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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8075  by Citizen damoose - 4/13/2004 6:22:22 PM

i have concluded the reason why guardians talk the most would you like to hear my analisys

Yes. I would.

#8076  by Citizen damoose - 4/13/2004 6:25:26 PM

Guardian's Blitz

Terl... Good stuff. I really like these line though

And a pirate in the corner is counting our posts
Cause he thinks he's the post-stealing one


And Theoden at the back said
Everyone attack and it turned into a Guardian blitz

[Message Edited]

#8077  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/13/2004 6:38:48 PM

Yeah, Terl, that was cool!!

Made me have to go and put on the original tunage, ye gods, I remember when it came out....vaguely.

#8078  by Veteran Gerakken - 4/13/2004 6:40:11 PM

And a pirate in the corner is counting our postsCause he thinks he's the post-stealing one

More than one pirate, actually. I just prefer the one shot, one kill method. It requires more skill, you post counting ninnies!

Don't mind Gerakken. He just had a bad experience with a post hunting Jedi who had way to many light sabers. I think two should be the legal limit. This levitating 10 at a time thing is just too much!

#8079  by Veteran Terl - 4/13/2004 7:16:33 PM

More than one pirate, actually. I just prefer the one shot, one kill method. It requires more skill, you post counting ninnies!

You do it with total class and we don't mind that at all.

#8080  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/13/2004 7:18:59 PM

I've been playing AP all day and no matter what I do i get beat everytime! Usually I just Bribe the AI's to keep up relations but no matter what I bribe them with I can't seem to be able to improve relations. Can someone tell me what bribes their using?

Naqmir, I usually just throw a reasonable tech to the AIs to get their relations up, or a morale boosting TG as they're relatively worthless for anything else.

If I do need to resort to cold hard cash, then 11bc for 99 turns is what I usually use. There has been some discussion by our friends the Diplomats on this one though, and I think Slothrop came up with an optimum bribe of 20bc for 10000 turns.

Oh, all my bribes are based on a huge diplo advantage (Populists with +60% diplo pick, and usually diplo translators aswell). I definitely thing diplomacy is the most important starting pick in AP with those extra races running around.

What's you relative alignment to the AI? That could well be a factor.

#8081  by Citizen Naqmir - 4/13/2004 7:36:27 PM

Right now I'm neutral and their all pure good at least till I get the hang of it.

I switched my starting picks and maxed out diplo which seems to be working. I usually do bribes of 10bc for 200 turns which doesnt seem to work like it did in 1.20. DO you know if the amount of diplo you have effects the AI's reaction to bribes?

P.S. Thanx Magnumaniac. I think I got the hang of this now. I moved from playing small maps to huge and with your bribes its only a matter of time now.
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#8082  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/13/2004 7:50:48 PM

i have concluded the reason why guardians talk the most would you like to hear my analisysYes. I would.

sorry, connection trouble.

I have come to the conclusion that guardians talk so much because:

Most those who spend time posting on the forums during the busy time do so at work or school any place where you probably shouldn't be etc., my conclusion:

Guardians have on average bigger terror stars to post when they are not supposed to be

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#8083  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/13/2004 7:53:39 PM

Hello guys!
About bribing. I read somewhere that 100bc in 50turns will improve relations by 2(e.g. from wary to warm). I did tried it and it really worked!But if you really pissing off any civ this kind off bribing wont help for long. But what really I find most difficult is to bribe to get to close relations. Actually i never succeded on this one.

#8084  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/13/2004 8:17:04 PM

Hello guys! About bribing. I read somewhere that 100bc in 50turns will improve relations by 2(e.g. from wary to warm). I did tried it and it really worked!But if you really pissing off any civ this kind off bribing wont help for long. But what really I find most difficult is to bribe to get to close relations. Actually i never succeded on this one.

from my experience difference in military power plays a roll even if a small one: the more powerful then you they are the more it's going to take and the opposite is true: the more powerful then them the more it's going to take (however the latter i think only counts when trying to "buy" an alliance)

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#8085  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/13/2004 9:11:51 PM

DO you know if the amount of diplo you have effects the AI's reaction to bribes?

Yes. Big effect! That's why I rate it as the most important pick (playing with a military rating of zero throughout the game, I need to keep the AIs sweet).

Good move going up in map size, I haven't played anything less than a medium on AP, and that was cramped

As for getting the AIs to "close"... having a trade route or two with the AI makes this a lot easier. Otherwise it's gonna cost a lot in tech and cash (I sometimes have to pay 4000+ for 99 months to get them to close if no trade). Only need to do that if you're going for the Alliance win in one hit though.

#8086  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/13/2004 9:19:48 PM


That one qualifies. 100K+

I like dropping to a new block.

Take THAT, G!

At this pace, I might catch up to you next month. Maybe.

#8087  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/13/2004 9:30:57 PM

Now that's what I call a BOOM!!! Lothmorg.

Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt.

Well I'm off for some well needed sleep. Goodnight all!.

#8088  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/13/2004 9:42:41 PM

Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt.


Good night, Magnu!

#8089  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/13/2004 9:43:23 PM

I'm off to squish a few more puny Yor cranial units.

#8090  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 10:38:21 PM


I made my way back to page seven...

... boy do I feel insignificant!

#8091  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/13/2004 10:44:45 PM

You know, you wouldn't feel so insignificant over at the Diplomats. We don't mind what you play at, and we are happy as long as you are happy.

Worth a try at any rate.

#8092  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 10:46:55 PM

Worth a try at any rate

And a nice try at that. You of course could join the Guardians. You never know, you might enjoy Terror Star Alpha Strikes...

#8093  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 11:01:08 PM

I'm hoping to put together a blow-by-blow guide for a no-military maso alliance 75 minute game sometime this week. I'll post it in the SH when done.

That's 2 BOOMS!!! and 3 places gained already today. Now only 18 places behind Greldon

BOOM!!!That one qualifies. 100K+

Naqmir, I see you got a win on AP. 1 or 2 more and you'll be in the top 25. Shortly followed by MC no doubt

I walk among giants and stand in awe! WTG Guardians! Owners of the Metaverse!

#8094  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/13/2004 11:04:04 PM

#8092 by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 10:46:55 PM Worth a try at any rateAnd a nice try at that. You of course could join the Guardians. You never know, you might enjoy Terror Star Alpha Strikes...

you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles*

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#8095  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 11:12:16 PM

you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles*

#8096  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 11:14:12 PM

you know all new joining diplomats get free "i hate yor t-shirts" if they stay for at least 12 monthes *whistles*

Guardians get bumper stickers that say "Agressive negotiations - ask me how"

[Message Edited]

#8097  by Citizen Greldon - 4/13/2004 11:20:08 PM

That one qualifies. 100K+ I like dropping to a new block. Take THAT, G! At this pace, I might catch up to you next month. Maybe.

I don't understand, how the hell do you get 100k. I've had several block changes and never got anything. My submissions never change, except to become less and less. Why do you get 100k every month?

#8098  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/13/2004 11:29:27 PM

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! My freaking head hurts.

Anyhow, hello fellow Guardians!

#8099  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/13/2004 11:32:28 PM

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! My freaking head hurts.


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