Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#5800  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/29/2004 5:21:07 PM

Hmmm. Getting close to 5800.

You don't mean...?

Woo Hoo! My first x00 Post!
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#5801  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:21:10 PM

Good catch!
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#5802  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/29/2004 5:21:20 PM

Howdy, everybody!

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've got some RL stuff kicking me in the guts.

Outstanding job everyone! The Guardians are within sight of our goal! Thanks to everyone who's got us to where we are!

A big welcome to LordYuri, our newest member! Thank you for joining our cause to stamp out the stain of the Yor on our existence!

And DATarbell, you'll be welcome to join us! I'm glad you're getting the full game soon! I think you'll be in for quite a surprise with some of the new features that have been added since the Demo.

I just popped in to see how everything is going. I've got to go take care of some stuff, so everybody have a great night!

Oh, and thanks for the cool story, Cypher!

#5803  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 3/29/2004 5:23:00 PM

Terl, glad to hear your dad's okay!

Congrats to GH for getting 5800!

Okay, now I'm really going!

#5804  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 3/29/2004 5:23:35 PM

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've got some RL stuff kicking me in the guts.

Theoden, I sent you a message on SH.

#5805  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/29/2004 5:25:00 PM

Hey Theoden!

Hope today is a bit sunnier where you are!

#5806  by Citizen Greldon - 3/29/2004 5:26:33 PM

Take care, Theoden. We'll hold down the fort and you do what you gotta do.

#5807  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:27:36 PM

'No, my defeat was just a more personal version of the butt-whipping the Galactic Guardians have handed the entire Metaverse.'

But you were a fine opponent. It was a pleasure competing against you.

A fine piece of news, too.

#5808  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:29:10 PM

Take it easy, Theoden! The wife and I are sending good luck your way.

#5809  by Citizen Greldon - 3/29/2004 5:31:32 PM

A fine piece of news, too.

Absolutely....much class!!

#5810  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/29/2004 5:34:51 PM

Thanks all for the "pre-welcomes." We'll make it official this weekend (hopefully).

Here's a couple quick questions, including one that hasn't gotten a response over in the Galactic Forums.

What ever happened to GalCiv manager? It appeared to be a utility that would dynamically update based on your game-state, and would help you plot out your research strategy towards specific goals. (However, the web link no longer appears to be active.) Anyone know?

Anyone know how much if any of that GalCiv manager capability is being folded into the upcoming release? (I'm aware that Brad and co. have added hotlinks, just no certain how far they've taken it--or even if that is public knowledge.)

As I've been catching up on the Galactic Guardians thread (...rubs his eyes...) I think I've picked up on the fact that the points score in a game and the number of points that the submitted game contributes towards an empire (or even an individual?) score are two different beasties. Is that correct? Is that what the lower score ("mpts," I think) is that appears at the end of a game? (Metaverse Points?)

One last question ( Columbo turns at the doorway...), there's been some buzz about the inability to make game submissions with a recent update. When I install the game this weekend, what release level do I want to update to? (Greldon: If you're still listening, what release level are you at? You had mentioned that you weren't having any submission problems. As evidenced by your meteoric rise! Congrats!!!)

#5811  by Veteran Terl - 3/29/2004 5:38:17 PM

One last question ( Columbo turns at the doorway...), there's been some buzz about the inability to make game submissions with a recent update. When I install the game this weekend, what release level do I want to update to? (Greldon: If you're still listening, what release level are you at? You had mentioned that you weren't having any submission problems. As evidenced by your meteoric rise! Congrats!!!)

If you are using the add on Altarian Prophecy do not install the latest build. If you are playing regular galciv you should have no problems with 1.2.

#5812  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:43:07 PM

What ever happened to GalCiv manager?

Nobody knows, it seems.

Anyone know how much if any of that GalCiv manager capability is being folded into the upcoming release?

Only StarDock would know for sure.

As I've been catching up on the Galactic Guardians thread (...rubs his eyes...)

