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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6475  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 4:00:20 PM

Oh man are you in trouble now. I hope you were smart enough to get the cards and most of the cash before she left the house.

#6476  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 4:08:09 PM

Wife left house mad.

ED, have you considered buying her flowers (or whatever it is that tickles her fancy) and going for the cultural victory?

#6477  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/3/2004 4:11:52 PM

ED, have you considered buying her flowers (or whatever it is that tickles her fancy) and going for the cultural victory?

We believe she has terror star technology and that she is prepared to use it.

#6478  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 4:17:24 PM

A paraphrase from Captian JS...

Like the devs... Wives have long since closed that 1 IP hole. :sniff:

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#6479  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/3/2004 4:25:17 PM

Lt: Sir! The Yor have been Greldonized!

General: Very well.

Was that the male Lt. or the female who removes her apparel???


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#6480  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/3/2004 4:27:55 PM

Played a game this morning. Wife left house mad

Mine chased me off to play this morning....


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#6481  by Citizen Greldon - 4/3/2004 4:29:38 PM

Outstanding performance, Lothmorg!!!
I really think you should slow down...don't want to burn out!

Oh well, it was worth a try!

Oh...BOOM!!! Yet another successful demonstration of the "Greldonization" process!

#6482  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 5:09:17 PM

We believe she has terror star technology and that she is prepared to use it.

Ouch! (I believe I know what you're talking about, though--I'm married to a lawyer.) Here's hoping that you are able to re-form an alliance, and right quick!

[Afterthought: ED, that has to be the funniest line I've read on these forums. And under difficult circumstances, too. Good for you for keeping your wits about you!]
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#6483  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:21:40 PM

Mine chased me off to play this morning

Mine just chased me... To get going so we'd have food in the house.

#6484  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/3/2004 5:23:55 PM

Here's hoping that you are able to re-form an alliance

No! Follow the evil course, and research 'Master Race', followed by 'Artificial Slaves' - that should re-establish the equilibrium

Mine chased me off to play this morning....

That's not fair Alex - you must have a version that still has the 1 ip loophole

#6485  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 5:24:30 PM

To get going so we'd have food in the house.

So, exactly how much food does it take to feed-a-moose? And are there little damooses? (Or is the pluralization of 'damooose,' 'dameese'?)

#6486  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 5:25:53 PM

...research 'Master Race', followed by 'Artificial Slaves' - that should re-establish the equilibrium

Don't we wish!

#6487  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:26:06 PM

you must have a version that still has the 1 ip loophole

#6488  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:29:14 PM

So, exactly how much food does it take to feed-a-moose? And are there little damooses? (Or is the pluralization of 'damooose,' 'dameese'?)

Not so food much really... It was just an excuse to shopping for makeup and jewlrey, and ... well you get idea.

And no... I am the one and only original Da Moose!

#6489  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 5:33:09 PM

Damoose--yup, I get the idea. Knew a couple back in Southern California. He was 6'5", built like a football player, and she was the tiniest thing you ever saw. Their nicknames were Moose and Mouse. So, I've gone from knowing a Moose, to knowing Da Moose. And who says GalCiv isn't good for your social standing?!

#6490  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:34:19 PM

#6491  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/3/2004 5:38:05 PM

I'd like to wlecome our newest member, Gandalftheredskin!

Welcome Gandalftheredskin (we'll need to find some way of shortening that before too long ).

Good choice of empire . If you go on over to this link: Link and register, one of the moderators will give you access to our private forum over there as well (yes, we do talk even more than you see here).

Hope you're getting a feel for the game, and the assistance you've had in the main forum has been useful.

Heh-heh, Matthew's not gonna be happy at missing out on a "Gandalf" for the FOTR

#6492  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:40:17 PM


#6493  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/3/2004 5:43:08 PM

we'll need to find some way of shortening that before too long

GTR works quite well I think

There I go, quoting my own posts again

Is that another sign of completely losing grip of reality

#6494  by Citizen damoose - 4/3/2004 5:55:28 PM

Indeed! Not that there's been much doubt as of late for any of us...

#6495  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/3/2004 5:57:27 PM

That's not fair Alex - you must have a version that still has the 1 ip loophole

I've had it for 20 years....


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#6496  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/3/2004 7:21:48 PM

Forgive my noobie-ness, but what was the "1 ip loophole"? (Those who are ignorant of history, blah, blah, blah...)

#6497  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/3/2004 7:28:11 PM

You could gift 1 Influence Point (IP) to the AI and improve relations.

#6498  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/3/2004 7:29:35 PM

There used to be an exploit in the game, where if you gave the AIs 1 influence point every few turns your relations wouldn't drop - thus keeping you out of wars.

#6499  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/3/2004 7:29:54 PM

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