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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#4900  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 12:27:50 PM

#4900...Taken by the Guardians, for the Guardians! WooHoo!

For Honor and Justice!

[Message Edited]

#4901  by Veteran Terl - 3/22/2004 1:08:59 PM

We better watch closely for the fight for # 5000

#4902  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 1:28:56 PM

Okay, back from lunch!

Great job securing 4900 Greldon!

Hey Terl! Where ya been today?

#4903  by Veteran Terl - 3/22/2004 1:43:10 PM

Hey Terl! Where ya been today?

They are making me work today I have a database I have been working on which has been keeping me busy. I still wander in when I can though

#4904  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 2:05:37 PM

Terran News Network Daily Report.

Disturbing news just in... the entire state of Texas had to be evacuated today as news that the man-made cranium ashtray mountain had reached a dangerously unstable critical mass. When asked what his company intended to do about this unsightly pile of unwanted commodities, the CEO of Cranium Works Inc. said that he was confident that demand would return to former levels once the population of Earth increased by a few hundred billion, and blamed the over-exuberant manufacturing on a surge of activity within the metaverse by an organisation known as the Galactic Guardians.

Unfortunately, no members of the Galactic Guardians were available for comment today, as they're all off turning Yor worlds into space dust apparently.

In related news, the charitable organisation SPICY was closed down today by their bankers. It was reported that SPICY (Society for the Prevention of Improper Cruelty to Yors) had received donations in their 12-month existence of precisely 0 bcs. Their credibility had been further undermined when their founder, a Mr. AX-24, was spotted using a Cranium Works Inc. ashtray. When asked, he claimed it had been given to him as a present by a nice chap called Greldon, but the interview had to be terminated before further information could be gathered as the ashtray went BOOM!!!

#4905  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 3:12:18 PM

When asked, he claimed it had been given to him as a present by a nice chap called Greldon, but the interview had to be terminated before further information could be gathered as the ashtray went BOOM!!!

I love this empire!
[Message Edited]

#4906  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 3:14:36 PM

I love this empire!

This is what I like to hear!!

#4907  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 3:22:13 PM

I almost fell out of my chair, I was laughing so hard from reading Magnums posts.

#4908  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 3:24:00 PM

...oh, and I loved my appearance on Jerry Springer!

#4909  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 3:34:34 PM

Magnum is filling in for the over-worked Guardian Scribe, Terl. The Guardians are truly blessed to have so many mean...talented writers in our empire!

#4910  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 3:38:44 PM

Yes, indeed!! We do seem to have more than our share of talented people.

#4911  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 3:52:12 PM

Magnum is filling in for the over-worked Guardian Scribe, Terl.

Not in the same league I'm afraid, but it is down to Terl that I even bother to try

I decided to have a break from the alliance victories and have just had a nice, satisfying, long, slow..... BOOM!!!

That one took me to 52nd Only combat ship I owned for the whole game was the Hero. I successfully culture flipped everything in the galaxy apart from the 2-sector, 5 system Yor stronghold which is now re-convening in a few trillion various different parts of the galaxy

I have to say I really like the way the culture bombs work now, so I'm probably in a minority, but it is much more realistic, and I still only needed one culture SB per race to get them to flip in a couple of turns.

#4912  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 3:55:52 PM

I love this empire!

Undoubtedly the best

Theoden, did you have any idea how good this was going to be when you decided to take your own road?

#4913  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:02:19 PM

I decided to have a break from the alliance victories and have just had a nice, satisfying, long, slow..... BOOM!!!

Nice job, Magnum!

I didn't realize that it's possible to get maximum points on a large map, with AP. I wonder what the smallest map that yields maximum points is, with AP.

#4914  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 4:10:57 PM

I wonder what the smallest map that yields maximum points is, with AP.

Well the boss is getting around 43-44K on a small map, so I figure a medium would get you about 10k more than that. I might have to try it to see

#4915  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:17:31 PM

Well the boss is getting around 43-44K on a small map, so I figure a medium would get you about 10k more than that. I might have to try it to see

That's interesting. Of course a smaller map means a faster conclusion of the festivities.

