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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7075  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/7/2004 6:39:57 PM

I always Greldonize the I-League as soon as they appear. They can ruin your game real quick-like.
I usually just park a transport next to their homeworld (Kwilissians or whatever they're called) along with combat support ships and when they form, BOOM!!!, no more I-League.

#7076  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/7/2004 6:41:21 PM

Just a little off-topic here, but does anyone know if you can use the old Dungeon Siege Mods with the new Legends of Arrana expansion?

I was thinking about picking it up.

#7077  by Citizen Greldon - 4/7/2004 6:42:21 PM

BOOM!!!, no more I-League.

Time to go home. See you later!

#7078  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/7/2004 6:48:23 PM

See you G! I'm on my way out as well.

#7079  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/7/2004 7:00:05 PM

Here's a heads up for you. We won't be hearing much from Damoose and the rest of CSF for the next two months. The Hockey Playoffs start in about 10 minutes and they will all be hybrinating. Here in Canada when the games start, the roads clear, the Pub's fill and the partying begins. I'm not kidding either, it is very noticable. Pefect oportunity for us increase our lead.

PS. I'll have to catch up later on this thread, I have about 6 hours of hockey to watch myself right now.

#7080  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/7/2004 7:05:52 PM

Here's a heads up for you. We won't be hearing much from Damoose and the rest of CSF for the next two months. The Hockey Playoffs start in about 10 minutes and they will all be hybrinating. Here in Canada when the games start, the roads clear, the Pub's fill and the partying begins. I'm not kidding either, it is very noticable. Pefect oportunity for us increase our lead. PS. I'll have to catch up later on this thread, I have about 6 hours of hockey to watch myself right now.

Not a problem for me. The Pens are on the golf course deciding who they want to pick first

#7081  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 7:28:46 PM

Two things. First, what/who is the "I-league"? Second, the problem that GH and I have been interacting on appears to be a bug. Currently I am able to make a deal (1300 bc/turn/99 months in exchange for techs, SBs and Dreadnoughts), wipe out the civ in a single turn (via TSs), and simply clicking the Turn button at that point causes the GalCiv program to terminate without notice. (Not sure if StarDock wants save games along those lines, or if there is a place that these should be reported.)

#7082  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 7:37:11 PM

There's a bug thread on the main forum. Post your concerns there. If you can reproduce it, Carielf will probably want a copy of the savegame.
[Message Edited]

#7083  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 7:39:32 PM

Oh, and the I-League...they are a minor that comes into play by taking world from warious majors, like the Fundies. Their sectors show up orange, and are a huge pain in the a$$. Take them out quickly.

#7084  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/7/2004 7:40:42 PM

Major D, you might want to sue for peace with them during the same turn as the alpha strike. I've seen where it will crash if you don't.

Hope that helps.

#7085  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 7:41:44 PM

sue for peace with them during the same turn as the alpha strike

Yeah, that too. I had that problem with 1.2.

#7086  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/7/2004 7:41:48 PM

what/who is the "I-league"?

The League of Non-Aligned Worlds. You've probably seen them?

#7087  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/7/2004 7:58:07 PM

Opinions please, Are any of the early trade goods worth putting yourself in a hole for,

Well hi everybody! Oh god, typing is not going to be easy when fuelled by Guinness

If i become completely incoherent, just ignore the entire post

ED - build wonders first, and worry about TGs later. The only one worth going in the hole for (IMHO) is the Galactic Stock Exchange!

Greldon - class! It's all in the timing for stealing a post.

Gehghis and Major D - I really have never had a problem with buying fleets and tech for x over 99 months. As soon as the AI is wiped, the payment stops after the next turn. No making peace, no save and reload. I've done this at least 2 or 3 times in my last 30 games or so. AP 1.49J. I really can't work out why you're having so many problems, Sorry!

Regarding other topics... Fundies stink! I hate them almost as much as the Yor. I-league have never bothered me as morale is always good enough to resist. Love the Draginol, 'cause they give you so much cash.

Mmmm. Swiss cheese is good, but right now I need a kebab.

#7088  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 4/7/2004 8:08:03 PM

New 1.49M build up!!!! I successfully submitted a game played using "L".

#7089  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 9:24:42 PM

LW, I'll post the problem over in the bugs thread.

