979  by Citizen damoose - 3/14/2004 6:14:26 AM

Hey... I see you guys took 5th place in the 'verse. Congrats!

#3980  by Citizen Greldon - 3/14/2004 1:13:27 PM

Hello, Guardians!

We’ve topped 3 million points…WTG!!!

There’s going to be some delay finishing the guide I promised some of you. Some RL things have come up and Jaxom (and Loth) won’t give me a brake. I’m still working on it and I’ll get it out as soon as I can. My apologies to everyone. When I do finish it, I think I’ll post it in our private forum in the Maso Strategies thread so all Guardians can have a good laugh (not very good at this).

Going to my daughter's home this afternoon, so I'll check in this evening.

Oh, I almost forgot....BOOM!!!

#3981  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/14/2004 1:38:42 PM

So yeah....BOOM!!!

WTG Littlewotts

We’ve topped 3 million points

Hey Theoden, I agree with your comments about AP - it does seem like you earn the points. Still though, the AI doesn't seem to regard Terror stars parked next to their systems as a threat (not what I'd call 'incredible' intelligence) Oh, and half a dozen fully pumped influence resources makes a big difference as I just found out

Large map, and.... BOOM!!!

#3982  by Citizen Arcilte - 3/14/2004 2:39:05 PM

I see you guys in the rearview. Catchin' up to the Republic I see.

#3983  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 3/14/2004 4:15:06 PM

Congrats on Three Million Points!!!!

#3984  by Citizen amulekbird - 3/14/2004 5:09:48 PM

I see you guys in the rearview.

Warning: Objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear.

#3985  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 5:10:29 PM

Hey Arcilte, we're coming for you... Gonna be a while though.

Thanks Wild Wombat!!

#3986  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/14/2004 6:02:02 PM

Nice job guys. I give it two weeks before you get 4 Mil.

#3987  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/14/2004 6:09:26 PM

The vultures wait for #4000. lurk lurk

#3988  by Diplomat Technician - 3/14/2004 6:10:12 PM


Good weekend to be a guardian.

#3989  by Citizen damoose - 3/14/2004 6:10:39 PM

I'm pretty sure I feel a thread pump appraoching from well from the Jedi and Diplomats that what. They just took 1000 over in the CSF thread... Well the Jedi did anyway...

Did I ever tell you guys how much I like Jedi Bits. LUNCH!

#3990  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 3/14/2004 6:10:42 PM

The vultures wait for #4000. lurk lurk

What? Did I just see you over in the Canadian's thread? Fancy meeting you over here!

#3991  by Diplomat Technician - 3/14/2004 6:10:57 PM

Vultures ?

#3992  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 6:11:15 PM

Hello everyone.

#3993  by Diplomat Technician - 3/14/2004 6:11:25 PM

#3994  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 6:11:31 PM

What are you doing in my thread?

#3995  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/14/2004 6:11:49 PM

Greetings Guardians, or good morning from where I am.

#3996  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 3/14/2004 6:11:51 PM

Well first shot....

#3997  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 3/14/2004 6:11:51 PM

Hello fishes.

#3998  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 6:11:56 PM

Could it be that you are after the post 4000?
[Message Edited]

#3999  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/14/2004 6:12:03 PM

not yet....
[Message Edited]

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