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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6075  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/30/2004 11:37:12 PM

I was toying with the idea of seeing how far up the metaverse I could get without playing a maso game. Right now, top 100 is 146k, which seems achieveable if I can keep turning out 25k crippling games. Thoughts?

Go for it GH.

#6076  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 3/30/2004 11:44:23 PM

Yeah, I remember that, but I am offering the tempting option.

Hmmm, you're tempting him, and I am the one saying "wait, make sure it's OK first". I think we are reversing our roles, twin.

#6077  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/30/2004 11:53:22 PM

Victory method: I usually go for alliance victories.

Magnum could really help you out with the alliance victory wins at maso. He plays huge maps, alliance victory and gets 60k for his games and does them in 70-90 mins I think.

Are you having trouble with keeping the AI's from declaring war on you?

In my games I never research Military tech's anymore as the AI will research them 5 times quicker then I can do it. So I just research tech's such as basic repair or nanobots and drones, then the AI will come along and offer dreadnaught tech and other valuable military techs for these.

I also research techs early on that adds more trade routes, rasies income through ecomomic infrascture, manufacturing, and morale boosting social projects that allows you to keep taxes at higher rates.

Going for an alliance win I would research trade techs very early on to establish trade routes quickly and get those alliances quicker (trade the AI for there frieghters in there systems orbit). I pick Diplo +50% and Trade routes +2 for ability picks, and populist government. This helps me tremendously in the diplomatic arena.

If you can get the AI to not declare war on you early on, you have the game in the bag at maso. Also trade trade, trade, and trade tech for tech's, thats how I keep up in the tech race. Minors are a great source to trade a few of your simple techs for there many better techs earlier on. With high diplo skills you get alot better deals for your efforts. Bribe a war or 2 earlier on as well.

#6078  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/31/2004 12:03:06 AM

A big factor to is the alignment of the AI. If there all pure good, it is easier to keep relations friendly if your playing a good alignment yourself, but it is alot harder for you to bribe them into having a war. If you play with more evil alignment AI's then it is alot easier to bribe them into fighting each other, the more of them fighting each other the more trade comes your way, the better relations improve, the more money you get. But the trade off is, it is harder to keep them at friendly earlier on with no military.

#6079  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/31/2004 12:06:34 AM

ABT I hope I was able to help a little. All the best at beating maso again.

#6080  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/31/2004 12:43:22 AM

Thought I'd drop of a handful of points before bed.

Good night all!

#6081  by Veteran the 3rd child - 3/31/2004 1:17:40 AM

Im definatly not very diplomatic at the best of times. But if I wasn't a die hard Guardian loyalist the Diplomat's probably would be my next prefered empire for me

I'm definetly not very good at protecting the universe from evil aliens, or killing yor when at the best of times. But if i wasn't a die hard diplomat loyalist the guardians would probably be my next prefered empire for me

#6082  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 3/31/2004 8:45:12 AM

I'm definetly not very good at protecting the universe from evil aliens, or killing yor when at the best of times. But if i wasn't a die hard diplomat loyalist the guardians would probably be my next prefered empire for me

#6083  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/31/2004 9:52:11 AM

Wow--quite night! Good morning, all.

Lothmorg, if I'm not mistaken, that "tink, tink, tink" was the sound of you taking over 4th place. Right? (If so, congratulations! )

#6084  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/31/2004 9:55:12 AM

Good morning all! Actually, I think I took 4th sometime over the weekend.

But thanks anyway!

#6085  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 3/31/2004 9:57:13 AM

Ouch that many pages in such a short time.

for going back to a former topic:
Best thing about Empire Earth: The nuclear bombing planes! I loved sending an air strike of fighters and fighter/bombers to knock out the defenses, and then about 15 B-52s. Can you say goodbye base?

I knew that guys and they usually bite theit theeth out on my bases.
Well ok i was (and still am) famous for playing a single EE games with a leangth of about 12 hours, my longes was 16 hours. That was painfull for my enemies.

#6086  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/31/2004 9:57:55 AM

Oops. I'm still confusing game points with metaverse points, I think. Hopefully in the coming weeks I will begin to understand the difference--from experience!

#6087  by Veteran Terl - 3/31/2004 9:58:08 AM

Good morning all! Actually, I think I took 4th sometime over the weekend.

Will it be first this weekend?

Morning to all. Busy day at work again . No matter how many times I explain it, they just refuse to believe in the importance of defending the galaxy against the Yor.

#6088  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/31/2004 10:00:32 AM

Will it be first this weekend?

I wish. Sadly, no. Greldon is keeping that 200K buffer right where it is.

There is no way I'll make those kinds of points up until my next block (@13th).

I'll keep trying though.

#6089  by Citizen Greldon - 3/31/2004 10:00:59 AM

Lothmorg, if I'm not mistaken, that "tink, tink, tink" was the sound of you taking over 4th place.
Yep...Lothmorg just "tinkles" all over the place!

Good morning!

Well, it's the last day of the "Clone Wars" and I think RDG-04 has a pretty good chance of winning at least one category!

#6090  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 3/31/2004 10:03:16 AM

Lothmorg just "tinkles" all over the place!

If all goes really well, I might have a chance at 3rd... Unless Jaxom plays anything.

#6091  by Citizen Greldon - 3/31/2004 10:06:54 AM

Greldon is keeping that 200K buffer right where it is.

I try!

Seriously though, I'm keeping a close eye on Lothmorg and Jaxom. I'm just trying to keep that little buffer between us at the moment, but when I have to, I'll kick it back into gear. (I hope)

#6092  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/31/2004 10:09:05 AM

No matter how many times I explain it, they just refuse to believe in the importance of defending the galaxy against the Yor.

Terl, it's funny how employers can miss that importance. But who will they come running to when they find their profits are being decimated by Yorians?! Oh yeah, then they'll understand the importance!

Yep...Lothmorg just "tinkles" all over the place!

Too funny, Greldon. (Odd, I'm getting the urge to do the same! That's either very right or very wrong! )

Go Lothmorg! (Living vicariously through the exploits of others, no less.)

#6093  by Veteran the 3rd child - 3/31/2004 10:14:07 AM

Guten Morgen Guardians how goes the yor "recycling expedition" ?

#6094  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/31/2004 10:15:26 AM

It would be cool to have the Guardians controlling the top two spots in the Metaverse! (Even cooler to control the top three! Has that been done in recent Metaverse history? I'm presuming that there was a lot of movement in the 'early days' when the overall scores were low and there were fewer registered players--but that things have really heated up since then.)

#6095  by Citizen Greldon - 3/31/2004 10:16:25 AM

Guten Morgen Guardians how goes the yor "recycling expedition" ?

Countless billions recycle options available here!

#6096  by Citizen Major Dallas - 3/31/2004 10:17:18 AM

Morning XGE! Gee, in my novice classes they've been teaching me that Yor are good for nothing. And now you bring up this recycling thingy? I'll have to ask my professors about this. (Oops! Was I not supposed to talk about the novice classes? )

#6097  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/31/2004 10:18:38 AM

Yor recicling is a big bussiness for the Diplomats!!!!

#6098  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/31/2004 10:18:48 AM

Yor recicling is a big bussiness for the UNNDEAD too!!!!
[Message Edited]

#6099  by Veteran Disciple777 - 3/31/2004 10:18:59 AM

We are the GROSS, we came we saw and we took the post, I mean the next one)
[Message Edited]

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