Hi all,
Just dropping in again for a bit. Today is a slow one at work...
...and saving the top of the page.
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Renegade's right - you can't buy constructors from the AI. Actually my strategy doesn't rely on cultural conquest at all. I can sometimes flip a few close systems after building the influence wonders (Restaurant, Historic Preserve etc) and buying up all the starbases on influence resources (after the AI has kindly added a few mining modules).
Mostly I use invasion, and then ally with the last couple of AIs left. As you take over planets, they increase your cultural range aswell, but basically if it's not in a sector adjacent to one of your systems, it ain't gonna flip.
I only tried this method once because I got bored of building constructors and SBs, and found it to be so easy, I haven't looked back. Still go back for the occasional culture / TS alpha game for variety though
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If you play tiny, small or sometimes medium maps, the Culture War becomes much more interesting. I played one game where I built 4 terror stars with the culture mods and just flew around the board until I won.
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In my last game, I was setting up for some invasions and TS fireworks, but I kept flipping planets. I ended up only having to build 3 TSs.
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Mostly I use invasion, and then ally with the last couple of AIs left |
Oh, no wonder I could not see how to pull it off. What is interesting in this game is because I didn't try to planet boom the Federalist's control most the galaxcy. The major AI's only control there home worlds and at most one other system. I should be able to Alpha them all easily as long I can keep the Federalists happy.
Yours scores don't seem to suffer any with the alliance victory thats for sure.
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Hi Genghis! Top of the page! WTG! |
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I have taken out a race and then moved the terror stars on to the next one...they never said a word abou |
Trouble is they move so painfully slow. I had been destoying after one use and then moving new set of constructors into position and BOOM again one race at a time. Suprised they would not object to you moving 4 terror stars into there space. You must be sending out party invititaions first and they think they are going to a party palace.
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I like using them for alpha strikes. I have taken out a race and then moved the terror stars on to the next one...they never said a word about "build up in sector blah" either. Once all is in place, bang, all gone. Not so much as a complaint. Then on to the next. |
Well, in that particular game, I had no complaints either. They always flipped while I was still in the adjacent sector. Map was lined up just right so I always had planets to increase the bonus.
Alpha strikes are a fine thing, and I enjoy them greatly! Just find it amusing to imagine the Party Terror Stars... Hey, the terror stars are having a party in the next sector! Let's join them before they have a party here. You know how those wild parties always trash up the place...
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You know how those wild parties always trash up the place |
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Oh, I see post number 6660 was secured for the pure evil of the metaverse.
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* Today in History *
- 2348 BC: According to tradition, Noah's Ark landed on Mt. Ararat.
- 1614: Native American princess Pocahontas married English colonist Avis McJohn (John) Rolfe in Virginia.
- 1722: Jacob Roggeveen discovered Easter Island.
- 1768: The first U.S. Chamber of Commerce was formed in New York City.
- 1792: President Washington cast the first presidential veto, rejecting a congressional measure for apportioning representatives among the states.
- 1806: Isaac Quintard patented Apple Cider.
- 1887: Teacher Anne Sullivan achieved a major breakthrough with her blind and deaf pupil, Helen Keller, by conveying to her the meaning of the word "water."
- 1895: Oscar Wilde lost his criminal libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry, who accused him of homosexual practices.
- 1923: Firestone Co. put their inflatable tires into production.
- 1936: A series of tornadoes in Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina killed 498 over six days.
- 1951: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death following their conviction on spying for the Soviet Union.
- 1955: Sir Winston Churchill resigned as British Prime Minister.
- 1964: The first driverless trains ran on the London Underground.
- 1971: Fran Phipps became the first woman to reach the North Pole.
- 1974: The tallest building of its day, the World Trade Center, opened in New York City.
- 1990: Paul Newman won a court victory over Julius Gold to continue giving all profits from Newman foods to charity.
- 1992: Peru's President Alberto Fujimori suspended the constitution and dissolved Congress.
