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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#4925  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/22/2004 4:50:20 PM

Will terror stars get through any planetary defense?

#4926  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 4:52:42 PM

I figured you would be more then just a number with this group. Obviously I made the correct decision

I'm glad you chose the Guardians!

Well,'s finally time for me to head home! If I'm lucky, several billion Yor will cry out in terror and then be suddenly silenced. (great line by Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope)

Everybody have a great night and I'll see everyone tomorrow!

For Honor and Justice!

Guardians website: Link

#4927  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:53:39 PM

Will terror stars get through any planetary defense?

Absolutely! Any ships in orbit will be destroyed at the same time. The TS can only be destroyed by a ship that's not in orbit.

#4928  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 4:54:33 PM

Will terror stars get through any planetary defense?

Planetary defenses, ships in orbit, etc don't do anything to stop a Terror Star...once one of these babies fires it's weapon, it's bye-bye system!

Okay, now I'm really leaving!

#4929  by Citizen Greldon - 3/22/2004 4:58:31 PM

Have a good evening, Theoden!

#4930  by Veteran Terl - 3/22/2004 7:44:15 PM

Will terror stars get through any planetary defense?

My absolute favorite weapon. Cuts through everything If you take out every system in one turn of a particular race, no one seems to notice they are missing either, even their allies...

#4931  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/22/2004 7:46:49 PM

Hello Everybody.

Hold on ... my daughter wants to say something.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .cvx c m jgu

Ok. She's done. She just really wanted some pringles.

#4932  by Citizen damoose - 3/22/2004 7:50:37 PM

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .cvx c m jgu

Cool! Startin her early. WTG Loth!

#4933  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/22/2004 7:51:43 PM

Cool! Startin her early.

Oh yeah, I'll have her playing Diablo before she can string together 5 words.

#4934  by Citizen damoose - 3/22/2004 8:00:02 PM

#4935  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 8:08:19 PM

I did not realize the dynamics of the Metaverse when I decided to join the Guardians. What I noticed was the Guardians were very helpful in the open forums and always took the time to answer my newbie questions. Theoden was especially helpful and active. I also looked at the membership list and saw it was not very long so I figured you would be more then just a number with this group. Obviously I made the correct decision, our ranking in the Metaverse was secondary, because I did not even understand the rankings.

I looked at the empires for a week or so before asking to join. I wanted a small (at least smaller that 50+) active group that looked like they would help out a newer player like myself. Beyond that, after reading this message list, the Guardians looked like they were having a lot of fun. From the first evening I joined, I knew I made the right choice! Three cheers for the Galactic Guardians

Oh, and by the way - *plink*

#4936  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 8:19:34 PM


Did anyone else notice those pirate sails just got somewhat closer in the rear view mirror? Did they eat their Wheaties today or what?

#4937  by Citizen damoose - 3/22/2004 8:23:17 PM

Never never jump. He's a pirate now.

#4938  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 8:28:59 PM

It seems the pirates are now sending out press gangs.

#4939  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 8:31:24 PM

Oh, and by the way - *plink*

Nice 'crippling' win there GH

OK, just for Greldon - and anyone else who may be interested (Terl, I think you might find this info useful)....

Alterian Prophecy, Medium map / uncommon / maso / military win 54880 mv points, so it needs to be a large to max out the points I believe.
I was up to Avatar tech with a pop of ~600 billion. Built every trade good and wonder except for diplos, aphrodisiacs and Galactic Exhibition. Didn't own a single combat ship (except Hero) at any time, and only used 1 TS to finish off the Yor Oh, all AI alignments were standard and I played neutral all the way. Don't think there's any way I could milk another 5k from that game.

#4940  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 8:56:25 PM

Nice 'crippling' win there GH

Thanks! AP took a little adjusting from 1.10, but it starts to grow on you. Just need to figure out how you guys manage to play masso without being able to sell tech.

#4941  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/22/2004 9:08:10 PM

Just need to figure out how you guys manage to play masso without being able to sell tech.

Big diplo pick at the start, trade tech for freighters early on - those early trade routes build up to some nice numbers Build the GSE

Manage the spending and tax rates carefully at the beginning, so that Earth is at 100 morale, and you're not wasting research points (ie. if it costs 50 to research, don't set the slider to give you more than 50 per month).

#4942  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 9:20:10 PM

Thanks for the advice. I'm doing almost all of that now, although this was the first game where I was micromanaging my tech slider (somewhat - I'll have to remember to check every turn). Sounds like I'm on the right track anyway. Pesky Altarians beat me this game to both GSE and Diplomatic Translators

#4943  by Citizen bonscott - 3/22/2004 10:02:43 PM

Thanks for the kind words guys. Opps on my latest submission that I retired from. I had a decent start but got my but really handed to me early for some reason so I decided to retire. It was 149 pts so I decided what the heck and add it to the pile. Little did I know it would lower my total by nearly 1000!

Oh well, on to start another...

#4944  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/22/2004 10:13:16 PM

Dull Thud

Woohoo!! I finally got Fleet Admiral!!

bonscott, no worries about the retire game...scores aren't that important. Have fun!

G.R.O.S.S. back to sixth, huh? Guess we'll need to start watching those pirate ships again! But in the meantime, we're inching ever closer to first place!

Everybody have a great night! I'll talk to everyone in the morning!

#4945  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 10:33:57 PM

Just a thought... Anyone still keeping tabs on the whole clone war thing? Those were a couple of large point moves, and if I understand the rules, the points for the defectors (ur, um, recruits) now count for the new team too. I know that RDG was way out in front. Just curious if this makes it a foot race.

#4946  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/22/2004 10:36:10 PM

Woohoo!! I finally got Fleet Admiral!!


#4947  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/22/2004 10:47:52 PM

I finally got Fleet Admiral!

Great work Theoden!

#4948  by Citizen amulekbird - 3/22/2004 11:30:16 PM

Anyone still keeping tabs on the whole clone war thing?

I just checked. We're only ahead by about 14,000,000 right now. It's getting pretty close!

#4949  by Veteran Captain Jack Sparrow - 3/23/2004 12:06:03 AM

Did anyone else notice those pirate sails just got somewhat closer in the rear view mirror? Did they eat their Wheaties today or what?

Pay no attention to those ships on your sensors. That's just a um survey team on a routine mapping mission.

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