Would the Guardian Knights please take a peek in Honor Hall?
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Hey again. Nice medals, Theoden. Look kinda familiar...
I know this is going back on the thread, but you had mentioned the limitations on the Diplomats' rules. I rather like them, because they give a guideline. I have never done a "terror star alpha strike" just because I like to play other ways. I find the rules give definition. I also know that many people do not want the rules, so you guys are a sort of an opposite of us, you preach alpha strikes. We get everybody that way.
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Lothmorg: His evil has enslaved trillions of Yor |
| Well, trillions may be a little low.. 
Thank you, Emperor Theoden!
That's 3 new shinys in 2 days for me
I'm beginning to see how the crankers can do it now |
| Congratulations, MM. My first game took me about 4 days, so don't feel bad. You get quicker with experience too.
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you had mentioned the limitations on the Diplomats' rules. I rather like them, because they give a guideline. I have never done a "terror star alpha strike" just because I like to play other ways. I find the rules give definition. I also know that many people do not want the rules, so you guys are a sort of an opposite of us, you preach alpha strikes. We get everybody that way. |
I understand why you have them and even thought they were a great idea when the Diplomats first originated. My only thought now is with fewer recruiting opportunities, limitations can sometimes deter a person from joining. I applaud the Diplomats for sticking with your guns...and I wish you all the best! I'd rather like to see the Diplomats and Guardians at #1 and #2. Of course, it would have to be the Guardians at #1!
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True. I wasn't particulurly upset, but I have little tolerance for even pseudo-driveby's lately on my (mostly departed) emperor. I kept my mouth shut about that now deleted thread in the GF, which probably explains my current lack of tolerance. |
No problem. I can understand how you feel...there was a time when some members of the Fellowship (my former empire) and G.R.O.S.S. weren't on the best of terms. It's not a good situation. I like Sirian...I don't like to read most of his posts, but he's certainly got some good ideas about the game.
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Well, trillions may be a little low.. |
I'm certain that it is...anybody know what a trillion trillion is called?
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I like Sirian...I don't like to read most of his posts, but he's certainly got some good ideas about the game. |
Indeed. A fine asset to the game.
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anybody know what a trillion trillion is called? |
Far too many. As applied to dead Yor - not nearly enough.
[Message Edited]
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I find the rules give definition. |
Hey ADT, I wouldn't have a problem with the rules if I was looking to join an empire now, it's just as a newbie (who didn't even know what a TS alpha strike was) the thought of 2 of the 4 victory conditions being unavailable was a bit off-putting I think that might limit your recruiting.
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Time to head home!
I hope everyone has a great evening! The nightshift will have a surprise when they get here...I think we put in about 8 pages today!
Congratulations to all Guardians for your awards! On to first!
For Honor and Justice!
Guardians Website: Link
Guardians Forum: Link
To Join the Galactic Guardians: Link
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Genghis Hank: The inspiration of this medal, Hank is learning new ways to exterminate the Yor vermin |
I'm honored! Thank you Theoden!
Very nice shinies too!
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I have never done a "terror star alpha strike" just because I like to play other ways. |
I may be speaking out of turn here, as I am still new to the game, but I find that by the time I can do an alpha strike, the game is so much in hand that I could choose (almost) any method I like to bring it to conclusion. I just get a kick out of the special effects
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I understand exactly. I don't know if it does, it might. There might be some people who wouldn't want to join the Guardians because of this thread, or the HUGE scores of some of your members, while our smaller thread, and lower scores may inspire people to participate more here because they know that anything they do is more easily visible because the top is not so far away. Others would be inspired by that big gap, and want the challenge of getting to the top in the Guardians, and not want a empire with several members with few scores. Everybody to his own. But I understand where you guys are coming from.
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Hey, GH, look at our medals. We are the same. I do have a opposite!
And don't worry about speaking out of turn. This is an open thread. And you are right about the options, because I never use that techinque, even if it was allowed.
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Hey, GH, look at our medals. We are the same. I do have a opposite! |
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There might be some people who wouldn't want to join the Guardians because of this thread, or the HUGE scores of some of your members |
That's how I felt when I joined the Fellowship way back when. The thought of backreading 500 mesasges was daunting. I never expected to rise above peon there, but that didn't stop me from joining.
After my "vacation", I found the Fellowship was stagnating and only had a few active players. I saw that Theoden had jumped only days before and had taken Greldon and Terl with him, so I figured "what the heck". I remembered how active Theoden was when he joined the Fellowship, and I knew he was bound for greatness. It was also a small empire and I knew that a small determined bunch of players would be tremendous fun.
Honestly, I did not know about the submission limitations on the Diplomats until much later. A player looking for a new empire might not do any background checking and might join because of a theme, location, or special "hook". I thought about joining the New Texas Republic, Mid-Western Confederation, and the Evil empire just because of their names.
In hindsight, I see that I made the best decision of all in joining the Guardians.
I think that may be the most I've posted in one message here.
What was my point again?
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Hey Greldon, is someone playing GC at work?
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