Hi folks, interesting AI thing I noticed last night...
I set all AIs to neutral / evil for a game, and played as I normally do. i.e. research a few basic techs, and trade them around for all the techs that give early game wonders / TGs. All proceeding normally until I realised that no-one had researched nano-metal composition, and I had to research it myself to build the TGs.
Now, with a plethora of war-happy AIs, you would have thought that a TG giving a nice hit point bonus would be a fairly high priority item, not to mention the manufacturing capital. I thought it was just a fluke, so repeated the dose - and got exactly the same outcome, so it must be "good" AIs that normally research this. Bit of a hole in the AI there I think, especially as after I researched it and built the TGs, they gave very good trades for it
On a none-game note, check this link out (lots of photos, so may be slow on dial-up): Link
Made me think, I can tell you
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Very sad pictures indeed.
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Yeah, makes you realise how lucky you are, no matter how bad things can seem at times.
The fact that they suppressed the extent of the problem for so long is frightening.
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Wander how many other tragedies have been kept away from the public???
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how many other tragedies have been kept away from the public |
There are a lot of things happening in those countries that don't have free press, that we will probably never know the truth about.
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Good morning, all! Got a couple of learning questions. I've been 'ratcheting up' the difficulty level as I play and re-play the demo (trying to brace myself for the full-blown experience, don't you know!). In the game I've got going right now I took the Yor's last remaining planet but they're still showing up in the diplo screen--even after several turns. How can that be? Did I miss something?
Also, a post from yesterday referenced the game ending in 2190. I knew that the demo ended then, but is that also the time limit ending for a full-blown game (presuming of course that you haven't wrapped it up nicely before then, via any one of the active victory conditions)?
Teach me, O masters of GalCiv!
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The game goes past 2190, but if you finish a game before that, you only score half the points.
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littlewotts, did I understand you correctly--there's actually a penalty for an early victory?
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Yup. 50% like Greldon said.
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OK. I understand the early victory penalty issue, now. (Posts passing in the ether, and all that.)
Greldon, I had thought to check on their planet situation via the diplo screen (look folks, he can be taught!), and they have none. Must be hiding out on a Starbase somewhere. Or worse yet, one of the Empires (non-Guardians, of course) are harboring their last remnants. Well, I suppose the only thing left to do is wipe them all out! (Haven't done that yet in the demo version, but that's my goal in the current game.)
Thanks for the help, all.
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There is not ime limit that I have found so far and I have played past 2200 many games.
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My first game, the Gigantic Cakewalk, I think I went past 2400.
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I think I went past 2400. |
2400!!!! That's over 2500 turns. Surely not!
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That game took me like 2 weeks to play. Of course it was my first, and I'm sure it was an abundant map.
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Don't tease littlewotts! That game was where he perfected the infamous "mud-and-tape" offense, whereby his enemies were literally up against the wall! (I'll try to limit my worst puns to Fridays. I promise.)
Update: The Yor are gone. (At least in this game.) You know how resource-based starbases (and maybe free-standing ones as well, I'm not sure) persist for a turn or two after the enemy has been vanquished? I'm wondering if maybe the Yor had a starbase that I didn't know about, and they were still present in the diplo screen because there was that last lingering vestige of them polluting the galaxy? (Just a thought.)
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