Another top of the page steal by the pirates.
P.S. On the scoring system.
2 points. 1. It is always better to submit faster than slower assuming you don't quit. IE a faster submitter over 6 months will always outscore a slower submitter over the same 6 months assuming they always submit at the cap figure.
Now a fast submitter who submits 50 in one month, then quits, will end up after 6 months, behind someone who submitted regularly and hit their 50th game in 6 months. That's as it should be. You reward longevity and sticktoitiveness over a flash in the pan.
2. It is always better to submit regularly (at whatever rate you're submitting) then to save up a bunch for bam bam submissions.
3. It is better to play less frequently and hang around, then burnout and quit.
My biggest complaint is the cap. It's too small. Back before this massive score inflation and artificial cap to combat it you had your crankers, you had your bombers, you had your in betweens. Now THAT was very competitive and fun.
Though it is very hard to see through Sirian's arrogance, I think his scoring/ai/gameplay points were quite valid. And I think that's partially the reason for the retirements. Once you get on top, you realize how much you actually hated doing the same exact thing 100 times and did it merely to get to the top. and there's nothing left in the game.
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Ok so I lied. 3 points, not two. But hey, I'm a Pirate.
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Ok so I lied. 3 points, not two. But hey, I'm a Pirate. |
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I just got done with my second challenging game and it seems to me that how long the game is drawn out almost has more to do with the number of points than the difficulty level. The longer the game the more ships destroyed, techs discovered, ect. I know (higher difficultie = longer game) but at the same time....
On that note I really enjoy the higher difficulty levels. It just involves more stratagy to play and I like that. I also enjoyed building a terror star in the heart of the Yor empire and taking out all three of their major systems in less than 8 turns .
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I do love the sound of an exploding star...
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Although, I don't appreciate having to stop every mile so she could barf. Atlest it wasn't IN my car. |
Hey littlewotts, I feel your pain. I'm a freshman in College and I know all about having to deal with drunks.
Undeadbonzi's Guide to Dealing With Drunks:
Step 1.
Put drunk to bed, when drunk gets up in two minutes put drunk to bed again telling them that no, its not a good idea to go hide from campus security by going out into the halls, talking to people, and acting not drunk.
Step 2.
Repeat Step 1 untill drunk passes out.
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I just got done with my second challenging game and it seems to me that how long the game is drawn out almost has more to do with the number of points than the difficulty level. The longer the game the more ships destroyed, techs discovered, ect. I know (higher difficultie = longer game) but at the same time.... |
I did this. End game 2189 dec 26k points. go back reload, end it one turn later in 2190 jan no extra tech's or anything. Poof 53k. I could crank em in about 20 minutes a piece if I didn't have THAT to deal with.
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Undeadbonzi's Guide to Dealing With Drunks: |
I give them a glass of water, some crackers, and 2 excedrin migraine. That seems to get them feeling a bit better in the morning.
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Yah, but our main concer usually isn't how they feel the next morning but rather that they don't get busted and get a MIP.
Personally, after dealing with a drunk person for more than an hour I couldn't care less if their head felt like it was coming off in the morning. Of course most of the people I deal with are really annoying drunks (i.e. weapy, emotional, depressed drunks and drunks that never stop talking.)
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I just wish they wouldn't drink til they puke. Oh well, I guess they'll learn.
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BWAHAHAHA!!! you guys obviously haven't tried the put the drawers of the opposite sex in the bed with the drunk trick and watch the sparks fly when they wake up in the morning yet have you??
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Nah, we're more the, lets get one of the girls to put lipstick and eyeshaddow on him and then take incriminating pictures type
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you guys obviously haven't tried the put the drawers of the opposite sex in the bed with the drunk trick and watch the sparks fly when they wake up in the morning yet have you?? |
Something similar, but that isn't for the boards here. Snapped a picture or two as well.
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One of the funniest things I've ever done to a drunk is quite a bit more simple than that. The offending drunk was asking everyone to hold up one finger to see if he had double vision, sure enough he did. When he asked me to hold up one finger I held up two. The drunk proceded to flip out and loudly proclaim that he had quadruple vision. It took him about 5 mins. of hard thinking to figure out why everyone else was laughing at hime.
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Ok, I just got a warning that I should abondon one of my colonies. Isn't this some event I can make a load of cash off of?
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Warning to abandon one of your colonies? Whats that about and why? I've never gotten one of those.
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I think it's the Draginol event. One of your planets spilts off and I think you can blast them, make a load of cah then take it over. I don't know for sure.
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Oh, Draginol. Kill it now. DO NOT let it get more powerfull. If I remember the last time I delt with them they had nearly unlimited production and research power. Don't worry about the cash, just kill the bastards and take the planet.
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When that happend to me the Draingol took my best system, increased its' quality to an insanely high number, and proceded to pump out an overlord every two turns when the rest of us had just gotten battleship tech.
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This is pretty late game, and I have surrounded the planet in AMMs. It is right next to 3 planets with a high pop, so I'll give them a sound thrashing.
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Yah, when it happened to me I was in a small game and at war with multiple civs. The event took a game that I was going to win and compleatly destroyed me. The Draingol wiped out everything I had and just let my enemies waltz in with transports. I guest that still gets me mad even today.
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As to how you can make money off the Draingol I suppose it would be to whup them untill they ask for peace, then demand all their money and tech (the Draingol have HUGE amounts of both if I remember right), then, when you have the money and tech. finish the job. Thats all I can think of.
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I had the Draginol event once - they start at war with everyone. Turn 1 I made peace with them and gave them a couple of techs for like 140,000bc per month for 50 months
There was a constant stream of other AIs attacking this world until eventually one of the AIs won - then the planet flipped right back to me. Net result - all other AIs weakened, 6+ million bcs in the bank. Game over
It's far too strong an event in reality, but I suppose it makes up for all those times the AIs get telenath and precursor events
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Hey LW - you not been to bed yet???
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I had it once before. I toasted there one ship and them asked for tons of cash for a few months. Then I invaded. I'll get them for you UB. They will suffer.
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