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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7750  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:16:59 PM

0-30 100%
31-60 95%
61-90 90%
91-120 85%
121-150 80%
151-220 75%
221-290 70%
291+ 65%

There are some reports of old games being aged off profiles as well. I think I saw it in the Jedi thread.

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#7751  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 3:21:15 PM

*Group hug*, anyone?

As for speed... it comes with practice... What to check when and for how long. The start of the game... micromanaging everything is important... mid-game less so... end game Alpha-Strike or whatever your favourite method. And just so you know... my average time is about 6 hrs over 5-7 days. So don't feel like you're an exception.

And as the G-men say... play for fun. Being in an Empire and submitting scores in the 'verse enhances my fun... but playing the game... that's where the most of the fun is for me. FOr others it's ruling the 'verse... but it all supposed to be fun.

#7752  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 3:22:02 PM

Ahhhh, thank you damoose, so, if I understand this correctly, the longer between submissions, the more your "current" score will degrade?

This makes pretty good sense, I had wondered if scores from a player who may have gone at things quite hot'n'heavy during the immediate time after release were pared away periodically, or just left to molder on the vine, this sounds like a much better system, at least to my unsophisticated ear.

Certainly, it encourages players to, well, play. I find that TBS games are rarely suitable for multi-play, due primarily to the difficulty of finding a consistent group of vict...I mean, opponents. Allowing players to see their scores compared to over 20,000 others has added quite a bit to the fun factor, speaking for myself, at least.

#7753  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:23:01 PM

Good afternoon, all!

Ah....the ever perplexing scoring question... The question has existed since the beginning of the Metaverse, and has yet to be revealed by the creators. Throughout time scholars have tried to solve the riddle, but with only limited success and the truth remains elusive.

#7754  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:24:02 PM

I think it takes me 4-6 hours, depending on various factors. I don't think I try to play them any faster.

#7755  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:24:56 PM

the truth remains elusive.

Yeah, I just like to see my score go up, so I play.

#7756  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 3:27:54 PM

And thank you, LW, I'm afraid I'm a bit slow in my response time, by the time I formulate my thoughts into a coherent stream for translation to this forum, I'm 3-4 posts behind!

And that's on a slow day like the one we're enjoying at the moment. A couple of nights ago, I could barely get one page read, before there was another page to peruse.

#7757  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 3:29:17 PM

MD, LW... I was close. 290 days. I thought there was something about scores being aged off but... Some of the guys in the CSF have scores since founding. Small, tiny scores but scores none the less. That would be almost 365 days. Same with the Gamma Squad 3/20/03 was the founding and they still have scores so I think the drop off is 'verse myth.

#7758  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 3:30:02 PM

Howdy, Greldon!

I plan to download your Greldonizer shortly, to add to my ever growing collection of SD approved gadgetry, any opinions on some of the others?

#7759  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 3:31:41 PM

the longer between submissions, the more your "current" score will degrade?

Yup. The scoring encourages the steady submitter rather that the flash in the pan burn out player. Or ones who submit then leave for 2 months and then submit again.
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#7760  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:33:47 PM

I got a nice bump by not playing for 2 weeks. Earned like 35K Meta for a 60K bomb.

#7761  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:34:45 PM

My games take about two hours if I'm not distracted. That's an enjoyable pace for me, so I'm not really looking to get any faster.

As far as the points go, I try not to think about it too much. When you get as many games in a block as Loth and I, the per game scores go way down. I net about 3100 mpts a game right now, and Loth gets even less. It makes us really work for our scores.

#7762  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:36:47 PM

I net about 3100 mpts a game right now,

Wow. I think I got 11k mpts for my last submission.

#7763  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:39:14 PM

I don't use any mods, Gandalf. So I can't advise you regarding them, sorry.

#7764  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:42:15 PM

I cut my submission rate about in half after the clone wars.

#7765  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:45:05 PM

I just downloaded some mods, but I am not sure if I'm going to install them yet.

#7766  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 3:46:02 PM

I use most of the mods. You need to be really careful of anything that increases your over all empire PQ. Not the planetary PQ but the empire PQ. Anything over 40% and you get a 0.

#7767  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:48:06 PM

Speaking of submissions...BOOM!!!

#7768  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 4/10/2004 3:48:19 PM

Hope you test mine LW

#7769  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:48:55 PM

Have you tried the Greldonizer yet, damoose?

#7770  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:49:22 PM

Hope you test mine LW

I have it downloaded.

#7771  by Citizen Greldon - 4/10/2004 3:52:02 PM

Let me know how it works out LW. I'm off to play another game, see you later.

#7772  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 3:53:02 PM

Ah, I see, Greldon. I'm one of those who just can't stop tinkering with something, though I plan to stay away from the non-approved ones, to insure against non-submissions, I like spicing things up with all the whistles and bells allowable.

Also, I enjoyed reading your strategy for Masochistic difficulty games, my strategy was very similar in my submissions. I've been lucky so far in my starting spots, but I can see where the use of the ctrl-n option could be quite beneficial.

#7773  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 3:53:54 PM

Getting my butt handed to my in my current game. Was doing fairly OK until one of the AIs decided to quit and gave me their three remaining systems. I sent reenforcements, and along the way those were ripped to shreds.

So I've got a couple of questions regarding military strength and defensive posturing.

1. Several players have mentioned that your military appears stronger when your ships are "in orbit." By that, do they mean that the ships are in the system (i.e., not visible on the galaxy map), or right next to the system?

2. I think I understand that a ship gets a bonus (or even bonuses) when it is near a system. How near does it have to be?

3. When a system is under attack is it better to take your offensive units (e.g., Dreadnought) out and attack the incoming units, leave them be and left them act as defensive units, or something else that I'm unaware of? (Maybe that Guard button that I don't know what to do with yet, or the Sentry button...)

Any and all advice is welcome! (Funny thing is, the only AI not currently at war with me are the Yor! Go figure!)

#7774  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 3:54:46 PM


I didn't know about that until I read it in the Strategies thread in the private forum.

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