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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6725  by Citizen Greldon - 4/6/2004 10:34:38 AM

Where are my manners? Good morning, all!

#6726  by Citizen Greldon - 4/6/2004 10:38:35 AM

Lothmorg: Congrats on taking back 2nd place!

#6727  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/6/2004 10:41:43 AM

Morning Greldon.

You might want to check out the Centurion's thread. Alex is hinting that "Greldon needs to be Greldonized" to give someone else a chance

Better watch your back, and if you see one of those "Greldonizer" thingies.... Duck!

#6728  by Veteran Terl - 4/6/2004 10:48:44 AM

The Yor ship stopped alongside the derelict freighter. A small boarding party entered the freighter and began their search. It was not long before they came upon a living being.

"Fleshling, we are the Yor collective, these worlds belong to us."

The answer came quickly. "What is this 'fleshling' stuff? I am a Now, unless you have something for me to eat, I need to get going."

Deeper in the ship a small group is arguing. "But listen to me Rimmer. There is someone on board this ship. Just check with Holly."

"I don't care what you say, Lister, I am in charge. Kryten, find out what is going on."

"Mr Rimmer...."

"Yes, Holly, what is it?"

"My sensors indicate the boarding party is actually related to Kryten. Seems like as the millions of years passed us by, Kryten was quite busy....."

Can this be?

#6729  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/6/2004 11:01:09 AM

Cat made his way on to the Yor ship. "Hey, what's with this place? No mirrors anywhere. This is the style equivalent of the Marie Celeste, deader than flares."

He moved towards the cargo hold, and discovered the sedated Torian prisoner. "Now this is more like it." Glancing over his shoulder pads to either side, Cat then began the hunting chant..."I'm going to get you little fishy, I'm going to get you little fishy."

A short while later, inhuman screams echoed through the hulls of both ships as bazookoid fire ripped through the Yor boarding party. "What a total bunch of smeg-heads." commented Lister as he returned his bazookoid to the rack.

#6730  by Veteran Terl - 4/6/2004 11:05:33 AM

Very nice Magnum....I figured someone would help out

#6731  by Citizen Greldon - 4/6/2004 11:09:54 AM

Alex is hinting that "Greldon needs to be Greldonized" to give someone else a chance

Seems to be a common sentiment these days!

Actually I've slowed down....only submiting one or two games a day, except on the weekends when it's three or four, which is still less than before.

Come and get it boys! I'm right here, not going anywhere, so bring it on! All you have to do is take it!

#6732  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/6/2004 11:15:26 AM

"Really Mr. Lister, sir, there is no possible way that those things could be related to me in any way. For a start, they had funny shaped heads, they had no sense of humour whatsoever, and they were so dumb they made even Mr. Rimmer's continued existence seem worthwhile."

"Yeah Kryten, whatever. Where is goal-post head anyway?"

"I believe he's hiding under his bed again sir."

#6733  by Citizen Greldon - 4/6/2004 11:58:49 AM

"I believe he's hiding under his bed again sir."

#6734  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/6/2004 12:43:14 PM

Very nice stories Tel, Magnumaniac. And good morning Greldon.

#6735  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/6/2004 12:54:13 PM

Very nice stories

Apologies to anyone who is somewhat confused (but Terl started it ) by the humour, as I don't believe this particular show was broadcast widely in the US.

For those who haven't got a clue what we're talking about - the characters and references come from the BBC sitcom 'Red Dwarf' about a completely dysfunctional group stranded in deep space.

#6736  by Veteran Terl - 4/6/2004 1:10:00 PM

For those who haven't got a clue what we're talking about - the characters and references come from the BBC sitcom 'Red Dwarf' about a completely dysfunctional group stranded in deep space.

An absolutely amazing sitcom BTW! Tapes are available here in the states which is where I get my fix

#6737  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/6/2004 1:53:04 PM

Good afternoon everybody!!

#6738  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/6/2004 1:54:39 PM

at all levels you can park a TS right next to an AI planet for months on end without them ever asking your purpose

That is hilarious. I thought my goose was cooked. Good information, I assumed I only got away with the TS sitting in their systems do to my playing level. I was in such panic to increase my range I did not notice if it corrected itself and was just a glitch. That was one of my funnest games yet, did the no military build tell the very end, then finished off everybody in one giant Alpha strike. Love this game.

#6739  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/6/2004 2:12:17 PM

Hi everyone!

As we already established, our thread has by far the most activity. I was wondering just how much of the activity on the other empires threads we account for!

#6740  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/6/2004 2:17:46 PM

Morning/afternoon, all! Got a question for those with more experience: if I build a TerrorStar, a) can I still add on other SB modules, and if so b) will Stellar Wake and Inverse Tractor Beam positively effect its speed (and similarly, Repair Bay for repairs, and so on)?

#6741  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/6/2004 2:18:02 PM

I was wondering just how much of the activity on the other empires threads we account for!

A pretty fair amount, I'd guess.

#6742  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/6/2004 2:18:58 PM

As we already established, our thread has by far the most activity. I was wondering just how much of the activity on the other empires threads we account for

Our motto should be "Miss a day, miss alot". You have to visit a couple times a day just to keep your reading to managable amount. DaMoose appreciates it greatly.

#6743  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/6/2004 2:19:05 PM

a) can I still add on other SB modules


b) will Stellar Wake and Inverse Tractor Beam positively effect its speed

I don't think so

#6744  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/6/2004 2:20:30 PM


rbloom just gained back about 10K on me and put himself back into the top 200 (which I didn't make yet)! But he didn't submit a game since march 19. What gives? Does anyone understand the scoring of the meta?

#6745  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/6/2004 2:21:20 PM

Does anyone understand the scoring of the met

I think the only bigger mystery is the universe, actaully.

#6746  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/6/2004 2:21:40 PM

Our motto should be "Miss a day, miss alot".

I'll say. 2 posts just while I was typing the last one

#6747  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/6/2004 2:21:51 PM

Really? I've never heard of that before.

#6748  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/6/2004 2:23:11 PM

Anyone actualy max out TS and used it against ships in open space. How would it do? I have just used in Alpha strike. Minimum 5 constructors, boom and decommision.

#6749  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/6/2004 2:23:57 PM

I don't think it can attack ships.

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