Now, what exactly happens if a non-Guardian takes the #n00 position? (Someting contrary to honor and justice, I'm sure. )
I couldn't understand the big hurry on taking the #6000 spot the other day, but it's becoming clearer the more I hang out here. (If clarity can in fact occur without understanding. )
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Then I will practice the art of claiming these quickly, as I strongly suspect that will be part of my entrance exam into the Galactic Guardians.
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Something that I am not clear on in the game is how manufactoring, Economics and production differ. I guess that Economic improvement projects improve overall income of the planet. Does manufactoring and production imporovements mean the same thing. Do those projects also increase overall income or do they reduce the cost of future military and social projects.
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In my most recent game (still playing with the demo), I used Fusion Power Plants on most of my planets to help boost production. But their maintenance is so high that as soon as my "building rush" was completed (or mostly so), I went back and removed them. Same with some of my morale-boosting improvements, as I effectively replaced them with tech and resource bonuses.
I noted in one of the Galactic Forum threads that a negative balance will have a severely negative impact on morale. Is the converse true? Is it possible to have a 'surplus' that will boost morale?
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Clear as mud Greldon. Just read the whole Economics of Galciv in the encycloypedia section and that helped a little as well. I was trying to look at everything in terms of money and the game has industrial, medical and social units with bonus's caps and penalties. They say that these are undocumented and subject to change. The way I could get a better idea would to mark down the unit numbers in the planet screen and then check them again after local starbase and planet improvements and see what changes. They are capped based on planet quality so at some point you would be waisting your resources doing anything more.
I went back and removed them |
DAT I did not even know you could remove social projects once you built them until now. When you go in the red in your overall treasury your morale does go down. If your treasury goes over 25,000,I just read in the same section, your economy starts taking a "Graft" penalty and crooks start to take some of your treasury.
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Hello everyone! Just been away for a little bit.
Nice to see that I am missed though.
I just dropped off a couple points into the pot as well.
Now... To catch up on these freakin forums.
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Lothmorq, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, you have been hording all the Yor killings to yourself again. I knew you were just waiting for the right moment to let loose.
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Welcome back, Lothmorg! Looks like you brought some nice points with you, as well. Way to go! (I've got some aspirin left over from when I read through the entire thread to "catch-up"--give me a holler if you want it when you've caught up! )
ED, to remove a project you go into the Details portion of your planet screen. The completed projects are listed in the top-left of that display, along with its maintenance costs (if any) in parentheses. Click on any one to see more information--displayed lower left along with a Cancel Project button. Voila! (Wash, rinse, repeat.)
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With all your reading and practice you will be playing Masochistic right out of the box when your birthday finaly comes.
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I went back and removed them |
DAT - Fusion plants are expensive to maintain(3), but they also provide a 10% boost to planetary economics, so as long as the planet has an income of 30bc, they're worth keeping and effectively free.
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What I will do on my last turn of my next is go into my planets and delete different social projests and see how it effects things, and that way I will be able to better understand the ecomomics of the game. You always get those last 2 turns at the end of game. Perfect time to play around then.
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With all your reading and practice you will be playing Masochistic right out of the box when your birthday finaly comes. |
...and getting spanked soundly for getting too cocky, as well! I'm certainly getting to know my way around, but that doesn't prevent me from running into the odd wall every now and again! (I am hoping to sneak up on the Maso level--but I also want to be realistic about it, and really enjoy the game along the way!)
Speaking of Maso: I've noticed that a number of our esteemed Guardians (I haven't paid attention yet to non-Guardians) have only submitted 60K games--seemingly from day one. Is there a strategy involved in selecting which games you submit? For example, if I get all excited, win my first game over the weekend--ending up with a walloping 9mpts, or some such --and then submit that game, will then end up "pulling down" subsequent games due to averaging, or anything like that? (Somebody already pointed out earlier today that losses do count against your overall score.)
Any pointers will be helpful prior to making my first mistakes. (Well, at least the verse "official" ones in the Metaverse. )
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DAT - Fusion plants are expensive to maintain(3), but they also provide a 10% boost to planetary economics, so as long as the planet has an income of 30bc, they're worth keeping and effectively free. |
Magnumaniac, I hadn't considered that--thanks for the pointer! (I don't think I've had any of my planets being that economically productive so far, but I suspect that one or two planets that I conquered--which turned out to be at ridiculously high PQ levels--might have had that potential even in the time-limited demo.) I'll pay close attention!
[Afterthought: I'm still getting used to the concept that 'production' and 'economy' are so intertwined. So it had never occurred to me that the 10% production bonus was also effectively impacting my economy! Again, thanks for pointing it out. I still have SO much to learn!]
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[RANT Mode ON!]
GalCiv is a great game - 99% of the time! There are some things though that make you want to take a hammer to your hard drive
March 2189, 80 minutes of playing time in, miles ahead in tech, 3 remaining AIs all at "close"...
just clicking on turn to get to 2190 to take the win...
*?%£&^$-ing fundies appear, and I get the usual "several of our worlds have rebelled...blah, blah, blah". Not a problem, thinks I, only a few turns before I take the alliances, I can handle this. Hmmm, for "several" read "all", and instant loss.
What possible benefit can anyone get from a gaming event that is completely random and causes an instant loss regardless of your performance to date, and with absolutely no chance of preventing that loss. You might as well start a new game, flip a coin and if you guess right you get 60K mpts. Would save screwing around for 80 minutes for nothing!
[RANT Mode OFF!]
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Oh! So that's what the rant formatting button is for! I had wondered.
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Magnum, is this random event only in the 1.49 version. Talk about sucks. Morale was good and everything?
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Checking out now guys--date night with my wife! Woohoo!
Just a little more than 24 hours until I get to open my birthday presents and be surprised (just practicing!) at receiving GalCiv! Of course, then I suppose I'm going to be expected to hang around and make idle chit-chat until all my guests have finally headed home! (But believe you me, then I'm going to take out all that frustration--on the Yor, or course! )
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is this random event only in the 1.49 version |
It's been around for a while, but it only affects you if you're of evil morality in the game. That's the only consideration, morale has no effect (all planets were at 100%).
Still, there should be something in the code that stops "all" planets rebelling, even if it only leaves you with your homeworld.
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Still, there should be something in the code that stops "all" planets rebelling, even if it only leaves you with your homeworld. |
No kidding what a waist of your time
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No kidding what a waist of your time |
Aah well, I guess I'll just have to start using the autosave. It's usually switched off because I like living with my mistakes - it makes you a much better player if you have to dig yourself out of a self-created hole
Off to bed now, but the first game I play tomorrow... it would be adviseable for the Yor to surrender on turn 1, because they are going to pay for that
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Magnu, whenever that happens to me, I just reload an autosave and it usually doesn't appear again.
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