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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#5275  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/25/2004 5:28:45 AM

I just recently applied to do a diploma in professional writing

Go for it MC! I think you're in the right place for inspiration round here

So, Greldon for No.1 at lunchtime?

I just submitted my first Beyond Human game and instantly realized it would be my last.

As do most people I'm sure The things we'll do for shiny bits of metal

Morning to all the other Guardians. Hope your dad's doing OK Terl!

#5276  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/25/2004 5:32:02 AM

Morning to all the other Guardians. Hope your dad's doing OK Terl!

As do I.

#5277  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/25/2004 5:43:14 AM

Go for it MC! I think you're in the right place for inspiration round here

Thats for sure Magnum. Terl's stories are a very big inspiration. After working my way through this course maybe I can get a book published in 20 years from now

The statistic's of getting a novel published is very much against me, but they say if most people can stick it out for they eventually become successful. Thats the number 1 tip by most published author's, dont give up, most people give up to early and never realize there potential. So Im prepared to have my first 5 manuscripts rejected

Writing is definatly a skill thats learnt over time like an apprenticeship really. Anyway enough ranting from me about writing. Although Ive noticed that most of us here love writing and reading stories.

#5278  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/25/2004 5:54:55 AM

maybe I can get a book published in 20 years from now

Then you can retire to the coast, and spend all day playing GalCiv 15, trying to catch Greldon at the top of the metaverse

Although Ive noticed that most of us here love writing and reading stories.

Hey, it beats working

#5279  by Diplomat Technician - 3/25/2004 7:19:13 AM

That will most certainly go down in my mind as the hardest 14,000 points I've ever scored.

I played for Tech wins in the past. I think Stardock is wrong with their reasoning the Tech win score.

They thought to get a tech win all you have to do is sit in corner and hit the turn button.

I had games with all races Allies. What does a player do go to war against everybody?

What are these medals you give to your members ?

I read yesterday a post from one of the Pirates.
I think they are medal crazy.

Maybe if you hand over a few medals you can talk them into defecting to the Guardians.

Sending over some walking calculators for repair today? I can use some spare parts.

#5280  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/25/2004 7:26:26 AM

Sending over some walking calculators for repair today? I can use some spare parts.

I'm sure there will be plenty, Tech. Not sure how much use they'll be to you after Theoden's finished with them though

#5281  by Veteran Terl - 3/25/2004 7:28:04 AM

Sending over some walking calculators for repair today? I can use some spare parts.

I sent two system's worth your way last night I used the invasion method so you'd get more servicable parts.

#5282  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 3/25/2004 7:37:04 AM

anybody know what a trillion trillion is called?

A septillion. And here's a useful number for you: a sexsexagintillion. That's a one, followed by 201 zeroes.

I'm not sure if kicking the retired players (or at least the zero-pointers) out of the Fellowship would do much good. The number of active players would remain the same. The merging of old alliances might work better, if we could just persuade some of the alliances with only two or three active members to abolish themselves and join us (or each other). But they're probably committed to staying where they are by the same sentiment and loyalty that keep me where I am.

The statistic's of getting a novel published is very much against me, but they say if most people can stick it out for they eventually become successful.

Who's 'they'? Can they prove it? I demand evidence!
Sorry. I've harboured a bit of a grudge against the publishing industry ever since my first novel was rejected by an editor who read my first chapter and told me the prose style was too flat, which meant that (a) writing the rest of the novel was a waste of time, and (b) since I couldn't tell that my prose was flat just by looking at it, I can never write anything now without worrying that I'm doing it wrong.

                           Posted via Stardock Central
#5283  by Citizen Primus Ordines Aaberg - 3/25/2004 8:21:19 AM

Woohha...i started reading up on this thread a few weeks ago and got to around march 2nd. Then i left it again...thats 112 pages ago. Admitted i didn't manage to read those 112 pages.

Congrats to the soon to be numero uno.

Just a thought, any of you guys ever considered join the GC chat (irc, on SDC as well) ? It would be nice with a little more activity in there

#5284  by Diplomat Technician - 3/25/2004 8:27:57 AM

I think I found the problem with the Yor,
they are using Microsoft Windows!!

GC chat

Does not work at work behind the firewall.

#5285  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 8:37:37 AM

Good Morning Guardians!

Wow! What a night! Greldon will be in first place with his next submission!

Great job everybody on your submissions last night!

exalteddruid, looks like both of us learned our lesson on getting that Beyond Human win...time to kill some Yor!!

MC: Good luck in your writing career!

Downie: How many publishers did you send your manuscript to? Sometimes one will like what another doesn't. Prose style too flat? Maybe they need to read one of your "Milady" stories!

