I've been playing AP all day and no matter what I do i get beat everytime! Usually I just Bribe the AI's to keep up relations but no matter what I bribe them with I can't seem to be able to improve relations. Can someone tell me what bribes their using? |
Naqmir, I usually just throw a reasonable tech to the AIs to get their relations up, or a morale boosting TG as they're relatively worthless for anything else.
If I do need to resort to cold hard cash, then 11bc for 99 turns is what I usually use. There has been some discussion by our friends the Diplomats on this one though, and I think Slothrop came up with an optimum bribe of 20bc for 10000 turns.
Oh, all my bribes are based on a huge diplo advantage (Populists with +60% diplo pick, and usually diplo translators aswell). I definitely thing diplomacy is the most important starting pick in AP with those extra races running around.
What's you relative alignment to the AI? That could well be a factor.
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i have concluded the reason why guardians talk the most would you like to hear my analisysYes. I would. |
sorry, connection trouble.
I have come to the conclusion that guardians talk so much because:
Most those who spend time posting on the forums during the busy time do so at work or school any place where you probably shouldn't be etc., my conclusion:
Guardians have on average bigger terror stars to post when they are not supposed to be
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Hello guys! About bribing. I read somewhere that 100bc in 50turns will improve relations by 2(e.g. from wary to warm). I did tried it and it really worked!But if you really pissing off any civ this kind off bribing wont help for long. But what really I find most difficult is to bribe to get to close relations. Actually i never succeded on this one. |
from my experience difference in military power plays a roll even if a small one: the more powerful then you they are the more it's going to take and the opposite is true: the more powerful then them the more it's going to take (however the latter i think only counts when trying to "buy" an alliance)
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DO you know if the amount of diplo you have effects the AI's reaction to bribes? |
Yes. Big effect! That's why I rate it as the most important pick (playing with a military rating of zero throughout the game, I need to keep the AIs sweet).
Good move going up in map size, I haven't played anything less than a medium on AP, and that was cramped
As for getting the AIs to "close"... having a trade route or two with the AI makes this a lot easier. Otherwise it's gonna cost a lot in tech and cash (I sometimes have to pay 4000+ for 99 months to get them to close if no trade). Only need to do that if you're going for the Alliance win in one hit though.
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That one qualifies. 100K+
I like dropping to a new block.
Take THAT, G!
At this pace, I might catch up to you next month. Maybe.
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Now that's what I call a BOOM!!! Lothmorg.
Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt.
Well I'm off for some well needed sleep. Goodnight all!.
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Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt. |
Good night, Magnu!
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I'm off to squish a few more puny Yor cranial units.
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I made my way back to page seven...
... boy do I feel insignificant!
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You know, you wouldn't feel so insignificant over at the Diplomats. We don't mind what you play at, and we are happy as long as you are happy.
Worth a try at any rate.
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And a nice try at that. You of course could join the Guardians. You never know, you might enjoy Terror Star Alpha Strikes...
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I'm hoping to put together a blow-by-blow guide for a no-military maso alliance 75 minute game sometime this week. I'll post it in the SH when done. |
That's 2 BOOMS!!! and 3 places gained already today. Now only 18 places behind Greldon |
BOOM!!!That one qualifies. 100K+ |
Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt |
I walk among giants and stand in awe! WTG Guardians! Owners of the Metaverse!
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#8092 by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 10:46:55 PM Worth a try at any rateAnd a nice try at that. You of course could join the Guardians. You never know, you might enjoy Terror Star Alpha Strikes... |
you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles*
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you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles* |
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you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles* |
Guardians get bumper stickers that say "Agressive negotiations - ask me how"
[Message Edited]
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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! My freaking head hurts.
Anyhow, hello fellow Guardians!
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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! My freaking head hurts. |
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