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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6575  by Veteran Terl - 4/5/2004 9:59:53 AM

RL has been really busy for me but I'm hoping to get a game in sometime soon. It's been far too long since I've eradicated some Yor! I hope everyone has been doing great.

Good to see you! This will be your week...I can feel it

Not to worry about the Yor. I destroyed two systems in your honor on Saturday

[Message Edited]

#6576  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/5/2004 10:05:08 AM

Not to worry about the Yor. I destroyed two systems in your honor on Saturday


This will be your week...I can feel it

Double Thanks!

#6577  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 10:15:54 AM

What happened with the Metaverse news??? No news is not good news!!!!

#6578  by Citizen Greldon - 4/5/2004 10:27:15 AM

Good morning, all!

Hello, Theoden. It's good to hear from you. Our operatives say the Yor are trying to purchase an alliance with anyone to help against the relentless onslaught of the Galactic Guardians. Thus far, their efforts have been unsuccessful. No one is willing to stand with them before the might of the Guardians.

Congrats to all for their accomplishments over the weekend.

#6579  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/5/2004 10:29:42 AM

Oh, I'm also using the Galactic Guardians political party from the Library for the first time. Nice combination for invasions and I'll say it really comes in handy. I've taken over 6 billion worlds with just 1 billion trooops. Nice.

We have a political party? Have to look that up.

#6580  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/5/2004 10:31:27 AM

Max score for each level as per the statbot data.Beginner 17530Cakewalk 16440Challenging 25740Crippling 40054Easy 16020Masochistic 60000Normal 27816Painful 40080Simple 19360Tough 39810

Good to know what to aim for. Thanks Alex!

#6581  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 10:31:34 AM

Yes, was a small token of appreciation for the good work done by the Guardians.

#6582  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/5/2004 10:38:40 AM

Yes, was a small token of appreciation for the good work done by the Guardians.

The Guardian Mods? Cool!

#6583  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/5/2004 10:52:03 AM

Hello, Theoden. It's good to hear from you. Our operatives say the Yor are trying to purchase an alliance with anyone to help against the relentless onslaught of the Galactic Guardians. Thus far, their efforts have been unsuccessful. No one is willing to stand with them before the might of the Guardians.

Hi Greldon! It's good to see noone wants to affiliate with the Yor...

What happened with the Metaverse news??? No news is not good news!!!!

The Metaverse Review is temporarily out of circulation, due to some unforseen complications. We hope to return to publication soon, however.

#6584  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/5/2004 10:55:43 AM

Galactic Guardians News Alert

Attention all Guardians! There is a new election for Guardian Knights in the private forums. All Guardians are requested to vote in the Conclave elections within the next five days. Rules are posted there as well.

All Galactic Guardians are eligible to vote in this election, including our newest members. If there are any Guardians who have not registered for the private forums, please do so now at this Link so you can participate in the election.

Two Conclave positions are up for election, so everyone please go vote as soon as you can!

Thank you!

#6585  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/5/2004 10:56:48 AM

I think I'm going to go kill some Yor.

See everyone a bit later!

#6586  by Veteran Terl - 4/5/2004 10:59:18 AM

I think I'm going to go kill some Yor.

That always makes me feel good. Go get 'em

#6587  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:39:21 AM

Can we replace the penguins from the game by using Yors????

#6588  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/5/2004 11:41:55 AM

Yes, was a small token of appreciation for the good work done by the Guardians

I don't use mods, so hadn't spotted those... thanks for the effort Renegade Nice to see we are grudgingly appreciated in the Metaverse

#6589  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:45:08 AM

I am planning in creating a serie of mods dedicated to Empire's capitals

like Diplomats (I am planing in creating one called Diplomatic Capital)

Guardians (Military Capital)
Pirates (Booze Capital)
Jedis (Intelectual Capital)
MWC (Farming Capital)
EURO (Legal Capital)


It is going to be fun.

[Message Edited]

#6590  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/5/2004 11:46:11 AM

Nice to hear from you Theoden. We've all been trying to take good care of Raven's Claw while you're out dealing with this RL stuff

We even picked up Gandalf along the way.

Like Terl says, it's going to be a good week I'm sure.

#6591  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:49:42 AM

Yeap, we miss you, and the news, a lot of good news around the Metaverse.

#6592  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:50:21 AM

Now we need to convince Greldon and Lothmorg to get bussy in RL that way the other players can get closer.

#6593  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:51:54 AM

I just need 614132 points to get you down from your tower Greldon. I am developing a long range missile using booze as rocket propellent, it should make it.

#6594  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:53:21 AM

Hey Guardians!!!!!

#6595  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/5/2004 11:53:27 AM

I am planning in creating a serie of mods dedicated to Empire's capitals

Interesting idea Renegade. Sounds good, but you forgot...

CSF - "Snack" Capital

#6596  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:53:36 AM

Anybody home???????????????

#6597  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:54:00 AM

Yes I knew I forgot someone.

#6598  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:54:20 AM

The Snack Capital of the World!!!!

#6599  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/5/2004 11:54:32 AM


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