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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#4175  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 7:52:49 AM

You do realise this means that after the battle, your new planet was entirely populated by Yor soldiers?

Well I did use them later to take a Drengin world but the all died trying

#4176  by Veteran GASherbert - 3/16/2004 7:53:29 AM

You do realise this means that after the battle, your new planet was entirely populated by Yor soldiers?

No, somehow they transmutate into human soldiers.
[Message Edited]

#4177  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 3/16/2004 7:53:48 AM

I then invaded the planet with the transports they just traded to me

You do realise this means that after the battle, your new planet was entirely populated by Yor soldiers?

Looks like Yors aren't as stupid as some could think: they know that the Guardians want to exterminate them. So they took measures to be sure that their kind will last, even if it means to give soldiers to their foe.
Very clever

#4178  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:02:12 AM

Looks like Yors aren't as stupid as some could think: they know that the Guardians want to exterminate them. So they took measures to be sure that their kind will last, even if it means to give soldiers to their foe.Very clever

So they thought, but they all later died while attacking the Drengin. They make great cannon fodder.

#4179  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/16/2004 8:28:21 AM

4 The Jedi Republic Jedi_Master_Yoda 60 824 3277518
5 The Galactic Guardians Theoden of Rohan 18 596 3260368

Good Morning, Guardians! We are now only 17,150 points away from 4th place! Anybody want to crank out a couple of games and take it today?

Congratulations to Magnumaniac for breaking into the Top 100!!! Way to go!!! You've earned yourself a new shiny over on the website!

Great job, Mortis494!! Two excellent Huge/Maso games! You're just a game or two away from joining Magnum in the Top 100!!

Monte Carlo comes from out of nowhere and posts three straight Masos!! Outstanding!!! It looks like the Defiant class in the Clone Wars will be one Guardian less from now on!

undead bonzi is our Alliance king! Great job once again, UB! Everybody's contribution helps!

Has anybody checked out Athilla's score history? He's now done a little of everything! Military, Cultural, Tech, Alliance victories and he even Retired! Athilla is experiencing everything the game offers!

Once again, outstanding job by Lothmorg and Greldon! Greldon stands at #3 and Loth is now at #6!! Soon, we'll have two Guardians slugging it out for #1!!!

I got home late, but managed to get a good way through a game. The stupid Yor have managed to elude me simply by being on the opposite side of the galaxy. In the meantime, I've got a more serious issue to deal with. I've set aside a special place in Hell for the Drath, right beside the Yor's imminent destination. The stupid Drath had the audacity to declare war on me about 2 years into the game. After a hefty tribute, I got out of it, but I am relishing in the thought of their flesh burning and hearing their horrible screams of pain as I lay waste to their civilization.

Ahem...sooooooooo....hope everybody has a great day!

#4180  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:31:28 AM

he even Retired!

I've seen that in scores...what exactly is it?

#4181  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:33:08 AM

The stupid Drath had the audacity to declare war on me about 2 years into the game. After a hefty tribute, I got out of it, but I am relishing in the thought of their flesh burning and hearing their horrible screams of pain as I lay waste to their civilization.

Oooo, someone else to add to our "list" behind the Yor? In my game the Drath are my "hitmen". I have sent them after the Arceans twice and the Drengin once.

[Message Edited]

#4182  by Citizen amulekbird - 3/16/2004 8:34:19 AM

I just saw that you are 2k from the Jedi!! Great job, guys!!

#4183  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:37:51 AM


4 The Jedi Republic 60 824 3277518
5 The Galactic Guardians 18 599 3275392

#4184  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/16/2004 8:37:56 AM

I just saw that you are 2k from the Jedi!! Great job, guys!!

Thanks Amulek! Who can we credit for getting us within smelling distance of the Jedi?

I've seen that in scores...what exactly is it?

On the Save/Load screen, there is an option to Retire. It basically just ends the game where you are. It gives a really serious score penalty, but if you're losing and want some points, it's a viable option.

Oooo, someone else to add to our "list" behind the Yor?

They haven't been that bad until this game...I won't say we'll permanently add them to the "list", but they certainly are due some payback in this game!

#4185  by Citizen amulekbird - 3/16/2004 8:40:20 AM

In my last game, I never even saw the Drath!! The weaklings got beat by the Torians before I ever got to them.

#4186  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:41:41 AM

they certainly are due some payback in this game!

Good! Remind them of where they truly stand in the grand scheme of things

#4187  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/16/2004 8:44:29 AM

I never even saw the Drath!!

Trust me...they'll wish they never met me...

:sinister, evil and quite bad looking smiley:

#4188  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:49:12 AM

Trust me...they'll wish they never met me...

I will say I enjoyed my first experiences with Altarian Prophecy last night. Luckily the wife understood my needs to play with my newly acquired software so I got in lots of time. My strategies changed very quickly when I relized I can't be the master tech for cash guy.

My economy is rolling fairly well so far but best of all, the Yor are gone My only major competition seems to be from the Arceans but I have a plan

#4189  by Citizen Kazzryl - 3/16/2004 8:54:22 AM

We are now only 17,150 points away from 4th place!

Wow, congratulations, you all!

When was the last time the top 4 has changed?

#4190  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/16/2004 8:55:16 AM

Remember, the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awray. Other than that, destory away! Have fun Terl!

#4191  by Veteran Terl - 3/16/2004 8:58:16 AM

Remember, the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awray.

I prefer "We need a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel"

#4192  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:00:19 AM


Greldon is back in action and the 1 million point is almost here

1-Jaws the Wayfarer 127 1162145
2-Free Tibet 146 1010752
3-Greldon 114 999279
4-JaxomCA 85 983904

#4193  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:00:50 AM

Go Greldon, you should by today be in 2nd place overall!!!!!

#4194  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:01:24 AM

Go and exterminate some more Yors and show them who is the boss!!!!!

#4195  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:03:26 AM

Go Greldon, Go Greldon, Go Greldon, Go Greldon, Go Greldon,

(Screams of beautiful Altarian Cheerleaders here)

(Sounds of trumpets and cymbals here)

Tons of carcases of Yor piling up the streets and on top of them!!!!!

Greldon wit a sinister smile, he slowly puts his colt 45 back in the holster and smiling he yells

"There is anew sheriff in town!!!!!

#4196  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/16/2004 9:04:13 AM

We need a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel

Terl - did you major in TV sitcoms or something similar

You seem to know the ins, outs, and classic quotes from everyone that ever existed

#4197  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:04:55 AM

Sheriff Greldon is coming to take control of this town (Metaverseburg). Great job Greldon, 255 boxes of prime class Altarian whiskey are on enroute to your ranch!!!!

#4198  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:05:45 AM

The news is spreading as a wildfire, the Yors are running to their holes to escape the inminent destiny!!!!

#4199  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/16/2004 9:05:55 AM


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