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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7725  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 7:57:59 AM

We seemed to have picked up another member! Welcome Lilos Stitch. Drop in and say hi!

#7726  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/10/2004 9:17:57 AM

We seemed to have picked up another member! Welcome Lilos Stitch. Drop in and say hi!

Welcome LiLos Stitch!

#7727  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/10/2004 9:19:20 AM

I'm D/L the 1.49m[b].003 patch. I hope it's not to buggy.

#7728  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 9:36:21 AM

Welcome to the Galactic Guardians, Lilos Stitch!

MC, I think it's pretty solid, I haven't had a single CTD since installing it yesterday, and that's about 8 hours of serious playing.

#7729  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/10/2004 9:43:25 AM

MC, I think it's pretty solid, I haven't had a single CTD since installing it yesterday, and that's about 8 hours of serious playing.


Well it's time for me to get my beauty sleep. Good night everyone, or if your in the Nrthen Hemisphere Good Morning!.

#7730  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/10/2004 10:53:19 AM

like the Great Spymaster.

Who is still watching you, even if it does take a while to go through all the posts here. (pant pant) Visiting this thread is kind of like visiting a distant planet in a couple of ways: the natives here act a lot differently from other threads (the alien landscape), and it takes several hours/days for the radio signals to travel from here. Very good tactic trying to keep everyone bogged down with sheer post count, but I see it is also affecting a few of your own people adversely. So maybe you need like some sort of Guardian compression technology that would make outsiders take a long time to go through it all but allow your own folks to keep up. Oh well, I'll leave that up to your R&D people. Too bad they are still researching better Greldonizing techniques and are unavailable for several dozen turns.

#7731  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 11:46:41 AM

Man, I'm practically too embarrassed to show my face around here! My Guardian brothers are dropping BOMBS like it was Desert Storm on the 4th of July, talking about how they're reducing game time from 3hrs. down to 1-and-a-half, and pushing ever closer to CypherPax's "7 in the top 25" challenge. All very cool, mind you!

And here I am, my wife is asking me how my third game is going, how far I think I am into it, and how much longer this one will take (in an encouraging way, not in a nasty way). Well, the stats indicate that I'm approximately one-fourth of the way to a military victory, so I expect another day or two should do it! Yikes!

And yes, I know that the goal is to have fun and all that. And I am. Really! But I can't help but look over at the guy sitting next to me and noticing that he's having fun AND submitting games and advancing in the Metaverse like crazy!

Oops--forgot to [ranton] [/rantoff]! (By the way, I'm not really complaining, and not looking for a 'solution' per se, I simply wanted to *share* that with my Guardian brothers. *Group hug*, anyone? )
[Message Edited]

#7732  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 11:51:44 AM

Too bad they are still researching better Greldonizing techniques and are unavailable for several dozen turns.

Man, I'm practically too embarrassed to show my face around here!

BAH!!! Nonsense! It wasn't that long ago that I figured out how to make those bombs. Prior to that, I always wondered how everyone was doing that.

I'm going to slink back into the corner and nurse my hangover.

#7733  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 11:54:55 AM

BAH!!! Nonsense! It wasn't that long ago that I figured out how to make those bombs. Prior to that, I always wondered how everyone was doing that.I'm going to slink back into the corner and nurse my hangover.

OK, now there's a hint! LW figured out how to make those bombs, and he's nursing a hangover! Hmmm...

#7734  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 11:57:20 AM


beer + hard liquor = bad

time * fun = galciv

#7735  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 11:59:54 AM

It wasn't that long ago that I figured out how to make those bombs.

Care to elucidate?

I'm stuck running an MtG event today, watching eveybody else have fun, figgered I might as well cruise the forums for some tech.

#7736  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 11:59:58 AM

Stupid double post!
[Message Edited]

#7737  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 12:04:22 PM

I started reading a lot of the strategies and just played a maso game every once in a while. In doing that I began to understand how the strategies actually worked and I was able to make changes that suited me. Then, I was able to start Greldonizing more frequently.

#7738  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/10/2004 1:24:02 PM

Then, I was able to start Greldonizing more frequently.

I have to ask, what is Greldonizing?

#7739  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 1:25:46 PM

Terror Star usage.

#7740  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/10/2004 1:28:15 PM

Ah, as a culture influence, or as a military strike?

#7741  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/10/2004 1:54:50 PM

Military only I beleive Kaz. So we can't do it. But I perfer other cheese to win. It also doubles now adays as a 2x4 to the back of the head.

MD, very funny stuff. I especially loved the Monty Python one.

#7742  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 1:55:25 PM

Military strike.

"The Greldonizing process has caused a shortage of Yor parts as it leaves mostly space dust."

#7743  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 1:56:25 PM

Welcome LiLos Stitch!

#7744  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 2:18:28 PM

Jester's Corner just went out. Sorry about the delay.

#7745  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 2:39:24 PM

Good stuff, LW, thanks for the heads up!

Military only I beleive Kaz. So we can't do it.

Forgive my ignorance concerning the rules and regulations governing other Empires, but are the Diplomats members forbidden to win by Military victory?

#7746  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 2:41:33 PM

are the Diplomats members forbidden to win by Military victory?

No, but they can't use Terror Stars in military strikes. Check out their website for details.

#7747  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 2:55:29 PM

ah, thanks LW, you are a veritable font of knowledge, as well as purveyor of humorous clippings.

Perhaps you can help me to understand something, to wit, I've just looked at the scores for the games I've submitted to the Metaverse thus far, and am not quite sure how my total score is derived. It apparently is not merely a total of my submitted scores.

Could you possibly point me in a direction for some reading on this, or share with me some more of your seemingly endless knowledge?

#7748  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 3:10:25 PM

Ah... GTR... The metaverse scoring question... Very simply... Your score is added together in 30 day blocks. The first block actually being 31 days. The value is then divided by the sqrt of the number of games submitted in that 30 day block. On top of that each block is futher reduced by x% as time passes. So the score between 32 and 60 days is reduced by 10%, 61 - 90 is ???%. After 270 days the % becomes flat. This continues, I assume until heat death of the universe.

Empire scores are subject to 20% I think.

#7749  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:13:01 PM

Well, first there are your raw scores that are reported in your profile. Those scores are added up and then divided by the square root of the number of games played...or something like that. Then there is some againg going on. As games get older, they are worth less. I'll see if I can find the scale.

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