#4916  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 4:17:45 PM

I have to say I really like the way the culture bombs work now

I've actually grown to like it as well...though I still hate paying for individual modules. I still think they should go the Terror Star route and make you pay a flat fee for a Culture Palace and then a Party Palace. It would still dissuade people from using them but it wouldn't make you take the extra step of clicking OK every time.

Theoden, did you have any idea how good this was going to be when you decided to take your own road?

I really could never have planned on having such great people join the empire! I've been very fortunate to have so many people who were really interested in having fun join the Guardians. We have about 20 active members (out of our 22) and I think the activity gives us the opportunity to have fun.

Wouldn't the Metaverse be an interesting place if all the older empires regrouped and formed empires consisting only of active members? Part of the problem is the older empires have 2 or 3 members playing the game and lots of names. It took me a long time to break away from the Fellowship, but in hindsight, it's really the best decision I could've made.

I hope these comments don't offend anyone, but the Metaverse needs a little revitalization. Until everyone realizes that most empires only contain between 2-10 active members and decides to do something about it, the Guardians will continue to reign around here. It would really be interesting to see 10 or so active members of other empires join together...just like us, they would be a very successful empire.

#4917  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:27:15 PM

It would really be interesting to see 10 or so active members of other empires join together...just like us, they would be a very successful empire.

Well said, Sire!

We truly are fortunate to have so many active members. When you step back and look at the Guardians rise in the Metaverse, and you then realize that it's only been a few weeks since you started the Guardians, well it's simply astounding!

#4918  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/22/2004 4:28:17 PM

Hello fellow guardians. I have got a couple of beginner questions for you again. For the second game in a row I am down to 2 races left that are allied with each other.

I thought If I allied with one myself I could attack the other without a response from my new ally. Bad misstake. Never start a war you cannot finish.

I then tried to get the stronger to attack the weeker but that was not even a option on the screen so I assume you cannot bribe someone into attaching an ally.

If you Alfa strike one will the ally still fight even if its ally is no more? Any other suggestion that will allow me to take out the weeker without incurring the rath of the stronger. Is culture boombing my only option?

My fleet and transports were all ready for an alpha strike against the weaker, it would have been a glorious victory.

#4919  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 4:29:29 PM

I think the activity gives us the opportunity to have fun.

That's what it's got to all be about.

If I wasn't enjoying it, I'd give up playing the game, as I'm sure most people would. Hopefully, with AP getting a retail release some old players may get back into it - and there will also be new players like me looking for information and joining the community

Let's just hope that we're not so far ahead that the only empire anyone wants to join is the Guardians

#4920  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 4:30:15 PM

ED: If you Alpha Strike one, then immediately get a Peace Treaty (yes...ask for peace from a dead empire!) you can get out of the pickle.

#4921  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 4:32:03 PM

If you Alfa strike one will the ally still fight even if its ally is no more?

I've managed to do this in the past and maintain good relations - but haven't tried it in AP yet. You've got to take them out in the same turn as you declare war though.

#4922  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 4:33:10 PM

Let's just hope that we're not so far ahead that the only empire anyone wants to join is the Guardians

There's always somebody who wants to take the leader down...

We truly are fortunate to have so many active members. When you step back and look at the Guardians rise in the Metaverse, and you then realize that it's only been a few weeks since you started the Guardians, well it's simply astounding!

To borrow a phrase...Indeed!

#4923  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:40:25 PM

exalteddruid: The AI won't attack an ally. If you're allied with both of them, maintain the alliance while setting up a terror star alpha-strike. Send 5 constructors to each AI system. When they're all in place, build your TSs in one turn and blow them up the next turn. Take them all out on the same turn. No muss, no fuss, next victim please!

#4924  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/22/2004 4:46:02 PM

I did not realize the dynamics of the Metaverse when I decided to join the Guardians. What I noticed was the Guardians were very helpful in the open forums and always took the time to answer my newbie questions. Theoden was especially helpful and active. I also looked at the membership list and saw it was not very long so I figured you would be more then just a number with this group. Obviously I made the correct decision, our ranking in the Metaverse was secondary, because I did not even understand the rankings.

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