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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6300  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/1/2004 3:44:37 PM

~and takes 6300~

#6301  by Veteran Terl - 4/1/2004 3:46:18 PM

I know the Yor Slayer doesn't ally with the Yor!

Nope not at all. In one of my military conquests there were three left, me the Torians and the Yor. I went after the Yor who surrendered to the Toraians who were my allies. I broke the alliance and Greldonized all the Torian worlds for allowing the Yor into their society.

#6302  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 3:46:25 PM

~and takes 6300~

#6303  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 3:48:32 PM

I broke the alliance and Greldonized all the Torian worlds for allowing the Yor into their society.

Outstanding....That's what I'm talkin' about...!

#6304  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/1/2004 3:49:40 PM

Heheheheheheheheh...BOOM!!!! Stupid YOR!

Hmm...I should get back to playing. I must be going through withdrawl.

#6305  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 3:52:02 PM

Hmm...I should get back to playing. I must be going through withdrawl.

I was starting to think you were cured!

#6306  by Veteran Terl - 4/1/2004 3:52:22 PM

Hmm...I should get back to playing. I must be going through withdrawl.

I know what you mean. I found a fun little shareware roleplay game along the lines of Elite. I have been having fun with it but still have to get Galciv in there.

#6307  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/1/2004 3:54:09 PM

I've been playing pingu... I had a good game go bad on me, but I'm so close to the end I'm still trying to salvage a win from it.

#6308  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/1/2004 4:14:00 PM

I broke the alliance and Greldonized all the Torian worlds for allowing the Yor into their society.

That's a little on the extreme side Terl!

Have you been to any anger management sessions lately, they could help you know

To answer the earlier question, I think the score multipliers are:

Military 1.0
Alliance 0.9
Cultural 0.8
Tech 0.7

Theoden will correct me if I'm wrong

I play mostly alliance wins now, usually because I'm so far ahead it would only be a matter of time before the military victory came along. The obvious caveat to that is the Yor elimination, so if they're still around by 2190 I just buy an invasion fleet off someone close by and go do it.

#6309  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/1/2004 4:17:47 PM

What have I got to do to get rid of that horrible blue face?!!!

I haven't played a "good" game for ages

Oh, and if Naqmir's around.... don't look back, 'cause I'm right there

#6310  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/1/2004 4:20:49 PM

Ok, there was no salvageing that game... I start a new one.

#6311  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/1/2004 4:39:01 PM

Do a search for "scores" in the GF.

That only brought up pages and pages of topics. I got what I needed though. My scores are normal for my level. Scores don't appear to go up much until at "Greldon" levels.

#6312  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 4:39:21 PM

Magnum: this will answer many of your questions. Link
I think you need an average morality rating of 3.25 before you loose the blue smiley, and 4.25 for a pure evil smiley.

I hope this helps.

#6313  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 4:45:46 PM

That only brought up pages and pages of topics. I got what I needed though. My scores are normal for my level. Scores don't appear to go up much until at "Greldon" levels.

My bad! Sorry! I should have said "scoring", the results would have been different.

#6314  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 4:46:06 PM

[Message Edited]

#6315  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/1/2004 4:46:49 PM

Uh-oh, a double post...

#6316  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/1/2004 4:47:20 PM

Would take a long time to change an average when you have been playing as long as you have. Magnu, you will just have to keep being evil as possible for as long as possible.

#6317  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 4:54:35 PM

Has anybody else cracked the easter egg yet?

#6318  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/1/2004 4:54:59 PM

It looks like I need to pay a couresy call to congratulate the Guardians for taking the top spot in the Meta, even though I have been out of touch a bit and the last post I even read in this thread was #3124. Such irony. The Spymaster may be able to keep an eye on the Meta, but the Guardian communication grid just has too complex to crack! Well, just you wait until Gerakken is back at full strength again. You'll get away with nothing then.

#6319  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 5:07:52 PM

Welcome SpyMaster! Long time no see!

#6320  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/1/2004 5:12:40 PM

Magnum: this will answer many of your questions

Thanks Greldon. I guess it doesn't work the same way as the average difficulty then If it did, then you'd get a "neutral" smilie between 2.5 and 3.5.

I just don't like the CG blue face! I'm never going to get enough pure good games to make it the nice white face, so I'll just have to go the other way
Hmmm.... feels like someone around here is controlling some major influence resources. It doesn't matter how much I spend on propaganda, I just can't resist the lure of +30% PQ events

Aaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhh! It's the black one! "No, no, I wasn't trying to be good. Please! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............."

~deathly silence accompanies Magnumaniac's exit~

#6321  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 5:21:57 PM

Thanks Greldon. I guess it doesn't work the same way as the average difficulty then If it did, then you'd get a "neutral" smilie between 2.5 and 3.5.

I could be wrong (I make up lies all the time, accidentally of course) but the average difficulty changes at x.25 as well. (unless I'm lieing again) I got my black shield at 9.25.

I often don't know what I'm talking about....I think I'm getting that "OldTimers" decease.

#6322  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/1/2004 5:27:49 PM

Planet quality events are to hard to pass up. Once your on the slippery slope from there, the next thing you know your the next Lothmorg. Walk towards the light, come back.

#6323  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/1/2004 5:47:13 PM

I got my black shield at 9.25

Mine was definitely at 9.5.

On the morality scale 3 is neutral, so it would make more sense that a rating of 2.76 showed as neutral rather than good

Walk towards the light, come back

Light, what light? It's all so very dark here....

#6324  by Citizen Greldon - 4/1/2004 5:49:08 PM

Walk towards the light, come back.

I fear we've lost him ED! We're too late!

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