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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#7875  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 9:52:19 AM

Congratulations to Magnum and littlewotts on election to the Conclave.

Also, congrats to Genghis for being named Guardian historian.

#7876  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/12/2004 9:55:37 AM

Hey MC (or Slayer if you prefer) , congrats on the top 50. Keep banging them in!

Thanks Mag, Just keep calling me MC, I made it MC because thats me nick here, and by now everyone would know it stands for Monte Carlo

#7877  by Citizen Greldon - 4/12/2004 10:15:56 AM

Good morning, all!

Congratulations to LW, Magnum, and GH!

WTG, Major D!

Note to Guardians: This YOR-R-US situation is getting out of hand. Because these outlets are on planets inhabited by non-Yor races, the usual methods of dealing with the YOR can not be employed. The Guardian conclave is currently weighing all options. More to follow...

#7878  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/12/2004 10:21:48 AM

Good morning all! Congratulations to, well, everyone it seems.

Busy morning. I'll see you all later today.

#7879  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 10:34:41 AM

Note to Guardians: This YOR-R-US situation is getting out of hand.

Actually, the Glactic Stock Exchange has begun an investigation of the entire corporation. Seems like the venture capital used as start up funds was "dirty money". As a result the Galactic SEC has filed appropriate paperwork to shut down all Yors-R-Us stores. The assets have been confiscated and will be sold at auction. Any Yor parts have been turned over to the Guardians for Greldonization.

#7880  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/12/2004 10:35:48 AM

Best wishes theoden, and congrats to littlewotts, GH, and Magnum how about a beer at the SH?

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#7881  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 10:43:25 AM

Statement from Galactic SEC

The corporation doing business as Yors-R-Us has been dissolved. The monies used to start the business had been illegally obtained and the business was merely a front to launder further ill gotten gains.

All retail outlets will be auctioned to the highest bidder with bidding to commence on January 1, 2190. All Yor parts will be Greldonized in the interests of Galactic security. We have filed paperwork with the Galactic IRS to audit all taxes for the comptroller and CEO of the now dead chain, a Mr Renegade. They will be auditing all personal returns and those of any business enterprise linked to Mr Renegade.

We do not tolerate financial fraud in the galaxy and we are also gravely concerned that this business would risk galactic security by producing and selling parts of a race as abhorrent as the Yor.

[Message Edited]

#7882  by Citizen Greldon - 4/12/2004 11:12:24 AM

Terl, I'm happy to see the Galactic SEC has decided to handle this situation. I would like to offer the Guardians' services (if needed) to the GSEC regarding the apprehension of Mr. Renegade. It's about time someone put a stop to Mr. Renegade's many criminal activities.

#7883  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 11:19:49 AM

It's about time someone put a stop to Mr. Renegade's many criminal activities.

Agreed. In an aside at the press conference, the Galactic SEC chairman was heard to say, "In the accounting world, this Renegade tried to be the Emeril of cooked books but luckily for the taxpayers and investors, he lacked even the skills of a fry cook." The Galactic SEC is pursuing charges and, though very unusual in financial fraud cases, is looking at combining the greater charge of replication of enemies of the galaxy with this one and bringing a capital case before the Galactic Courts.

#7884  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/12/2004 11:37:40 AM

Statement from Galactic SEC

Phew, that's a relief. Glad to see you guys were on top of things.

Unfortunately, I have just managed to surpass our glorious Emperor in the MV. Just keeping the positions warm for you Theoden
[Message Edited]

#7885  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/12/2004 12:02:22 PM

Hi all,

See that the Guardians are back up to their usual brisk pace. Congrats to Mag and LW as our two newest Guardian Knights Congrats to (S)MC for the top 50, and to Mag for 22nd, with much more to come from both, no doubt. And glad to see the GSEC in action - defanantly an event for the Journal.

Thanks to our emperor and all of you for the promotion. I shall try to be worthy of it.

Well, off to a client site for the afternoon. I'll try to stop in tonight and say hi!

#7886  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 12:03:43 PM

Unfortunately, I have just managed to surpass our glorious Emperor in the MV. Just keeping the positions warm for you Theoden

I think we all know what he'd say: "Go get 'em!"

#7887  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/12/2004 12:11:18 PM

I shall try to be worthy of it.

You already are GH, that journal idea was great.

I think we all know what he'd say: "Go get 'em!"

Absolutely Terl, I've now got the next 2 Guardians above me in my sights. Just need them to take a month or two off, and I'll have them!

#7888  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/12/2004 12:15:50 PM

Well, it was worth the try, somehow I have to laundry that money, just in advertisement the GIRS (galactic IRS) is out of my back, now time to keep finding ways to wash the money that I obtained after my sucesfull transactions with the Draginol Empire, I have like 5 trillions of bcs that need laundry, any ideas Guardians????

#7889  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/12/2004 12:17:31 PM

One more Congrats in order: Congrats to Athilla on your 30K+ game at Painful!

#7890  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 12:21:15 PM

Well, it was worth the try, somehow I have to laundry that money, just in advertisement the GIRS (galactic IRS) is out of my back, now time to keep finding ways to wash the money that I obtained after my sucesfull transactions with the Draginol Empire, I have like 5 trillions of bcs that need laundry, any ideas Guardians????

We do not aid and abet wanted felons. We have forwarded your location to the Galactic IRS and SEC.

#7891  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/12/2004 12:22:57 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Congrats to Mag for becoming Guardian Knight!

Congrats to MC for making the top 50!

Congrats to GH for becoming our Historian!

And thank you for all the congratulations for me becoming a Knight.

#7892  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/12/2004 12:37:19 PM

Hey, just popping in real quick. The Guardians have the most players in the Top 25! Yeah to us!

#7893  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/12/2004 2:05:15 PM

Fellow guardians a new empire has joined the Metaverse. "The Yor Collective." Motto, "Kill people and Break Stuff" Never has the Metaverse been in more need of the Galactic Guardians. We must stamp out this cancer before it spreads.

#7894  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/12/2004 2:21:26 PM

Nice game Athilla.

Hey LW, same congrats to you

Thanks to everyone who voted, much appreciated. I shall try to be a worthy contributor to the conclave.

Now, I think it's high time we all retired to the Grog for some Torian Tornadoes courtesy of the new Knights.

#7895  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/12/2004 2:35:03 PM

retired to the Grog for some Torian Tornadoes


#7896  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/12/2004 2:45:57 PM

We do not aid and abet wanted felons. We have forwarded your location to the Galactic IRS and SEC.

All pirates are wanted!!!!

But they have to catch us, my new ship is the best of the fleet, check out the pic on my name!!!!

BEEP BEEP.................

#7897  by Veteran Terl - 4/12/2004 2:51:09 PM

All pirates are wanted!!!!

Only criminally

#7898  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/12/2004 2:53:58 PM

Breaking News!!!!!

Yortown.-XY3-1.3462 (Capital of the Yor Empire). In an unprecedent event, the Yor Empire has nominated a carbon base individual to be the Master Diplomat for the Yor Empire. The Pirate better knows as The Renegade has been nominated by the Yor Empire to represent them in the Galactic Tribunal where the Guardian Empire is been indicted under the charges of "Yoricide", "Crimes against the Yor" among many more. More news to come in the next edition of "Good Morning Yoriland".

#7899  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/12/2004 2:57:01 PM

Under the list of members indicted we can mentione only few names:

Greldon "the Greldonizer"
Terl "the Yoricider"
Theoden "the masterminder"
Lothmort "the stomper"

among a long list of Guardians are expect to attend this hearing.

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