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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7250  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:06:36 PM

Who else could possibly be to blame?

I'm starting to blame the Altarians for a lot of stuff. I think that they are humans genetically mutated by the Yor...
[Message Edited]

#7251  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/8/2004 12:06:52 PM

I'm repeating a question that I asked a few pages ago, and if somebody already answered it I apologize for missing it. I had a system's morale go fairly low and a skull-and-crossbones icon appeared (top right corner of the system, on the galaxy map). I boosted the morale back up to 100 and kept it there for awhile, even wiped out the only other system in that area that belong to someone with a higher influence rating--but I could never get that icon to go away. What does the icon mean and what can you do about it?

#7252  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:11:23 PM

What does the icon mean and what can you do about it?

It means you had a severe morale problem in that system. The icon won't ever go's a reminder that if you let the morale decay a second time the system will defect.

#7253  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:12:08 PM

I'm repeating a question that I asked a few pages ago, and if somebody already answered it I apologize for missing it. I had a system's morale go fairly low and a skull-and-crossbones icon appeared (top right corner of the system, on the galaxy map). I boosted the morale back up to 100 and kept it there for awhile, even wiped out the only other system in that area that belong to someone with a higher influence rating--but I could never get that icon to go away. What does the icon mean and what can you do about it?

The icon means that the system is in danger of "flipping" and joining another empire. Usually, eliminating the other culture's influence and keeping morale up above 50 are enough to hold on to it, but I don't know if the symbol ever goes completly away. Perhaps others here can advise further?

PS: If the planet is doomed to join the other empire anyway, consider getting all the pop off of it, destroying all the improvements and giving it as a gift to another empire and let them fight over it - depending on map placement and value to your position of course...

#7254  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 12:12:14 PM

a payback is well deserved

I'm on it.

#7255  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 12:13:23 PM

The symbol never goes away. You can get it to go away by letting the planet flip, then flip it back.

#7256  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:15:32 PM

I'm on it.

Go get 'em, LW! You'd think they'd know better than to use chemical weapons on a Guardian!

#7257  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/8/2004 12:17:05 PM

Thanks, Greldon and GH. (I even tried using some white-out to cover it up, but the darned system kept moving around on my screen. Now I suppose I'm going to have to clean my screen as well. Of course, I blame the Yor for that and will commence payback forthwith!)

#7258  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:17:38 PM

Go get 'em, LW! You'd think they'd know better than to use chemical weapons on a Guardian!

Now we've done it! The Guardians are now invading Yor space to search for chemical WMDs!

#7259  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/8/2004 12:19:19 PM

G'day on y'all! (A phrase born of a tragic accident in which an Aussie ran head-on into a Southerner. The details are too horrendous to repeat here.)

Im an Aussie

#7260  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:26:20 PM

The Guardians are now invading Yor space to search for chemical WMDs!

Well they're certainly not on Geta IV...okay, Geta IV is space dust now, but there aren't any WMDs in the dust, just dust!

#7261  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/8/2004 12:26:45 PM

Im an Aussie

MC, I know. (No offense intended. I hope my attempt at humor wasn't lost. Misunderstandings often occur in posts because the wrong emoticon is used or the 'tone' is not conveyed properly. I wrote off-the-top-of-my-head, saw that I had combined Aussie- and Southern-speak, and decided to make a joke of it.)

I hope to visit Australia someday. Two of the greatest weeks of my life were spent drinking with 5 New Zealanders who were on university holiday, while we were still in session! Those guys were professional drinkers, I'll tell you--and it was a mistake on my part to try and keep up with them. But like I said, those were two of the best weeks of my life!

#7262  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 12:27:04 PM

The Guardians are now invading Yor space to search for chemical WMDs!

We'll never find them in the debris field though

#7263  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:29:08 PM

Well they're certainly not on Geta IV...okay, Geta IV is space dust now, but there aren't any WMDs in the dust, just dust!

Quick, check Epsilon III next...

#7264  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 12:30:39 PM

Quick, check Epsilon III next...

Sorry, I used a core detonation and destroyed all the improvements.

#7265  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:31:30 PM

Sorry, I used a core detonation and destroyed all the improvements

Well, no WMDs there (at least not anymore...)

#7266  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/8/2004 12:33:13 PM

MC, I know. (No offense intended.

No offense taking Major D what so ever. I didn't even see it as offensive and dont see a need for any apology. But on the subject of offensive posts, some of the stuff I come up with here is on the brink of offensive sometimes, most times Im just trying to get a laugh out of greldon whoever that is, some guy who likes stories I heard?.

#7267  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 12:35:07 PM

brink of offensive

I got reprimanded for some of my postings over at the senate hall. Oops.

#7268  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/8/2004 12:36:08 PM

"What is it Lieutenant?"
"Sir, we've searched through the debris field but so far have found no WMDs. Although..."
"Spit it out, man! I haven't got all day!"
"We are finding small, oblong-shaped cans."
"Small cans, Lieutenant? How could they have possibly survived the Greldonization blast? That's inconceivable!"
"Yes sir. Quite. They're fairly charred from the blast. They appear to have been labeled 'PAM'."
"'PAM'? Have the Research Centers looked into this?"
"Yes sir, they placed one in a containment field and opened it. It appeared to contain some sort of meat by-product. Since it had Yorian origins, our Scientists are--how can I say this--squeamish, about what it may be. They're continuing their investigations now, Sir."
"Carry on, Lieutenant. And keep me posted on any new developments."

#7269  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:37:11 PM

I think the Drath are Yor might be worth checking into....

#7270  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 12:37:45 PM

"Oh, if it tastes ok grilled, bring me some."

#7271  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:45:15 PM

Excellent, Lieutenant Major!
Supply our operatives and scientists with any resources needed to complete the investigation.

#7272  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/8/2004 12:47:53 PM

I just took 2nd position in the Average Score behind Loth in the Metaverse, and regained my nice pure good smiley(which is a disguise for the pure, pure evil smiley).

#7273  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/8/2004 12:48:37 PM

I just took 2nd position in the Average Score behind Loth in the Metaverse, and regained my nice pure good smiley(which is a disguise for the pure, pure evil smiley).

Woo Hoo!

Wow! Just checked it. Guardians hold the top 3 and 4 of the top 6 there!
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#7274  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 12:50:08 PM

I just took 2nd position in the Average Score behind Loth in the Metaverse, and regained my nice pure good smiley(which is a disguise for the pure, pure evil smiley).

WooHoo! WTG MC!!

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