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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#5975  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 5:25:09 PM

Lothmorg, to me, Civ3 didn't have as strong a "one more turn"-sense as Civ and Civ2 did. But it didn't miss the mark anywhere near as far as MoO3 did (in my opinion) from MoO and MoO2.

GalCiv has really captured that. Seems like there's always something "just over the horizon" (new tech, new ship, new trade opportunity, another achievement, et cetera), that I can hardly wait to get to. And then, of course, decisions that I made this turn will be coming to fruition soon after that, and so on...

I figure, if you've gonna lose sleep--this is a great way to do it! (And what's this "life" thing that you keep talking about? )

#5976  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 5:31:28 PM

The UPS man just delivered my copy of GalCiv! Of course, I don't know about it (since it's a surprise for my birthday) and I don't get to open it until Saturday night. (Boy did I have to do some fast talking to get my birthday celebration moved up from Tuesday to Saturday!) My mantra after Saturday will be, "Kill the Yor!" But until then, it will be a pathetic, "Just a few more days!"

#5977  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 5:36:17 PM

Hang in there, DATarbell...only five more days!

#5978  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/30/2004 5:37:03 PM

The UPS man just delivered my copy of GalCiv!

Too bad you have to wait, though.

Soon enough...


Time to hit the road. Make sure to keep #6000 safe for the Guardians.

#5979  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 5:44:01 PM

See you later, Lothmorg. I'll try to be vigilant!

#5980  by Veteran the 3rd child - 3/30/2004 5:48:13 PM

Okay, Then just tell me what it's like to have a life. I used to have one...can't seem to remember...

hmmmm worrying about bills, getting S***-faced at parties, spending hours on homework, while still keep up with your social commitments*sigh*

Ah, you will fit in quite nicely here with all of us then. I used to play CivIII, and still do a bit, but I am more of a real-time strategy, not turn-based. CivIII and GalCiv are the only ones I can play of the turn-based.

Hey Abt you might like this game series i play with my friends every once in a while it's got this thing i think called semi-turn based, or simultaneous turned based system where everyone moves in the same turn, and the turn doesn't change till everyone is done, and it has a great tactical combat system, the series is "Age of Wonders"

ABT, what are your favorite RTS games, just out of curiosity?

WC3 and Expansion, RedAlert 2 and it's Expansion, but my favorite of all time has to be Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, and Kohan: Ahrimon's Gift, those two are so differen't from the rest of the field they are real time but they are way deeper in strategy and complexity, come to think of it, lothmorg you may like it more cause the fastest isn't the best as in some other games...*cough* WC3 *cough*, in fact i should probably be playing gal civ with my free time, but i think next time i play a Computer game i'm going to do the old kohan skirmish *dreamy look of remeniscin in eye's*

#5981  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/30/2004 6:24:14 PM

to me, Civ3 didn't have as strong a "one more turn"-sense as Civ and Civ2 did

I agree, but it was still an OK game. Problem with all the "Civ" series was that it took so long to finish a game. That's where GalCiv really hits the mark. You can start playing a long, social build type game but switch at any time and finish it off militarily, without having to build 35,000 modern armour units

Not a big fan of RTS games for the same reasons as Lothmorg. Played a lot of turn-based - mainly Civ and off-shoots, the SSI catalogue and personal favourite (pre-GalCiv) STARS! Also play a lot of RPG - Baldur's Gate, Morrowind, Might and Magic series.

Now, where did I leave that life

#5982  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 6:26:01 PM

Now, where did I leave that life

Several pages back in this thread, I was told that you put your life in the GalCiv box when you take out the GalCiv CD. You might check there.

#5983  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 6:27:02 PM

Now, where did I leave that life

Let me know if you find it!

#5984  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 6:30:34 PM

Time to go home. #6000 is mighty close...Guardians be ready!

We must endeavor to persevere.
For Honor and Justice!