Loth, suing for peace was one of the variants I tried, but it didn't make a difference. I ended up not making a deal--just took them out lock, stock, and smokin' cranial cavities! (After all, they were the Yor, and therefore did deserve it!) Limped through the end of the game, with frequent spontaneous combustions at various events. (Haunted by the Yor, no doubt!) Finally won, submitted it to the Metaverse, and then couldn't get through to GalCiv for awhile. Was worried that my corrupted game had brought down the whole place.

But MagMan brought Guiness, so everything's cool now. (You did bring some for everyone, right Mag?)

#7090  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 9:26:14 PM

Uh-oh! Just checked my stats and see that the game did not post successfully! Is there a way to post a game that you completed, but then exited?

#7091  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 9:33:42 PM

When you load your game, load the EndGameSave, and try again.

Ok all, I'm out for a while. It's a claer night and it's time to use the scope.
[Message Edited]

#7092  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/7/2004 9:39:20 PM

You did bring some for everyone, right Mag?

Hic! Not sure there's any left Major D.

Oh heck, I've got to be at work in about 6 hours time.

You should be OK just loading up the end game save and submitting. I think the whole site was down for a while there.

P.S. You really have no idea how long it just took me to type this, and edit it to make it any sense grammatically. It's bloody hard work with all these professional writers around

#7093  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 9:52:57 PM

P.S. You really have no idea how long it just took me to type this, and edit it to make it any sense grammatically. It's bloody hard work with all these professional writers around

MagMan, this is precisely why you should have brought enough Guinness for everyone. First, then we could all empathize with you for having to go to work so soon. (All together now, "Poooor Mag-hiccup!") Second, by drinking as much as you drank then we would be in synch, and whatever you wrote would make perfect sense to us!

(And forget about making any kind of sense grammatically! I come here to hang out like everyone else--not to go around figuring out who's syntactically correct and who isn't. I figure, if it won't get me any points with my brother Guardians, or in the Metaverse, it's not worth worrying about here!)

#7094  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/7/2004 10:19:38 PM

Thanks all! I loaded the EndGameSave as instructed, re-submitted, and there it is--voila! (Hadn't paid attention to my 'military rank' after my first game--just my Metaverse rank--but I now notice that I'm a Lieutenant. Lieutenant Major. I like the sound of that! Gotta admit that I am very pumped about completing my fifth game and getting some medals. I look kinda naked, hanging out with y'all right now!)

A couple more questions as I continue to climb the learning curve.

First, I thought/hoped that my second game score would be higher than the first (that is, even higher than it was), based on increasing both the map size and the difficulty level--and still winning a military victory. Does length of game impact the score? What other factors? Are there tips or tricks for 'maximizing' my scores?

Second, morale dipped real low on one of my systems and a skull-and-crossbows icon appeared at the top right of that system. I figured it would go away once I got morale up. But I got it all the way up to 100%, for quite a while, and the icon never went away. Any pointers?

Third, a few posts back (well, OK this is the Guardians thread--it was moments ago but many pages back!)somebody mentioned anticipating the arrival of the I-league by parking an invasion fleet at their doorstep. Then when they showed up BOOM! I-league-instantaneous-annihilation time. Are certain systems keyed to certain races? And if so, if those systems are already inhabited (or better yet, uninhabitable) how does that play out?

I came thirsting for a Guinness, but since that didn't pan out, I might as well try and quench the thirst with knowledge, eh?!

#7095  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 10:23:02 PM

Well Major, having read our entire thread, you should remember my incoherent posting while I was a bit tipsy.

Re-reading that was pretty funny.

#7096  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/7/2004 10:31:10 PM

I didn't find my scores going up too much either as I increased difficulty. Giagantic maps return the largest scores (pre-AP), so I would suggest that. However, it takes quite a lot longer to play out.

#7097  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/7/2004 10:37:00 PM

Specially if you don't have a fast computer!!!!

#7098  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/7/2004 10:38:22 PM

To steal or not to steal, that is the question.

Do it!!!, Don't do it!!!

Do it!!!, no don't do it!!!
Do it!!!, no, bad, bad pirate, you are a bad spammer pirate if you do it!!!!

OK I will not do it.

#7099  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/7/2004 10:41:16 PM

Take it!!, type it!! take the post!!!

No, no no!!! Give my sword, cut this bad hand away!! I rather have a hook than this evil hand, cut it off!!!!

Evil hand, give my sword, cut this hand!!!

bad, bad hand, you are bad!!!!

You are a spammer hand!!!

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