Good god! You read all that?!!

I think I've picked up on the fact that the points ... score are two different beasties.

Yes, your Metaverse score is calculated by #games / sqrt(#games) and you empire scores are calculated differently. I don't know how those are figured.

When I install the game this weekend, what release level do I want to update to?

You won't have a choice. You will get the latest version. Make sure to follow CariElf's advice regarding patching the .INI file before playing a game, unless they release a fix before then.

Edit: Ah, yes. You probably won't have AP, so you will be fine with version 1.20.
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#5813  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/29/2004 5:43:26 PM

As I've been catching up on the Galactic Guardians thread (...rubs his eyes...) I think I've picked up on the fact that the points score in a game and the number of points that the submitted game contributes towards an empire (or even an individual?) score are two different beasties. Is that correct? Is that what the lower score ("mpts," I think) is that appears at the end of a game? (Metaverse Points?)

Well, I'll take a shot at this one, and if I'm wrong, someone can correct me and we'll both know.

mpts on the final screens are the only score that matters to the metaverse score - your own or the empires. The same score adds (I think) the same amount to both.

Well, I defer to Lothmorg's statement that they are different.

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#5814  by Citizen Greldon - 3/29/2004 5:45:16 PM

DATarbell: I'm playing AP v1.49J, or so I'm told. I don't have last Friday's upgrade (1.49 K). So when you get it just don't download the latest patch. Unfortunately I don't know anything about a GalCiv Manager. The scoring thing is a sore spot with many players, but yes, Meta and empire points are less than your actual score.
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#5815  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/29/2004 5:49:50 PM

Hi guys. I have a question to. I read over in a stategy post that decreasing population when your morale is low actually increases tax revenue. Any advise on how this works. I assumed over population just effected morale which in turn effected your abiility to win elections and population growth rates. Should I be shiping citizens off to deep space more often.

#5816  by Citizen Greldon - 3/29/2004 5:50:41 PM

DATarbell, I can't believe you read the whole thing...want some asperin?

#5817  by Citizen Greldon - 3/29/2004 5:54:06 PM

Should I be shiping citizens off to deep space more often.

Spacing a few billion citizens can raise morale if overpopulation is the cause of the discontent. If the population is happy, production increases and so does revenue.

#5818  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/29/2004 5:54:46 PM

DATarbell, I can't believe you read the whole thing...want some asperin?

I'll pass on the aspirin. What I really want is the game and an unlimited supply of energy! (And I'll take a dose of your 4 month's of experience, while I'm at it. Looks like it didn't do you any harm!)

#5819  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/29/2004 5:56:55 PM

Spacing a few billion citizens...

So what exactly do you do after you've loaded them onto a transport? Leave it sitting there in space? Disband it (along with its inhabitants)? Leave it as bait for a passing Yor'ian no-gooder?

#5820  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:57:43 PM

I read over in a stategy post that decreasing population when your morale is low actually increases tax revenue.

When your morale drops below something like 54%, your population will decrease, and you will get lower tax revenue because of it.

Removing population to increase morale (54%+) will increase tax revenue. It's a fine line, really.

#5821  by Citizen Evil Druid - 3/29/2004 5:58:08 PM

Greldon, how much do you pay attention to morale. Do you try to micro manage it to 100% all the time or any thing above 60% fine.

#5822  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/29/2004 5:58:08 PM

So what exactly do you do after you've loaded them onto a transport? Leave it sitting there in space? Disband it (along with its inhabitants)? Leave it as bait for a passing Yor'ian no-gooder?

Convince the Yor to go to war with you (more fun than simply declairing war...) and invade their planet!

#5823  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:58:50 PM

So what exactly do you do after you've loaded them onto a transport?

You can use them as an invasion force, of course! Or, you can ship them off to a higher PQ planet or a planet with a higher morale.

#5824  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/29/2004 5:59:32 PM

Greldon, how much do you pay attention to morale.

I strive to keep morale at 100% always.

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