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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8225  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/14/2004 11:39:35 PM

Checking to see if I can post.

Huh, did work the first time. :/
[Message Edited]

#8226  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/14/2004 11:40:51 PM

Anyway, congrats to Mag, Naqmir, and Athilla!

#8227  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/15/2004 12:19:22 AM

[Dropping by]

Congrats to those who deserve it!

[Dropping out]

#8228  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:25:09 AM

Renegade: How do we know what mods will work with the latest AP build?

I've made some of my own mods, and I must say there working very nicely.
[Message Edited]

#8229  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:29:15 AM

Congratulations to Naqmir for making the top 25.

WTG Naqmir

#8230  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:30:14 AM

Hey everybody I just got promoted to Commodore!!!


#8231  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 1:31:05 AM

working quite well

That's nucking futz!
[Message Edited]

#8232  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:32:45 AM

That nucking futz!

I editted it out dont wont to many people knowing about it

#8233  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:34:26 AM

I used galciv writer and made myself some mods that ermmmm... speed me up some

#8234  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 1:36:58 AM

I edited mine reply.

#8235  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:43:19 AM

Just remember to stop an anomalous score make sure the AI has the ability to have access to the same mods as you have, so its even for both sides, and if you increase PQ in a mod dont go over 40% galactic wide. IE, dont mod +41% PQ for a political party as it has a galactic wide effect. 30% PQ should be safe.

#8236  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:44:49 AM

I edited mine reply.

Thanks LW.

#8237  by Citizen Brewskin - 4/15/2004 1:46:22 AM

#8238  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 1:46:47 AM

Thanks LW.

No problem.

#8239  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/15/2004 1:47:30 AM

Woo! 36K+ for a small crip! Thanks to some help from Mag's tips in the SH!

Must of had a recalc too - it netted 10K to my score

#8240  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 1:47:31 AM

Ahhh...GtR, your message seems to be blank.

#8241  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 1:48:08 AM

Good work, GH!

#8242  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:48:10 AM

If any Guardians want to know my style;
MassColonisation+Influence+endgame invasion to clean up+somecheese = fast game.

#8243  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:48:59 AM

Woo! 36K+ for a small crip! Thanks to some help from Mag's tips in the SH!

WTG GH!!!!

#8244  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/15/2004 1:49:44 AM


I'd be interested in seeing what I think you came up with. Just not tonight - pushed a little too late finishing that game up. But if it is what I think it is, good job!

#8245  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/15/2004 1:50:27 AM

Night all!

#8246  by Citizen Soul Sphere - 4/15/2004 1:51:41 AM

Night all!

G'Nite GH

#8247  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/15/2004 3:30:33 AM

Congrats to all. Great day Guardians. I just did my 1st painful using Magnums tips as well. It went as described by magnum. I was amazed at all the great wonders and trade goods I managed to get. I also pulled off a couple, buy today, pay you tommorow, oops to bad your dead, attacks without screwing it up.

#8248  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 3:44:05 AM

Nice work, ED!

#8249  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/15/2004 4:36:06 AM

I'm just going to drop this BOOM!! and head to bed.

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