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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#4500  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/18/2004 5:15:36 AM

Hey LW - you not been to bed yet???


And I'll take post #4500
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#4501  by Citizen undead bonzi - 3/18/2004 5:15:43 AM

Hey Magnumaniac, good to see you this fine and early morning.

#4502  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 5:18:50 AM

Morning folks. I'm afraid last night's Guinness is clouding my judgement about this being a fine morning

#4503  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 5:22:26 AM

Aahh, A bit of "just one more turn" syndrome eh, LW?

#4504  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/18/2004 5:25:39 AM

"just one more turn" syndrome

Yeah... Now that I'm almost done, i'll just finish it off.

#4505  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 5:37:39 AM

, i'll just finish it off.

Should get you in to the top 100 with a bit of luck

UB, where are you based? Are you another up-all-nighter

#4506  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/18/2004 5:40:55 AM

Draginol have been crushed. I got about 600k bc out of them too.

#4507  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/18/2004 6:39:44 AM

And BOOM!! That knocked me into the top 100!!

Ok, bedtime!!

#4508  by Citizen damoose - 3/18/2004 6:42:47 AM

Nite, nite... You can sleep now and rest for several days while the rest of us catch up. And if you could take the others with you that would be a fine thing.

#4509  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/18/2004 6:45:08 AM

I think you'll have a better chance splicing DNA with duct tape than getting Greldon or Lothmorg to chill...

#4510  by Citizen amulekbird - 3/18/2004 6:47:25 AM

Vivid and accurate imagery, lw.

#4511  by Citizen undead bonzi - 3/18/2004 6:47:57 AM

UB, where are you based? Are you another up-all-nighter

Well, I'm in the midwest so I'm an hour behind stardocs server time thats on the posts, but I'm also an up all nighter. When school and job alow of course..........and sometimes even when they don't.

Well, thats 2 challenging and 1 painfull. Maybe I'll get my shield to change soon. I need to start dragging these babies out so I get some sort of decent score off them too. I finish the painfull just as fast as I finish the normal.

#4512  by Veteran Terl - 3/18/2004 7:03:38 AM

Well, thats 2 challenging and 1 painfull. Maybe I'll get my shield to change soon. I need to start dragging these babies out so I get some sort of decent score off them too. I finish the painfull just as fast as I finish the normal.

I checked statbot. Your average difficulty is showing as 5. I know mine flipped from normal when I got over 5.25. It should flip for you soon I know how you feel.

#4513  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 7:20:03 AM

I need to start dragging these babies out so I get some sort of decent score off them too

UB, whatever you do, don't end a game before January 2190 - you only get half the score if you do.

Also, upgrading to AP makes a big difference to the scoring, but the biggest leap is by moving up the difficulty levels. Your scores look about right for 1.2 considering the diff level and map size - I know it's disheartening when you move up a level and the scores don't seem to change much - but keep plugging away and you'll be dropping in 60k bombs before you know it.

#4514  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 7:21:46 AM

That knocked me into the top 100!!


More work for the emperor

Hey - you've jumped above me Must get a game or 2 submitted tonight

Morning Terl! How's it going?

#4515  by Veteran Terl - 3/18/2004 7:41:23 AM

Also, upgrading to AP makes a big difference to the scoring

This is very true. I played a small/challenging last night. 1.2 would have gotten 6-7k but 1.49 netted over 14k.

don't end a game before January 2190

Yup, I learned this one the hard way too. I drag them out now if I have to.


Truly, littlewotts, way to go!

Morning Terl! How's it going?

Morning! Not too bad....too much work still, but I do have ideas for more stories... And more ideas for the Yor in parodies of other things....

#4516  by Citizen undead bonzi - 3/18/2004 8:11:39 AM

Wooohoooo. Got the next shield. I barely squeeked by on that one. Lotta long shots and fast diplomacy were all that kept my but out of the Death Furnaces. But once again, the terror star turns my worst enemies into pretty fireworks just when they think they've got me beat.

#4517  by Veteran Terl - 3/18/2004 8:14:06 AM

But once again, the terror star turns my worst enemies into pretty fireworks just when they think they've got me beat.

Always They have saved me before too. Gotta love 'em, especially when the Yor are at the receiving end

And congrats on your new shield

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#4518  by Citizen undead bonzi - 3/18/2004 8:22:46 AM

Always They have saved me before too. Gotta love 'em, especially when the Yor are at the receiving end

Unfortunately the Yor, fearing my mighty fleets of non-exhistant ships, surrendered to the Arceans because they hated me so much. The Arceans, fearing my very real fleets of ships that they had given me, surrendered to the Drengie (sp). And the Drengie, having no one left to surrender too, were determined to fight to the last by placing 4 dreadnoughts in their last two systems orbits. Terror Stars don't care about attack and defense ratings soooooo.......KABOOM. In a round about way you could say I used the Terror Star on the Yor.
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#4519  by Veteran Terl - 3/18/2004 8:35:04 AM

Unfortunately the Yor, fearing my mighty fleets

a very bad Henry V commanding the Yor

"Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our Yor dead! When the blast of war blows in our hearing units, then imitate the action of a coward and shriek, cover your heads, whine like the very children you are, and die a pitiful lonesome death."

"A Yor that shall live today shall but die tomorrow. The Guardians will yearly on this vigil feast our demise and say, 'Tomorrow is Saint Crispin'. Then the Guardians will strip their sleeves and show their scars and say 'These wounds I received making an ashtray from the helm of a Yor."

#4520  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/18/2004 8:41:34 AM

'These wounds I received making an ashtray from the helm of a Yor."

#4521  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/18/2004 9:41:47 AM

Good morning, Guardians!!

Looks like everybody had a fun night last night...Magnum is living with the Guiness consequences!

Congrats to littlewotts for breaking into the Top 100!! I get to award a new medal!!

bfwebster submitted a game last night! Great job! Please drop in and say hi to all of us...

UB, congrats on winning at Crippling and getting a new shield!

Terl: ya gotta love those AP scores! Great job!

Greldon and Lothmorg...we're all just in awe of you guys. The 60k bombs are just raining down!

We're about 210,000 points away from our friends in the Fellowship so it should be a few days before we overtake them. We should go have a drink at the Pony for old times sake...

#4522  by Citizen Greldon - 3/18/2004 9:46:09 AM

Good morning, Guardians!

What a busy night here at Raven's Claw!

"A Yor that shall live today shall but die tomorrow.

The lucky ones died last night!

Good one, Terl!

#4523  by Veteran Terl - 3/18/2004 9:46:53 AM

Terl: ya gotta love those AP scores! Great job!

I do...but how can you keep economy and morale going well. Near the end I had a lot of very unhappy citizens. I have to work on this. I think if the game went any longer I would have been hurting...

#4524  by Citizen Greldon - 3/18/2004 9:52:05 AM

We're about 210,000 points away from our friends in the Fellowship so it should be a few days before we overtake them. We should go have a drink at the Pony for old times sake...

We'll no doubt pass them in due time, but the ties that bind will always "Party on Dude"!

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