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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7300  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 3:00:51 PM

Just incase, I'll post to take 7300

#7301  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/8/2004 3:02:56 PM

Alrighty then, guess it's time for me to add another purchase to my collection.

My main concerns are whether or not it will affect an existing game, also, whether AP games will submit properly to the MV.

Beta don't bother me, I played MoO3. At least I know I'll have fun with AP, bugs and glitches aside.

Along with the peace of mind that comes with SD's committment to their product, at least I know I'll have fun with AP, bugs and glitches aside.

#7302  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/8/2004 3:05:06 PM

WTG mag

Droped in 3 Bombs tonight and I'm off to bed for my beauty sleep. If I don't see anyone over easter I wish you all a happy easter.

For Honor and Justice!

#7303  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 3:10:04 PM

My main concerns are whether or not it will affect an existing game

I wondered about that before I got it, but no problems. Each has its own save files and such. You can actually have a 1.2 game going save it, open AP and work on another. I will usually have a maso going in one and use the other to beat on hapless Yor just to satisfy that need to crush something.

#7304  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 3:11:03 PM

use the other to beat on hapless Yor just to satisfy that need to crush something.

Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

#7305  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/8/2004 3:15:20 PM

Beta don't bother me, I played MoO3.

Too funny, GTR! (I feel your pain!)

Droped in 3 Bombs tonight...

I have just assumed, finish a game, submit the score, wash, rinse, repeat. How do you submit multiple games at a time?

#7306  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 3:20:41 PM

Major D, the skull and crossbones icon has nothing to do with morale, it's a sign that you are lacking in influence rating for that sector and the system is in danger of flipping to another AI. You can get rid of it by raising influence enough (improvements, wonders, techs that give inf boost, inf resource starbases, culture starbases). I think the big G was pulling your leg a little bit.

No, actually I was just being stupid, You're right Magnum, it is influence, not morale. Not sure why I said morale, maybe sleep deprivation. But I'm not sure about being able to make the icon go away. I thought I read somewhere that it never goes away...but maybe I was hallucinating.

#7307  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/8/2004 3:22:25 PM

It doesnot go away, it stays with the planet even if you have 100% Morale and 100% Influence.

#7308  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/8/2004 3:24:08 PM

Made my all time speed record winning a game in under 2 hours last night. Used the Party stars LW told me about. They were very useful and cost efficient. Multi tasking as well. Convert or be vapour. Sorta like a Gallactic Guardian crusador.

#7309  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 3:29:09 PM


#7310  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 3:32:31 PM

I can't lay claim to the tatic. I did find it out on accident, but Theoden told me using it effectively.

#7311  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 3:36:11 PM

Beta don't bother me, I played MoO3. At least I know I'll have fun with AP, bugs and glitches aside.

And Stardock will fix them where Atari won't bother. I have MOO3 too. Every once in a while I give it a try but lose interest fairly quickly....

#7312  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 3:41:53 PM

I have MOO3 too.

Me too...might even open the box some day....although right now I can't imagine when that day might be.

#7313  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 3:46:00 PM

oops...double post
[Message Edited]

#7314  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 3:46:54 PM

Greldon is so proud of the fact he owns MOO3 he told us twice

#7315  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/8/2004 3:48:20 PM

What help the game go fast was everytime there was a counsel vote they would add 2 more trade routes. By the end I had like 12. I also follow Magnum's advise and went for Galactic wonders 1st before trade goods. The man's a "Guinness". I ended up being able to afford the trade goods I wanted as well.

#7316  by Citizen Greldon - 4/8/2004 3:49:21 PM

Greldon is so proud of the fact he owns MOO3 he told us twice

Say..isn't he that guy on the internet that likes stories?

#7317  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/8/2004 3:52:48 PM

{Greldonize mod on}

Renegade sneaks behind Greldon, pull 2x4 stick from glove compartment and hits Greldon on top of the head!!! BOOM!!!!

{Greldonize mod off}

Renegade exits building....

#7318  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 3:53:21 PM

Say..isn't he that guy on the internet that likes stories?

I think so. I heard some elf is still upset with him too, something about Gandalf...

#7319  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/8/2004 3:54:47 PM

I heard some elf is still upset with him too

Not the elf-goddess for busting all the meta scores then???


                           Posted via Stardock Central
#7320  by Veteran Terl - 4/8/2004 3:54:53 PM

Renegade sneaks behind Greldon, pull 2x4 stick from glove compartment and hits Greldon on top of the head!!! BOOM!!!!

We already told you Greldonize has nothing to do with wood. Reread the whole thread from the beginning

#7321  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 3:55:38 PM

I must be the only person around here has hasn't gotten and of th MOo stuff....

#7322  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/8/2004 3:55:57 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Terl!!!! Now you really did it!!!

{Greldonize mod on}

Renegade aproaches Terl, Terl falls to the ground, Renegade smiles, man I only have seen this before in the movies, who hit him before I did??

{Greldonize mod off}

Renegade exits still looking for the author of Terl's greldonizing.

#7323  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/8/2004 3:57:05 PM

We already told you Greldonize has nothing to do with wood. Reread the whole thread from the beginning

Shoot I forgot that!!!

Time to go back to the lab!!!!

#7324  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/8/2004 3:58:03 PM

And lemme apologize for my poor spelling today. Just don't feel good still. Damn Yor and their chemical warfare.

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