*Happy Birthday*
- Frank Gorshin, 70, actor, "Batman" TV series
- Gregory Peck, 88, actor, "To Kill A Mockingbird," "Moby Dick"
- Mitch Pileggi, 52, actor, "The X-Files"
- General Colin Powell, 67, ex-Chairman of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
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by Veteran Gerakken - 4/5/2004 4:18:33 PM
As you take over planets, they increase your cultural range aswell, but basically if it's not in a sector adjacent to one of your systems, it ain't gonna flip. |
True culture bombing is an art form requiring patience. You don't have to be in adjacent sectors and don't need loads of terror star party palaces flying around either. A practiced bomber can put enough pressure on from tech, wonders, planets, and an influence star base or two to flip systems two or three sectors out. On a larger map with tight clusters, taking a toehold system (a minor race system is perfect when they are available) and maybe using a normal party palace starbase might be required. Slow, constant pressure is the key. And pour on a little destab money to add to the pressure on a cracking major race.
It takes time and patience, so it is often quicker to alpha strike the way to victory than to slug it out with little fighting and almost pure flipping. While one day I could try to write a pure old school culture bomb guide, it might be simpler to say think like a constrictor snake. Wait for the opportunity, slither in quietly, drop the coils around the prey, and slowly squeeze the life out of them. One system at a time they will fall, and an alien civ or two might surrender their last planet or so to you (hopefully) or someone else, but they will all fall eventually. If culture victory is on, it will happen quicker but one would then have to take it as a culture victory (an apparent crime in the point crazed Masoverse). If culture victory is off, then it takes longer, sometime much longer.
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I might have to pull a Mr. Pirate here.
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6666 taken for the most evil of Guardians.
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True culture bombing is an art form requiring patience. |
Gerakken, that's what I did in my first-ever victory earlier today--turned off Cultural Victory (based on tips received here) and went for a cultural-bombing-cum-military victory. At the end it was going very slowly, and since it was my first time I wasn't even certain that I was doing it right. So I ended up building a couple TS's and ending it with a BANG! (At least that was my intent. The last few planets saw those TS's coming and they culture-flipped in a hurry! Better Terran than dead, I suppose. )
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6666 taken for the most evil of Guardians |
Very approriate.
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I love LW's idea of using cultural terror stars. Very cost efficent. I was constantly destroying and building new star basis as my influence moved forward.
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Party stars are nice. On a large map it can take some time to get places though. I end up send off a few contructors to blast planets if it takes too long.
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by Citizen Brewskin - 4/5/2004 4:43:32 PM
Hi all, just wanted to pop in to this amazingly long thread and thank you for the opportunity to become a Galactic Guardian. Good job on the name, to whomever the credit goes, it was but one of the things that drew me here.
I've just finished and submitted my 3rd game(LG/Occasional/Painful/Economists/+30Econ/+15Mor/+5PQ) since buying this most excellent diversion, and after seeing the score, I'm pretty sure I'll be leaving those Tech vistories alone, at least for the present. I had control of the game from near the start, with over a third of the galaxy within my easy reach, and several minors scattered between myself and the Major Powers, providing a nice little crescent shaped Poland around my soon to be Wehrmacht. After I'd gotten to TSs over half of the map was mine, and once they'd been positioned, the systems came rolling in. It would probably have been quicker to crush the 15 remaining systems, but I just had to see the movie, I'll try those Excaliburs out next time. 
Now, I'm off to try out a couple of ideas on a small map, after I check the Library for new goodies.
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My apologies to the Guardians if any of our missiles directed towards the EURO empire landed on your territory. A misscalculation in the ratio of Vodka in our rocket fuel mix, caused an alteration in the trajectory of our latest missiles, and may have landed in your territory by accident.
Check the quarrel between the pirates and the EUROs.
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Game 3 and Gandolf is already playing on painful. That is painfully embarassing to me.
I predict we have another great guardian in our midst. Welcome Gandolf the Red Skin.
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