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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7775  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 4:00:41 PM

I believe your military rating gets boosted when ships are in orbit.

As for bonuses, I thought they could only come from starbases in the sector.

I would leave the ships in orbit. I think they get a defensive bounus, but you probably need to have the improvements built.

#7776  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 4:02:39 PM

LW, OK, but what does "in orbit" mean? Is that in the system (not visible on the Galaxy map) or next to the system (visible on the Galaxy map)?

#7777  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 4:03:06 PM

In the system.

#7778  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 4:03:56 PM

Thanks for the warning, damoose, I'll keep an eye on that.

LW, I've used most of the different capitals so far, along with several of the ships. The Wasp and Death Glider are very nice, quite useful when they become available.

Still haven't played as the Galactic Guardians political party yet, though, should try that soon, after I finish experimenting with the bonus picks. I'm getting ready to try a modified Universalist, with this being the total adjustments:

Defense: +10
Luck: +25
Econ +25
Pop.: +20
Morale: +20
Research: +20

#7779  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 4:05:33 PM

I'm more interested in the capitals since I only build constructors and frieghters.

#7780  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 4:13:37 PM

Have you tried the Greldonizer yet, damoose

Not yet... But I will be.

Icho... I got yours, but haven't installed yet. I've got to go through and check all the IDs so they merge properly.

#7781  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 4:16:08 PM

Yeah, the SBs are a good way to boost those ships, I've been building 3 completely fitted out ones in my home sector, and in my next to last game, was consistently defeating ships 1-2 size classes larger. Read where someone was putting 12 of them in a sector, primarily for the Speed bonus.


Then, in the late game, they're all ready for conversion to the deadly Willbreakers.

Resistance is not only futile, it's VASTLY overrated. The Enterprise can thank Roddenberry it never ran into this baby.

#7782  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 4:21:13 PM

I'm more interested in the capitals since I only build constructors and frieghters.

Economic Mogul seems very good, as do the Religious and Political Capitals.

Was close to only freighters and constructors last game, but had to build up a fleet to deal with a massive Zoo break, couldn't have those Sharks snarfing up my resource mines.

#7783  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 4:24:14 PM

Woo Hoo! It is SO fun beating the Yor with their own ships! Thanks to Mag and all the others that turned me on to the tactic!

Now for those pesky Altarians...

#7784  by Citizen damoose - 4/10/2004 4:24:51 PM

1. Several players have mentioned that your military appears stronger when your ships are "in orbit." By that, do they mean that the ships are in the system (i.e., not visible on the galaxy map), or right next to the system?
2. I think I understand that a ship gets a bonus (or even bonuses) when it is near a system. How near does it have to be?
3. When a system is under attack is it better to take your offensive units (e.g., Dreadnought) out and attack the incoming units, leave them be and left them act as defensive units, or something else that I'm unaware of? (Maybe that Guard button that I don't know what to do with yet, or the Sentry button...)

LW answered 1.

LW answered 2. I'll add... If you have the mods on the SB the bonui are applied for any ship in the sector... including other SBs.

Item 3... Depends. Your ships in orbit get a defensive bonus. But can't attack the incoming ships. Out of orbit they can attack and the attacker has an advantage. A lower class ship can often distroy higher class ship if it attacks first. Then of course if you are the attacker you can choose what to attack. Like transports... Hint, hint. I usually leave AMMs in probit and use the others for transports. Unless the incoming cap ship if really higher up the food chain. AMMs are great at killing dreads and such.
[Message Edited]

#7785  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 4:27:18 PM

I net about 3100 mpts a game right now

That's about what I get for a small/med crip.

#7786  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 4:27:41 PM

...all ready for conversion to the deadly Willbreakers.

GTR, are you referring to Terrorstars or having cultural influence max'd out?

#7787  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 4:48:37 PM

Aye Major, the deadly Terror Star, with full load of mods, cultural and otherwise. Gamebreakers may be a better name. In my last game, systems were flipping within 4-5 turns of my moving into the sector, only once was I forced to sit at the edge a couple of extra turns, to wait out some deluded minor.

I'm having a bit of trouble here, trying to find out how one might go about adding a pic to their Meta profile, if someone could point me in the proper direction, I'd be ever so grateful.

#7788  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/10/2004 5:11:00 PM

GTR, thanks for the clarification on the Terrorstars. In my current game (where I'm taking a thrashing!), I'm playing on a Gigantic map, so my Terrorstars are of little extended use. Essentially, build one, let it do it's job, then dismantle it. They can't move fast enough to be of but limited-area use.

And right now I'm having to pull everything back for defensive purposes--so I won't be able to mass constructors for a little while now (if I survive that long!).

I'll let someone with a little more experience point you in the right direction on your Meta profile image.

#7789  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/10/2004 5:29:12 PM

I'm playing on a Gigantic map

Ah, I see, I decided to go back to the tiny map to help me better understand how the numbers all related to each other. I'll probably stay in the wee world until I've played around with the picks a bit.

Something I tried in my last game, I built several SBs in barren sectors, bordering the enemies(who, of course, dinna realize they were enemies), maxed them out with defense, weaponry and revenue enhancers, then on the same turn, popped out a full load of cultural mods on each, worked like a charm. By the time they were POed about it, it were far too late, I'm a'feared.

#7790  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/10/2004 5:47:35 PM

I've got to go through and check all the IDs so they merge properly.

How do I go about this? I haven't used mods before, and I don't want to mess up anything.

#7791  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 6:27:58 PM

I'm having a bit of trouble here, trying to find out how one might go about adding a pic to their Meta profile, if someone could point me in the proper direction, I'd be ever so grateful.

This is where I found the answer. Link (Note who was asking ) If you need more help with it from there, I'll be happy to answer.

#7792  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/10/2004 7:02:27 PM

Evening Guardians. As I am trying to get neutral alignment, I playing an evil game. But does being evil make it more difficult to get a culture influence win? Or does it not matter?

#7793  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 7:19:39 PM

Evening Guardians. As I am trying to get neutral alignment, I playing an evil game. But does being evil make it more difficult to get a culture influence win? Or does it not matter?

No, it doesn't matter. Evil can tempt other cultures as well as Good can...

#7794  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/10/2004 7:26:17 PM

Yea! My shield changed! My rank went up last game too! Woo Hoo!

#7795  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/10/2004 7:31:39 PM

No, it doesn't matter. Evil can tempt other cultures as well as Good can...

One dedicated culture bomber here to reaffirm that it can. But it is more like scare the aliens into submission. Whatever works. I am content to sell them trade goods until they flip or take bribes while trying to flip them so that my Master Race won't decide on any Final Solutions. (My version being sans terror stars. Nothing like brute force sometimes.)

#7796  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/10/2004 7:32:01 PM

Hmmm, I keep trying to bribe the AI's to stay happy with me, but it only last a few turns. The other two possiblities may be killing trade routes and destabilizing an AI before I send the party palace/terror their way.

#7797  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/10/2004 7:33:21 PM

(My version being sans terror

What do you mean by this?

#7798  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/10/2004 7:38:39 PM

I was thinking of trying to steal 7800 - but an xx00 in this thread is almost valueless...


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#7799  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 4/10/2004 7:38:53 PM


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