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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6375  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 12:06:58 PM

and they were still present in the diplo screen because there was that last lingering vestige of them polluting the galaxy?

I think it's more of a matter of the game taking a few turns to recalc...I seem to recall it taking four turns in one game, and the whole time our ships were still fighting until the fifth turn when everything Yor simply disapeared.

#6376  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/2/2004 12:52:00 PM

That game was where he perfected the infamous "mud-and-tape" offense, whereby his enemies were literally up against the wall!

#6377  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/2/2004 1:32:06 PM

littlewotts, I just noticed your medal for "wounded in actionm" and it's one that I'm not familiar with. What does that denote?

#6378  by Veteran Terl - 4/2/2004 1:39:10 PM

littlewotts, I just noticed your medal for "wounded in actionm" and it's one that I'm not familiar with. What does that denote?

You get it for submitting 5 losses

#6379  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 4/2/2004 1:42:47 PM

I hear you get a brilliant easter egg if you submit a hundred losses.

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#6380  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/2/2004 1:52:14 PM

You get it for submitting 5 losses

How does that effect your Metaverse scoring? In other words, are there any negatives to doing that?

#6381  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/2/2004 1:52:58 PM

Yes, it goes again your record.

#6382  by Veteran Terl - 4/2/2004 1:57:05 PM

In other words, are there any negatives to doing that?

Yes, which is why most people do not submit losses.

#6383  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 3:37:49 PM

Has anyone heard from Lothmorg? It's not like him to not visit the forums for this long period of time. He also hasn't posted a game since Wednesday night. Very strange.

#6384  by Veteran Terl - 4/2/2004 3:43:35 PM

Has anyone heard from Lothmorg? It's not like him to not visit the forums for this long period of time. He also hasn't posted a game since Wednesday night. Very strange.

No but I have noticed he has been around less the last couple days. Maybe work is catching up. As for the games, I am surprised.

#6385  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/2/2004 3:48:46 PM

Were number 1. (Just like to say that) Refinished and resubmitted that game I posted about yesterday and increase my score by 2000 by going from alliance to military victory. I then played another game last night and finished in under 3 hours. That was the 1st time I have managed to do that so am very happy. Really starting to get a feel for the game now

#6386  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 3:53:31 PM

As for the games, I am surprised.

That's the thing that has me worried. I know how bad he wants the gold, and for him to not submit a single game in two days is really weird. That hasn't happened since he came back while we were all still in FotR.

#6387  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/2/2004 3:53:50 PM


Once it clicks, there's no stopping you

#6388  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/2/2004 3:55:03 PM

Hope he's just saving them up for a big BOOM assualt on the top.

#6389  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 3:59:10 PM

Very Nice, ED!!!
Really starting to get a feel for the game now
Enlightenment is fun!

#6390  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/2/2004 4:01:02 PM

I know how bad he wants the gold, and for him to not submit a single game in two days is really weird

Well he was around the forums yesterday. ED could be right - he's got a whole bunch of bombs stored on his laptop and he's going to jump from 4th to 1st in one hit

I think you need to get some more games in Greldon to increase that lead - I mean, I'm less than 900,000 points behind you now

#6391  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:02:03 PM

I think you need to get some more games in Greldon to increase that lead - I mean, I'm less than 900,000 points behind you now

#6392  by Veteran vincible - 4/2/2004 4:07:01 PM

Congratulations to, well, to everyone who's done something that deserves congratulations since the last time I contratulated in this thread. That's probably all of you.

And special congratulations for taking the top spot!
[Message Edited]

#6393  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:09:15 PM

Magnum, you may be right.....he's probably got around fifty games saved.....he'll slaughter me....maybe I should just quit....I don't stand a chance against such evil....NOT!

#6394  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/2/2004 4:16:15 PM

An addendum to the 2190 game date thing: for those rare birds who still submit culture victories (and it seems I am nearly the only one left to do so at times), that is the minimum year that such a victory is possible.

So such is the way of the Meta: finish too early, get half off. Submit a tech victory, also get half off. Throw in a culture win, take about a third off. Alliance is also a discount, take 1/5 or so off. But get full price on artificially forced military victories!

I always wondered why if the powers-that-be truly wanted a Metaverse that reflected all sorts of victories and circumstances so they could improve their game and refine tactics it would turn out to favor people who are earning more points manufacturing only one or two types of the four possible wins. It is a sad legacy us old timers carry: we helped create the Masoverse each in our own ways by action or inaction, and it will never get fixed for Galciv I. Maybe the concept will be refined in a later Galciv incarnation, but the one we got will most likely stay the Masoverse forever.

#6395  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:22:37 PM

Maybe the concept will be refined in a later Galciv incarnation, but the one we got will most likely stay the Masoverse forever.

I'm inclined to agree. Change seems doubtful.

#6396  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 4/2/2004 4:24:58 PM

Change must come from within.

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#6397  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:27:08 PM

Change must come from within.

Damn that hotdog vendor!

#6398  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:27:30 PM


#6399  by Citizen Greldon - 4/2/2004 4:27:39 PM


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