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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6525  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/4/2004 10:59:46 AM

Congrats to Lothmorg for taking 3rd.

Wow. I guess I should keep a closer eye on these things.


#6526  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/4/2004 11:26:36 AM

Nice shiny Lothmorg!

#6527  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/4/2004 11:37:06 AM

Congrats on 3rd, Lothmorg! And thanks to all for helping me get my account set up, straighted out, and all. I have appreciated the sense of community and brotherhood that marks the Galactic Guardians from the first time I encountered them, and that's what makes me proud to now be a member! (Oooh, I love the sound of that! And I like seeing the Guardians crest on my sigline, as well! )

So, it's official, DATarbell has re-entered the Galaxy as Major Dallas, and aligned with The Galactic Guardians.

So, here's my 'gift' to the Guardians, a David Letterman-style top ten list. Enjoy!

Top Ten Reasons to Annihilate the Yor

10. They taste like chicken. (Admittedly this requires a very long BBQ process to tenderize them and large quantities of BBQ sauce. And even then they have a noticeable 'motor oil' aftertaste!)

9. Prevents them from making sequels to "Ishtar," "Krull," "Hercules in New York," and other thinly-disguised movies they have subjected us to as part of their cultural warfare.

8. Dolph Lundgren is a Yorian.

7. You've heard the saying, "What's mine is Yor's"? Well, sharing isn't all it's cracked up to be. What's mine is mine and I intend for it to stay that way!

6. They invented disco and, yes I know that disco is dead, but still, somebody needs to be punished! (Ed. note: Their alleged involvement in rap is currently under investigation.)

5. The broadcast signal for "The Jerry Springer Show" has been traced to the Yorian homeworld.

4. Doh! They're the Yor! (Besides, what else are you going to do with a Greldonizer?)

3. The Men in Black are too busy and, well, somebody's got to do it. ("Did you ever flashy-thing me?" "No" "I ain't playing, K. Did you ever flashy-thing me?")

2. The Yor invented Teletubbies--'nuff said.

1. For Honor and Justice! (Ed. note: This is the only empirically valid reason for annihilating the Yor and therefore the only one found acceptable to members of the Galactic Guardians Empire.)

[Message Edited]

#6528  by Citizen damoose - 4/4/2004 11:46:56 AM

Hey Major... Welcome to the 'verse... Oh and Happy Birthday!

And I just read your top ten (after I posted this the first time)... Very funny.
[Message Edited]

#6529  by Citizen damoose - 4/4/2004 11:48:31 AM

Hey Lothy... Oh Lothy... 3rd man... WTG!
[Message Edited]

#6530  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/4/2004 12:05:13 PM

Major! That was great!

#6531  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/4/2004 12:57:40 PM

Congrats Lothmorg!

#6532  by Citizen Greldon - 4/4/2004 4:28:09 PM

Congrats on taking third place, Lothmorg!
Now take a break....okay?

Very funny, Major....and welcome to the Guardians....and Happy Birthday!

Okay Guardians, it's less than 225K points to 5 million.
Let's make history this week as the first empire to top 5,000,000!

And with that in mind..BOOM!!!

We must endeavor to persevere.
For Honor and Justice!

#6533  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/4/2004 4:40:23 PM

And with that in mind..BOOM!!!


A whopping 4,401 mpts for that one - I now need another 50,004 points to get on the first page

And only 901,062 points to catch Greldon

#6534  by Citizen Greldon - 4/4/2004 4:51:06 PM

And only 901,062 points to catch Greldon

You're getting closer Magnum!

Some days it just seems like everybody is after me...

#6535  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/4/2004 5:44:13 PM

Are you sure they haven't got any more planets hiding? Did you get the "The Yor have finally succumbed to the might of..." cut scene? If not, then they still exist somewhere.

Nope, they are dust, although they hung around for a turn after they died. (I've seen that before after a TS Alpha). It's like the game doesn't check to see if they are dead until the end of the following turn, even though the message gets triggered during this turn. Then the tribute never goes away. I am going back to a previous save and play it out again to see if I get the same result.

Thanks for responding,

#6536  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/4/2004 5:48:29 PM

Congrats on third Loth! Although by the time you read this, it might be Congrats on second! Only 3160 pts behind JaxomCA!

#6537  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/4/2004 5:53:07 PM

Congratulations, Lothmorg! Way to go!

#6538  by Citizen bonscott - 4/4/2004 5:55:56 PM

Well, I have two games to submit once the latest submit bug is fixed (yep, it finally got me). A normal Military at around 8K and a Challanging at 13K or so. Working my way up fast!

#6539  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/4/2004 5:56:25 PM

It's official! Welcome to the Guardians Major Dallas! Now go get those Yor!

#6540  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/4/2004 5:57:53 PM

Working my way up fast!

Go bonscott!

#6541  by Citizen Greldon - 4/4/2004 7:44:05 PM

[popping in]


[popping out]

#6542  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/4/2004 7:48:20 PM

Hey Greldon! Stop in over at the Pirate's thread. It seems all our BOOMS have undone the Meta itself.

#6543  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/4/2004 8:21:12 PM

OK, one more little contribution from me. Now I'm off to watch the opening day game between the Red Sox and the Orioles.

Good night all!

#6544  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/4/2004 8:24:09 PM

See you later Mag!

#6545  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/4/2004 9:28:58 PM

Tried the lend/lease program with the Yor again with the same result. The Yor die, but the tribute remains. I suspect that the problem is the following: The Yor worlds are out of range for my attack, so I have to buy a starbase along with the attack fleet. Then I have to save and reload the game to get it to reconize that I am now in range. I will try to build my own SB and see if the result is different...

#6546  by Citizen Bam_Bam - 4/4/2004 9:48:24 PM

#6525 by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/4/2004 10:59:46 AM

Congrats to Lothmorg for taking 3rd.

Wow. I guess I should keep a closer eye on these things.


Better make that second. Watch out Greldon!

BTW--are either of you two (or any other Guardians, for that matter) interesting in something different? A new challenge of a "beyond-Maso" challenge game or series?

#6547  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/4/2004 9:49:40 PM


I'll take that 2nd, Jaxom!

Thank you everyone!

#6548  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/4/2004 9:53:54 PM

Lothmorg: We want information...information...information...

Alex: Who are you?

Lothmorg: The new Number 2. (Who is Number 1!)

Lothmorg: You are Number 6.

Alex: I am not a number! I am a free man!


#6549  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/4/2004 10:05:46 PM

Congrats Lothmorg!!!

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