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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#5250  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 5:56:30 PM

Did it at lunch

#5251  by Citizen Greldon - 3/24/2004 5:59:37 PM

@ Lothmorg & Terl: I posted a response at the Conclave.

#5252  by Veteran Terl - 3/24/2004 7:38:51 PM

@ Lothmorg & Terl: I posted a response at the Conclave.

I will check. Sorry I haven't been around too much today. I had to leave work early, my Dad is in the hospital. Nothing too serious...tests and such.

Oh, by the way Little Boom small maso in 1.49. I am getting the hang of it. There are some touchy moments but terror stars usually bring the bad guys around. And yes, the Yor were first to go. Threaten me when your whole defense is a colony ship and transport.... more parts due in later

#5253  by Citizen Greldon - 3/24/2004 8:04:36 PM

I hope everything is okay with your dad. I'd say your getting the hang of it, nice job!

Here's a BOOM from let's go get some more!

#5254  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/24/2004 8:18:47 PM

Nice one Terl!

One more BOOM!!! from me, and off to bed

That was a tough one! Did the same again (mil at 0 whole game), but the first anomaly Hero investigated (turn 3) was a shark that destroyed it I had to wait for the AIs to find me before I could start to trade. Took a long time to catch up and bring the relations up to alliance level.

Drengin were last to meet and attacked as soon as they made contact - it cost me a fortune to bribe everyone else to attack them, and I had to fight off half a dozen invasions before they were destroyed. One of my two planets was back down to about 800mil pop by then.

I bloody well earned that 60K, I can tell you

#5255  by Veteran Terl - 3/24/2004 8:26:31 PM

That was a tough one! Did the same again (mil at 0 whole game), but the first anomaly Hero investigated (turn 3) was a shark that destroyed it

That has happened to me quite a few times. It sucks...

I hope everything is okay with your dad.

I think it is all fixable. I think it will be a med tweaking...seems like they got the old blood pressure too low.

I'd say your getting the hang of it, nice job!

Slowly but surely. I tell you, in the beginning and pretty much to the halfway mark it is a bit hairy at times. I work hard keeping the relations good. The tip about the extra trade routes ability has helped a lot as I have more cash now.

Nice one Terl!

Thanks Magnum. I will say maso is a lot of fun. I doubt I will go back now to lower levels.

#5256  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 8:41:43 PM

I doubt I will go back now to lower levels.

You can never go back...

Congrats, Terl!

#5257  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 11:26:29 PM

Hey littlewotts! I know you're lurking around here somewhere. Taking a break on the house?

#5258  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/24/2004 11:28:50 PM

Yup! I am here, taking a break just as you said. I think I earned me a beer for my efforts today.

#5259  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/24/2004 11:32:54 PM

How is the house coming littlewotts?

#5260  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 11:37:03 PM

Yep. I hate doing electrical work. Get that box straightened out?

#5261  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 11:37:33 PM

Hey ADT. How you doin'?

#5262  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/24/2004 11:39:33 PM

I just submitted my first Beyond Human game and instantly realized it would be my last. That will most certainly go down in my mind as the hardest 14,000 points I've ever scored. I'm accustomed to scoring around 40,000 for a Small/Maso so when that little number popped up, I couldn't believe it!

Populists (+20 Morale/+20 Diplo) and I picked +20 Social Prod, +30 Research, and +50 Diplomacy. Small/Tight Clusters/Rare Habitability map all AIs Chaotic Good. To begin with, this is a very strange setup for me. I don't like the Social Prod pick but figured with the Research bonus, I might sneak in a couple of extra TGs and Wonders. Thought the Diplo bonus would be necessary, but it turned out that everybody just wanted to be friends. I invaded the Torians just because they were ticking me off and the Yor because...well...they are Yor. Flipped the Drath by accident. Allied with everybody else. Nothing special happened. The Venge showed up and poisoned the Arcean homeworld, which was pretty funny. I laughed as I saw their super world get reduced to a PQ14!

