OK, Thanks Littlewoot, you have saved me, you helped me to defeat this cursed hand. Thank you!!!!
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I do have to hand it to you Renegade. At least those weren't 95,96,97,98...
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Littlewotts, there are a lot of incoherent posts in this thread. I strongly suspect that many people wish they could attribute their own contributions of that ilk to a bottle/six-pack of their favorite ale. (I know I do. )
And congrats to all of us Guardians for clearing the 5M hurdle! Wahoo!
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Couple of plinks here. Yeah!
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Littlewotts, there are a lot of incoherent posts in this thread. |
That there are.
to a bottle/six-pack of their favorite ale. |
Jack made me do it.
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Oh yeah, 200 submissions for me.
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Jack is difficult to ignore.
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Jack is difficult to ignore |
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Giagantic maps return the largest scores (pre-AP), so I would suggest that. |
Littlewotts, my third game (just begun) is on a gigantic map, rare, crippling difficulty. We'll see what happens! Oh, and whose the first race I encounter--with three planets to their credit already--the Kwillisians! (Whom I was warned about just one page ago. Unfortunate thing is that it is the very beginning of the game and I won't be in any shape technologically to put together an attack force anytime soon. I'll try and build my economy so as to buy their ships--and then beat them over the head with those! )
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I think the Kwilasians are a normal minor in the 1.2. When the I-League appeared in 1.13, they were named that. I haven't had the I-league in any 1.2 or AP games, so I don't know what they are called.
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Loth: You're making it really hard for me to maintain my little buffer.....please stop! |
Hey, you started it. I just want the hold that gold little shiny for a few days, then you can have it back.
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my third game (just begun) is on a gigantic map, rare, crippling difficulty |
Good luck with that, Major D!
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The pirates are coming! The pirates are coming! (Someday, that is.) |
Always a pleasure reading your posts, Gerakken.
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Ok, I have screen shot of the 5mil and us at the top of the Galactic Map. Hopefully I can send them to Theoden to put on our website.
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I think it might be time for a 5 Million medal.
What do you say, Theoden? Get those web edit problems fixed yet?
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Hey guys, this goes back to the stuff about the I-League.
Does anyone else play with the minors off in AP? I haven't had them on for some time, since I don't build military, they just game power to the AIs. And even then, the three I see are the Alexians, the Carnoids, and the Scottlingas. I really don't remember the Kwalasians, or the I-League.
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