#5985  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/30/2004 6:33:10 PM

you put your life in the GalCiv box when you take out the GalCiv CD. You might check there


Problem is... what did I do with the box

Sorry Greldon, no luck. Back to "one more turn" I'm afraid

#5986  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/30/2004 7:00:04 PM

Sorry it took so long to get back to you DATarbell. I like playing Emprire Earth the most. Great game, just work you way up from the bottom and then kill everyone with cyber technology when they are 5 epochs behind.
Rise of Nations is also good, Starcraft if you want a jump back to the past and every once and a while Earth 2150, and I play non-war RTS as well: 1503/1602 AD, Industrial Giant 2, sometimes SimCity3.

#5987  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 7:03:46 PM

ABT, I was fortunate enough to beta-test Empire Earth, but it was too fast-paced for my old fingers. About the only RTS games that I've enjoyed recently have been the stealth-based ones (Thief, Thief 2, and Splinter Cell). Looking forward to getting my hands on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow later this month (if I can drag myself away from GalCiv), and Thief 3 later this year. And even though I can't click fast, I have totally enjoyed Halo! Go figure.

#5988  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/30/2004 7:05:48 PM

Cool you had the beta for Empire Earth?! I would have loved to do that!

Oh, I forgot one, I am going to dive into Political Machine when it appears on Drengin on April 8. Looks like a ton of fun, especially if you are somebody like me that want to see a very left wing liberal in office.

#5989  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/30/2004 7:07:13 PM

Best thing about Empire Earth: The nuclear bombing planes! I loved sending an air strike of fighters and fighter/bombers to knock out the defenses, and then about 15 B-52s. Can you say goodbye base?

#5990  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 3/30/2004 7:08:19 PM

Ok, I've got to run for a bit. Be back later.

And give 5900 to DAT. I think he deserves it for reading this thing.

#5991  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 7:09:46 PM

Cool you had the beta for Empire Earth?! I would have loved to do that!

Yeah, I had rubbed elbows with a bunch of the guys from Ensemble Studios, including Rick Goodman--right before he departed to form Stainless Steel Studios and create EE. Stayed in touch with him via e-mail, and suspect that's how I got invite to beta. Plus the fact that I'm a software developer by profession, I suppose.

I'll have to check out Political Machine, sounds interesting.

#5992  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 7:11:41 PM

I have totally enjoyed Halo! Go figure.

Me too! Waiting for Halo 2. Before GalCiv I played Starcraft on the computer and Morrowind on my Xbox. Waiting to pry myself away from GalCiv to play the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions for Morrowind.

#5993  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/30/2004 7:13:55 PM

Oh, I forgot one, I am going to dive into Political Machine when it appears on Drengin on April 8. Looks like a ton of fun, especially if you are somebody like me that want to see a very left wing liberal in office

It looks like fun to those of us who don't as well...

But then as your evil twin, I would have to say that

#5994  by Citizen damoose - 3/30/2004 7:14:19 PM

Wow post count in this thread is just outta sight... Anyway back several pages..

All of Raven's Claw is a protected habitat for damoose

Thank you very much. You guys are just the best.

But about JS and the damoose heads... He says he keeps puttin them up on the walls but... damoose heads they just keep comin back. Hummm do I detect the UnDead Da Moose???

#5995  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 7:18:33 PM

Hummm do I detect the UnDead Da Moose???
There must be something to this!

All of Raven's Claw is a protected habitat for damoose
The least I could do for such a good friend of the Guardians!

#5996  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 7:21:25 PM

Greldon, looks like we have very similar taste in games (GalCiv, Halo, Morrowind, and Starcraft). I didn't enjoy the expansions for Morrowind as much as I did the original--but that's probably just me.

#5997  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 3/30/2004 7:21:39 PM

Hmmmm.... Anyone out there???

#5998  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/30/2004 7:23:02 PM

Yup, Magnumaniac. We're here. (All holding our breath and watching the post count, I suspect!)

#5999  by Citizen Greldon - 3/30/2004 7:23:12 PM

DATarbell, are you ready to take #6000? Since you recently read the whole thing...

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