Tech: I totally agree...the Beyond Human scoring is way too low for the current game. It might have been cheese in the old versions, but it's tough to get now with the more intelligent AIs. It should certainly score more. Oh, and the medals given to the Guardians are recognition for lots of things. Here's a Link to what all the current Guardian medals mean. It's just kind of nice to get a little something for special achievements.

Well, speaking of medals, I need to go update the Roster page!

#5286  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 8:39:50 AM

Just a thought, any of you guys ever considered join the GC chat (irc, on SDC as well) ? It would be nice with a little more activity in there

I drop in there every once in a while in the evenings, but nobody is ever there. I can't access it from work, either.

Say, Aaberg...didn't you knock Loth out of 5th?

#5287  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/25/2004 9:01:48 AM

Say, Aaberg...didn't you knock Loth out of 5th?


I'll have to do something about that.

#5288  by Citizen bonscott - 3/25/2004 9:20:46 AM

Well, I've finally got a good game going. Submitted a beyond human win last week when I first joined the Guardians as my first completed game since last summer. Now I'm hooked again.

2 failed games later I am looking pretty good on my first Normal game, on my way back up to Challanging where I was before I quit playing. Using the AP beta by the way.

I decided to go military victory all the way. I made the mistake of fogetting to turn off culture victory so I hope I don't "back into" a culture win, but I'll take it.

This is the first game I haven't taken PQ +5 as a pick and I'm actually enjoying it. I'll post my picks later. I made a plan and headed straight to Battleship technology with a couple small detours along the way. Just had a small war with the Arceans cause the bastards kept declaring war on me. I finally took two systems for my trouble. I have the Yor backed into a corner with 1 sector with 4 systems in it. Many Yor will die soon as I get Battleship tech soon.

#5289  by Citizen bonscott - 3/25/2004 9:22:42 AM

Oh by the way, I was ranked around 119 or so when the Metaverse first started. Before the first "nerf" of the metaverse scores. I dropped to 350 or so after that first nerf. Shortly after that I stopped playing.

#5290  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/25/2004 9:33:13 AM

Many Yor will die soon

Seems to be our backup motto here

Good luck bonscott (I was expecting an Aussie to be behind that nick ). Feel free to ask any questions, there are some damned good experts in here.

#5291  by Veteran Terl - 3/25/2004 9:33:45 AM

I hope I don't "back into" a culture win, but I'll take it.

Luckily you get a notice that it is coming if it stays for 12 months....just start a war if anyone is left. You can't get a culture win if you are at war with someone.

#5292  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 9:35:23 AM

Now I'm hooked again.


2 failed games later I am looking pretty good on my first Normal game, on my way back up to Challanging where I was before I quit playing. Using the AP beta by the way.

The difficulty seems to be quite a bit tougher in AP...dropping back isn't a bad idea if you haven't played in a while!

I decided to go military victory all the way. I made the mistake of fogetting to turn off culture victory so I hope I don't "back into" a culture win, but I'll take it.

If you see the countdown start, just declare war!

Many Yor will die soon as I get Battleship tech soon.


Oh by the way, I was ranked around 119 or so when the Metaverse first started. Before the first "nerf" of the metaverse scores. I dropped to 350 or so after that first nerf. Shortly after that I stopped playing.

Don't worry too much about the scores...just enjoy killing the Yor...umm...I mean...playing the game!

#5293  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 9:37:05 AM

Hey Terl! Going to be another busy day today? I think we could all use a little story!

#5294  by Diplomat Technician - 3/25/2004 10:00:47 AM

I was ranked around 119 or so when the Metaverse first started. Before the first "nerf" of the metaverse scores. I dropped to 350 or so after that first nerf. Shortly after that I stopped playing.

I think alot of people dropped out when the Masoverse was created.

I was in the top 10 droped out of the top 50.

#5295  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 3/25/2004 10:12:58 AM

How many publishers did you send your manuscript to?

Just the one. I don't take rejection well. It's also very hard these days to persuade anyone to even glance at your first chapter and then tell you it's bad.

Prose style too flat? Maybe they need to read one of your "Milady" stories!

Says you, but for all I know you might have no taste.

#5296  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 10:24:58 AM

for all I know you might have no taste.

That's me!

Terl: I just posted something in the Conclave I would like you to take a look at...

#5297  by Citizen Greldon - 3/25/2004 10:33:25 AM

Good morning!
I've got a lot of work today but I'll drop in when I can. I should have a game to submit at lunch today...should net me about 3500 points and first place!

#5298  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/25/2004 10:38:00 AM

I should have a game to submit at lunch today...should net me about 3500 points and first place!

#5299  by Citizen Greldon - 3/25/2004 10:38:00 AM

#5298, I mean #5299
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