Hitting the turn button a hundred times just to plow through research is definitely not for me. I actually had a little invasion force that I considered using against the Korx, just because I was bored, but everybody in the galaxy was allied and declaring war just didn't seem prudent.

I can promise you, that's the last Tech victory you'll see from me. The movie is pretty cool, but certainly not worth a 30,000 point hit and the sheer boredom of the game. My next game, I'm going to Terror Star everybody, just cause I can.

Terl: Sorry to hear your dad's been having problems. I hope he is doing better! Great job on your game! That was your highest score yet! It looks like there's a 10,000 point difference between a Military and Alliance win. Wonder what a Small/Maso Cultural would score?

Awesome job on your game Magnum! It sounds like you've challenged yourself with the 0% military thing...I actually went to 0% military for the last 1/4 of my game, to speed up Research.

Great job everybody! Hope everybody is having fun with the game!

It's nighty-night time for me.

For Honor and Justice!

#5263  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/24/2004 11:42:01 PM

Hey to littlewotts, Loth, ADT, Greldon, Terl, Magnum and anybody else who is here!

I think I earned me a beer for my efforts today.

Enjoy! Nothing like a cold beer after a day's work!

#5264  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 11:42:43 PM

Good night Theoden.

#5265  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/24/2004 11:45:04 PM

Good night Theoden.14K?!

Yeah... 14k

But I earned that All Victory Medal!

G'nite all!
[Message Edited]

#5266  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/24/2004 11:50:52 PM

But I earned that All Victory Medal!

Yeah, I'll probably bite it too, just for that.

#5267  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/25/2004 12:09:24 AM

Wow! 100K+ Mpts since last night. On a Wednesday, no less. Guardians are on a pace to take first place by the end of this weekend. Great going all!

#5268  by Citizen Greldon - 3/25/2004 12:19:33 AM

Guardians are on a pace to take first place by the end of this weekend. Great going all!

I'm on a pace to take....BOOM!!!

Good night Theoden.

#5269  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/25/2004 12:29:55 AM

I'm on a pace to take....BOOM!!!

Uugh! Missed it by 32 points! Since you will probably BOOM again before I can post again, let me say it now. Congrats on first place!

#5270  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/25/2004 12:41:42 AM

I just did my 1st Beyond human victory to. That was the most boring game yet. I was just trying to keep the other races alive to feed my economy as I pushed turn after turn. Now that I have done the one of each victory thing, its time to have some fun. Here on the west coast I probably stil have time to play a game before bed or at least a good start. Military all the way this time

#5271  by Citizen Greldon - 3/25/2004 12:42:02 AM

Thanks, Genghis. Should get it tomorrow.

Good night everybody. See ya'll in the morning.

#5272  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/25/2004 12:43:19 AM

32 points! Wow. It must really suck to be sooo close.

You'll get it soon enough! You deserve it!

51902 for a Culture win?!! I think I'll wait to submit that one. Don't want to ruin my streak just yet.

Time for bed. G'night all!

#5273  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 3/25/2004 2:01:08 AM

Hey ADT! The project is coming along as well as can be expected. I should be done this weekend. Not bad for my first try at a complete tear-down and redo of a bathroom.

Lothmorg, I think I have my problem worked out. I just need to find where that errant wire goes. On the flip side, all the stuff I wired came out ok.

#5274  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/25/2004 5:04:51 AM

Hi Guardians. First of all I know Greldon isnt number one as yet but he will be probably by the time I get to the forums again. So congrats Greldon on your nice Gold shiny. You definatly earned it.

I just recently applied to do a diploma in professional writing (fantasy and science fiction) and I am doing it via correspondence. I got my first course materials today and it will take up some of my time(assignments and book studies etc..) so that will mean less time playing GalCiv and maybe less forum activity. I will still definatly be active though through out the forums and will try my hardest to get a game in every other day, maybe sometimes 1 a day if I can. Just thought I would let you all know in case Im not around for a couple of days etc...

For Honor and Justice! Link

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