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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#6925  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 1:21:47 AM

better too be sure i'll call it day time

#6926  by Veteran never-never - 4/7/2004 1:22:10 AM

#6927  by Veteran never-never - 4/7/2004 1:22:43 AM

what is !

#6928  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 1:25:47 AM

I think it's bed time for me too. I gotta get to finish up this stoopid bathroom remodel.

#6929  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/7/2004 1:37:01 AM

Uhhhhggg...stupid time zones. It's 1:15 am here, and I think it's 12:15 am where Loth is at.

hmmmm since lothmorg is in texas i think that's only one time zone away from here so it's 11:34 pm over there.

#6930  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 1:38:51 AM

I think Texas is CST

#6931  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/7/2004 1:46:49 AM

actually let me see my cellphone...yeah it is

#6932  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 1:57:05 AM

OK! Really going to bed this time.

#6933  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/7/2004 1:58:07 AM

Hey XGE. Did you mention something about a logout web listing in your bookmark a page back? Because my bookmark for our empire listing brought me to the front page, and the web address had something about logout in it. But I was logged in!

#6934  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/7/2004 2:06:40 AM

but i find directly pasting works! and that's just weird!

#6935  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/7/2004 2:08:27 AM

sorry to drop in then drop out, but i'm getting tired (been waking up at 4:00 am with no assistance lately)

goodnight guys

#6936  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/7/2004 2:09:06 AM

Yeah. Wierd stuff. I just tried my bookmark again, and no problem. A few days back, I had a problem where I hit the bookmark, and I got a failed login screen, password wrong, WHILE I WAS LOGGED IN! Weird things happening over here.

#6937  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 2:54:50 AM

Anyone awake? Got two questions.

First, I'm playing my second full game (having ratcheted up both the AI and the galaxy size), and been running far behind everyone else, but using every trick I've learned here (so far!) to keep their attentions on each other and not on me! Down to three majors, with the Yor in the dominant position and Major Dallas at the bottom of the pile. But, I've got 13 TSs parked outside the 13 Yor systems--all primed and ready to go. Right before I pulled the trigger, I kindly offered N-1 a boatload of money for the rest of my natural life in return for his Dreadnoughts and StarBases (at least the ones parked on resources). Stupid Yor, I had my fingers crossed and was holding them right in front of me--but they hadn't invested sufficient money in Espionage to know what that means in my culture! Say "Goodbye Yor!" Next turn (and all subsequent) I'm stuck with the tribute--even though the Yor are but a memory. I know this was mentioned here the other day (but I can't find it now). What can I do to prevent this from happening?

Second, speaking of Espionage I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I have invested a little bit in Espionage against my top two opponents, occasionally getting a message that we've gone to Low, Medium, et cetera. And in my current game I was even surprised to end up with a tech. My question is, is there anything to Espionage besides putting some money towards it and watching it 'ratchet up'? (Along the same lines, is there anything I can do to prevent their deterioration efforts--besides putting more morale-boosting improvements on my planets?)

Looking forward to any pointers y'all can give me!

#6938  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/7/2004 3:23:59 AM

Second, speaking of Espionage I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I have invested a little bit in Espionage against my top two opponents, occasionally getting a message that we've gone to Low, Medium, et cetera. And in my current game I was even surprised to end up with a tech. My question is, is there anything to Espionage besides putting some money towards it and watching it 'ratchet up'? (Along the same lines, is there anything I can do to prevent their deterioration efforts--besides putting more morale-boosting improvements on my planets?)

Espionage does only three confirmed things that I know of:

1. Prevents certain bad events at high levels.
2. Generates reports. (Very useful ones, I may add.)
3. Steals tech.

There are a couple of schools of thought relating to how to invest the money, though. One school says invest in it only when you are ready to shoot quickly up to the highest level, and once there you can ignore it. Another school says invest to the highest level at whatever pace you can afford, but then keep a token amount invested there every turn. I go for a more risky school of investing the token 1 BC a turn (or the lowest setting) on first contact and then keeping that minimum all game. It is risky because the bad events may hit first, the reports come late, and, by that time, the tech war is pretty much won. I am a little out of date on the exacts, but that is a general guide.

Unrest prevention: Buildings are the obvious choice, but tech, morale resource starbases, wonders, and even using the propaganda slider on a planet in a pinch are all viable. Warning on the propaganda slider (found when you click details on a planet): unless you can afford a potential run-away population that will once again turn unhappy as the bonus morale wears off, do not use this to increase a planet's morale above 50 unless it is an emergency. (Such as heavy enemy culture bomb.) If you got a neat building coming up soon in the research que (like stadiums) then you might be able to fix it in time. But when you do fix the problem, reset the slider when you can.

#6939  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/7/2004 3:46:13 AM

You start a new block in a few days, don't you?

So do I


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#6940  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/7/2004 6:20:45 AM

Morning everyone! Busy night again I see

Welcome to the Galactic Guardians Jayhamm!

Greldon, I don't know about quitting smoking, but just what was it that you were smoking?

Good to hear from you MC, was wondering where you'd been.

Congrats to Lothmorg for.... well there must be something, there always is

Major Dallas... Genghis Hank was having similar problems with the never-ending tribute payments. How many months did you pay over? I always go for 99, as anything more than that makes no difference to the price, and I have never seen this problem. I wonder if it is because you are going more than 99 months? Have you got a save to try again with a different setting?

As for the espionage, I always pump the minimum setting into every AI as soon as I can afford it, just to stop the "Our ambassador insulted theirs and we are now at war" event. The reports you get from the diplomacy screen can be useful at times, and I very occasionally manage to steal a tech through espionage (invasion is a much more satisfying way though).

#6941  by Citizen damoose - 4/7/2004 7:37:06 AM

6 pages...????? Skip to end.

#6942  by Veteran Terl - 4/7/2004 7:47:16 AM

6 pages...????? Skip to end.

Awww, c'mon Moose, you may have missed good stuff

Good morning Gurdians! I see we had a very active night here

#6943  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 4/7/2004 7:55:35 AM

Why did I feel that claiming the post 7000 will add some pages to this thread ?

#6944  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/7/2004 8:07:08 AM

Why did I feel that claiming the post 7000 will add some pages to this thread

Yeah, isn't it about time we had a certain visitor start the countdown... 44...45...46...

#6945  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/7/2004 8:09:17 AM

Just skipped 12 forum time is very short today.

Hi gang! Glad to see we're still attracting new people!

I weighed in on the empires/Galactic Forum thing but to be honest with you, I'm just sick and tired of being told where I can post. I understood the original reasoning behind the empire banter ban, but it's just getting ridiculous. It's a good thing we have the Senate Halls, because some people won't rest until empires are completely silenced from the entire website. Screw the Galactic Forum and the pissants that "rule" there.

#6946  by Veteran Terl - 4/7/2004 8:26:08 AM

Screw the Galactic Forum and the pissants that "rule" there.

You are right. They are getting quite anal over there. I guess he should rename himself to Star Police....

#6947  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/7/2004 8:27:41 AM

Hi Terl,Theoden, and Mag.

#6948  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/7/2004 8:28:27 AM

How are you all?

#6949  by Veteran Terl - 4/7/2004 8:28:38 AM

Monte Carlo! Great to see you here. Must be fairly late down under

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