This post is property of The GROSS pirates.
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Heh, heh, heh, 3 top post in a row.
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Indeed!!!! (6600,6700,6800) All mine!!!!
I don't have anything better to do, waiting for Galciv to reinstall itself, it is giving me a really hard time, this is the 3rd time I have to reinstall it.
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This is the quote:
"There’s one additional undocumented gotcha. If your treasury exceeds 25,000 you start to take a slight graft penalty. There is a crime fighting ability that can decrease graft but it’s very hard to improve that ability. But if you’re letting your treasury build that high, there’s something wrong with your government anyway"
They even underline the slight. I originaly mentioned it because I had never heard about it before. It is in the GalCiv economics area in encloypedia.
I often have several hundred thousand BCs, but never noticed a corruption penalty. |
Imagine the massive Alpha strike that payload could deliver. A thing of beauty I am sure.
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You see it worked. It took me a while to learn the trick of quoting.
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I will love it!!!! C'mon down here to Florida, we need more tourists!!! They just opened a new atraction in Disney, c'mon down and bring the whole Guardian family.
You are all welcome!!!!
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How would you like it if I came over to your house and posted 30 or 40 posts of a single number, every day! |
Uh-oh, I hear the Greldonizer firing up! Everyone move away from The Renegade. (Say, who brought the popcorn? ED, wasn't it your turn? Come on man, how are we going to enjoy the show without popcorn?! )
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We have here in Florida like 345 different kind of popcorns, which one you will like, we can ship them too!!!
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OK, I am sorry, I will not do it again!!!! except for 7000.
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I give up. Does anybody have a 2x4 I can borrow for a few minutes. (may be returned broken) |
Greldon, I've got several. Help yourself! Anyone else want one? (No, not you Renegade. Obviously you don't get one, or 'it'!)
[Edit: Oh, maybe you do get it--although methinks that makes it a greater offense.]
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I give up. Does anybody have a 2x4 I can borrow for a few minutes. (may be returned broken) |
That will be the low-tech version of the Greldonizer then
Haven't you lot got any work to do? I go off to create a little BOOM!!! and come back to over 2 pages worth (ok, so at least one of those was pointless pumping).
Anyway I think Major D has the secret, and is now running on YAT - watch out.
ED, that penalty above 25K is hardly noticeable - and it doesn't mean you've got an inefficient style, it just means you're too good. Wait till you get the Draginol event... can you say 140,000 bc per turn income
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Stealing a particular post is cool....spamming a lot of posts to get to it, isn't. (but maybe that's just me) |
It's not just you. I don't like spamming posts either. I did a while back to grab a post, but it really wasn't that fun.
Though it is difficult grabbing a x000 or xx00 post in here without spamming.
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I believe we usually get the traditional 1 post warning of "JRS Sherbetia entering system" from your good self Admiral.
Perfectly acceptable IMHO.
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Hi GAS! It's called timing. |
Absolutely. Matthew provided a perfect example with post 5000 in this thread. Damned ringers
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Hey, only 78 more posts to 6900. Why don't you go ahead and spam all the way there.
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Greldon, what do you think is the largest single Alpha strike you have pulled off. With payrolls in hundreds of thousands you must have set up some pretty spectacluar strikes. I assume.
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So what is the official spam for post rule. 1 spam is OK, 2 is iffy, 3 or more and we go to your thread and spam at wiil?
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