This is obviously a culture thing, but who is Martha Stewart? |
People in Britain have never heard of Martha Stewart? Wow, I'm moving over with you guys after I graduate college. She is basically everything that ED descibed her as. Brutally took her company to the top by screwing everybody over, and then got caught. SEC made a point about insider trading by throwing her in prision.
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Yes Gerakken, but checking the Meta for all of your quotes would take decades.
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Accepted, thus I begin my new journey in service of the Guardians. |
Congratulations, ExaltedDruid!
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Congrats Exalteddruid - I think you're going to earn these...
Hey, ABT, you're welcome anytime. It sounds like we should stick to not knowing who Martha Stewart is over here Please don't send her to us, we're only just recovering from the Bill Clinton "after-dinner speaking tour".
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This is obviously a culture thing, but who is Martha Stewart? |
Sorry, MagMan--I forgot that this was an "international" news broadcast!
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No problem Major D. "To educate is to enlighten".
I now feel very enlightened!
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I would like to give it a try. I think I should only quote guardians. Short 1 or 2 lines if possible. Humour, wit or wisdom main critera. Game and empire related quotes. |
ED, I'd be glad to nominate the first candidate (if it hasn't already been done). Don't know who it was (and I haven't figured out searching in the threads yet), but about 2 Saturdays ago, one of the Guardians posted that his wife had left mad--presumably because he was once again enthralled in a game of GalCiv. I suggested that he consider buying her flowers and "going for the cultural victory," to which he replied (as best I can remember):
"We believe she has TerrorStar technology and she's not afraid to use it."
That's got to be the funniest thing I've read on these forums so far!
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Lot of sand, not many nuggets so far |
Oh, they're in there - only another 313 pages to go.
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Someone should start a collection of the greatest guardian quotes for future reference. So ED, does this mean you accept the position, and what should it be called? |
you guys are so into yourselves
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Renegade in...
Martha Stewart is the code name used by the mother of many good pirates in the GROSS Empire and other realms, she is like a sacred cow for the pirates, she taugh us how to trade broken pieces of glass and flee market bracelets for gold and precious stones from the inhabitants of the Yor Empire, that is the reason why we protect the Yors, they are our cash-cow and we will not stand aside when our gold producers machines are destroyed for no other reason that they are ugly.
Renegade out!!!
Now lets proceed with our route, full spead ahead into FOTR territory!!!!
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Accepted, thus I begin my new journey in service of the Guardians. |
WTG ED, our new quote master!
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