The new Star Trek isn't bad either. Although it's a bit slow, I do find it more entertaining than DS9.It's a shame that Voyager went away. That was the best, IMO. |
Yeah I really liked voyager as well. I like them all except DS9, it's just to slow for me. What about Babylon 5, I havn't seen any of those, but I can buy the DVD's here, is it any good?
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Hey everybody!
Can someone please look at page 8? I am now at 200 exactly and I want someone else to see it before I get knocked back down!
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Oooh, time for the Voyager lover to jump in. 
Voyager, IMHO, best so far. I can now say that I have seen at least a lot of all the different series, since DS9 has been on Spike TV all day recently, and I have Spring Break, I have been watching it quite a bit. Better than I thought it was, and they haven't even gotten to the wars yet. I have seen the least of DS9 and TOS, but I think I have seen at least 40% of TOS. Almost every episode of Voyager and TNG, if not every episode, and most of Enterprise.
Battlestar Galactica, now there is an old good one that unfortunately I haven't seen much of.
Enterprise isn't bad, but it really could be much better. Archer sometimes goes over the edge, other times he is normal. Can never tell.
Voyager had by far the most dissapointing ending of a great series that I have ever seen.
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I see you Genghis. In the rear view mirror.
Babylon 5, I always thought that B5 was a very boring series.
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Babylon 5 rocks! I'm old school myself, so I like Star Trek TOS the best, then Next Gen... (after the first 2 seasons - it got better).
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I see you Genghis. In the rear view mirror. |
Babylon 5, I always thought that B5 was a very boring series. |
Guess I'm still your evil twin
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Babylon 5, I always thought that B5 was a very boring series. |
Yep. I tried to like it. Just a snooze fest.
I see you GH!
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Many people think so. I'm obviously not one of them.
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Voyager had by far the most dissapointing ending of a great series that I have ever seen. |
Yes I heard that. I havn't seen all the voyager's yet but I want to buy the series on DVD. Im also looking at Babylon 5, but I'm not sure as I havn't seen those yet.
I heard that DS9 does get good if you sit down and watch all of it, but the episodes I seen where to slow for me so I lost interest.
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Guess I'm still your evil twin |
Yep. I guess that everyone has their own opinion. But I think we decided that today over in another thread.
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I liked Q and the borg in Gernerations, it added so much more to that series.
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Many people think so. I'm obviously not one of them. |
Oh well, can't please all of the people...
It took a while for the plot to get going, but once it did, I though it was one of the best out there. I was also into the concept. The writer knew where his story was going to end - it was always planned to be a 5 season story. Just that it got screwed up in the middle of the fourth season when they thought they wouldn't have a fifth season...
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Your going really good GH!
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DS9 is pretty slow at the beginning. But I am told that the end is very good.
Voyager Seasons One and Two are not the best, but Three through Mid-Seven are great. The last episode just ends everything 5 minutes in, and then they do a time jump to change things from that. Not going to explain what that event was though. Go buy the thing. I don't think you will be dissappointed.
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Perhaps one of these days, I'll actually sit though the whole thing and my perspective may change. I hope so, as I really don't enjoy not enjoying a Star Trek series.
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Guess I missed something while on my own Yor WMD search... I take it that the "political discussion thread" spilled over?
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Oh, and Q is all over Voyager. Makes things really interesting in a few. My favorite episode is a two parter called "Year of Hell" but that one doesn't have Q. The best Q episode is one where Q picks Janeway to have his child.
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Your going really good GH! |
Thanks MC! Its still slow going without resorting to Maso...
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Yep, and fits right in to the Star Trek theme. Lets Time Travel!
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And of course you have the bonus around I guess Season 5 of Seven of Nine joining in.
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Species 8472 was the best!
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Yep, and fits right in to the Star Trek theme. Lets Time Travel! |
Trying hard not to turn that into a Rocky Horror Picture Show comment...
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Hey, GH, you play Crippling on 1.49. Can you run a Gig/Crippling/Tight/Rare on 1.49. I am interested in the score. It ought to be close to 60K.
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