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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8150  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/14/2004 1:23:22 PM

What I find annoying is it seems to only auto survey if it knows where something is. So later in the game you have to send it off somewhere, then hit autosurvey again, and if it has seen something on its trip it heads back and gets it. Do you find the same thing? Has this been corrected in later versions? I think it should just do a full galaxy sweep if it cannot find anything to survey immediately.

Yea, ED, same here, maybe a "Galactic Sweep and Survey" option could be added in a future update.

#8151  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/14/2004 1:40:54 PM

Yea, ED, same here, maybe a "Galactic Sweep and Survey" option could be added in a future update

Well Gandalf, it appears your using the latest version so I guess that answers that.

#8152  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/14/2004 1:53:54 PM

Here is a Magnum strategy question but it is of a general nature. When you buy a frieghter from the AI is there is no way of specify which planet of yours you want the trade route to end at. I like having all trade routes from sol so I can build SB trade bonus just there. Of course Magnum does not bother with SB's any way but you still would get an advantage to send it to your farthest system.

#8153  by Veteran Terl - 4/14/2004 2:05:35 PM

When you buy a frieghter from the AI is there is no way of specify which planet of yours you want the trade route to end at.

I would guess maybe if you send it back to Sol and then send it out...which is not effective or efficient really. There is no other way.....

#8154  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/14/2004 2:09:21 PM

And also what happened with my honorary membership in the Guardians empire????

if i recall 100 or so pages back that was me renegade!

cool we have the amulek bird technique, you guys have the magnumaniac technique!

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#8155  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/14/2004 2:21:58 PM

I would guess maybe if you send it back to Sol and then send it out...which is not effective or efficient really. There is no other way.....

I have tried this as well. It seems to remember it's original home...

#8156  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/14/2004 2:30:31 PM

When you buy a frieghter from the AI is there is no way of specify which planet of yours you want the trade route to end at

As Terl said, you can't set up nice straight line trade routes this way, but getting the routes set up early compensates for this, as income increases according to the age of the route. Just stay out of wars with your trading partners.

My economy is always healthy and I don't really need the extra revenue generated by trade SBs. The primary goal of trade routes for me is to improve relations and make the alliances easier to achieve. If you want to play the game out and really crank up the research through improvements and wonders then trade income becomes very important to sustain 100% spending, so it might be worth starting new ones from your best planet in that case.

#8157  by Veteran Terl - 4/14/2004 2:35:30 PM

I have tried this as well. It seems to remember it's original home...

Ah, it was worth a shot. I did not think it would work. I never care because I like getting the routes going and making the AI have to build another freighter. When/if I want the starbase (I usually do not build them), I just check where the routes go and find the optimal sector to place it.

#8158  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/14/2004 2:45:34 PM

Hello everyone! Freakin' busy day.

The freighters that you purchase will set their new homeworld to your closest planet.

Gotta run. Talk to you all later when I get time.

#8159  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 3:33:18 PM

Well I had a great time at the CPA's this morning. I'm so lucky, I get to pay Uncle Sam $806.00 tomorrow. Now isn't that special.

#8160  by Veteran Terl - 4/14/2004 3:40:41 PM

Well I had a great time at the CPA's this morning. I'm so lucky, I get to pay Uncle Sam $806.00 tomorrow. Now isn't that special.

Hmmm, I would think the Yor, perhaps through their special prosecutor, had something to do with this

#8161  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 3:45:51 PM

Hmmm, I would think the Yor, perhaps through their special prosecutor, had something to do with this

Now that you mention it, I think he probably did. But even if he didn't, I'll blame him anyway!

#8162  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 3:49:22 PM

Hmmm, I would think the Yor, perhaps through their special prosecutor, had something to do with this

Now that you mention it, I think he probably did. But even if he didn't, I'll blame him anyway!

I started the build up for an assault on the Yor at lunch....not because of the tax man, but just because!

#8163  by Veteran Terl - 4/14/2004 3:51:22 PM

not because of the tax man, but just because!

But you'll probably enjoy it all the more because of the taxman.

#8164  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/14/2004 3:51:51 PM

Hello again.
I was just lookuing through user guide(notebook), the one you get when you buy a game, And i checked on resources, I saw one called " Life Force Resousrce" I never had one in my games, sis anyone had it??

#8165  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/14/2004 3:58:09 PM

Life Force Resousrce

Never heard of it. Maybe it refers to the Morale resource?

#8166  by Veteran Terl - 4/14/2004 4:01:39 PM

Never heard of it. Maybe it refers to the Morale resource?

I saw this asked somewhere in another thread. I think it was in earlier versions(or planned) but is not used now. The user guide is out of date. I guess the bottom line is, it is not in the game.

#8167  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 4:06:04 PM

I guess the bottom line is, it is not in the game.

That's correct, it's not in the game. It was an idea that never came to fruition due to balance problems, I think.

#8168  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/14/2004 4:17:28 PM

I never read the manual. Maybe I should do that sometime.

#8169  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/14/2004 4:19:34 PM

It was in the earliest version, but was disabled by Stardock due to creating a huge inbalance to the race who find the resource first. I like the idea do, wish they will incorporated as an option. Sort of able or disable the life resource.

#8170  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 4:24:44 PM

Renegade: How do we know what mods will work with the latest AP build?

#8171  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/14/2004 4:30:13 PM

I never read the manual

??? What's one of them? Kinda made obsolete with the advent of the WWW and all those helpful folk that will tell you every little secret of the game.

Greldon I just confirmed, on invasion of a Yor world, that they had a secret tech called "Advanced Tax Collection" and they were providing the details of it to a clandestine organisation on Earth known as the IRS. I guess you need a bit of payback.

And the crowd went BOOM!!!. Another place gained in the metaverse - it gets hard from here on in

#8172  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/14/2004 4:32:25 PM

Greldon, I'm only using the SD approved ones, and both my games submitted OK.

The Capitals rock, along with Rosterichzeng(sp?)Ray, nice benefits.

#8173  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 4:35:49 PM

Congrats, Magnum. 18th place in such a short time,that's awesome!!
I just confirmed, on invasion of a Yor world, that they had a secret tech called "Advanced Tax Collection" and they were providing the details of it to a clandestine organisation on Earth known as the IRS. I guess you need a bit of payback.

I suspected as much! (because of Terl's suggestion) They'll pay, believe me, they'll pay!

#8174  by Citizen Greldon - 4/14/2004 4:38:00 PM

Greldon, I'm only using the SD approved ones, and both my games submitted OK.

Thanks, Gandalf. That's good to know. I've been thinking about trying some of them.

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