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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8425  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 10:14:41 AM

In the meantime we rule the meta...

No doubt about that! You two are setting new standards which anyone that follows will have to match.

Oh well, no-one ever said life was meant to be easy.

#8426  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:14:49 AM

I've actually pretty well kept pace with the big G on submissions for this month

Indeed, but like I said before, It's way past time for me to get busy again! Although, no matter how busy I get, I can't keep up with Lothmorg. I think he has some Torian slaves cranking out games for him!

#8427  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:16:54 AM

Oh well, no-one ever said life was meant to be easy.
No, but life in the meta is fun!

#8428  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 10:17:06 AM

I think he has some Torian slaves cranking out games for him!

Hmmm...slavery... maybe I need to teach the kids how to play, and get them cranking out games in my name.

#8429  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 10:25:42 AM

Come on up and be my wingman.

Genghis Hank, pardon my continuing (won't it ever wear off?!) noobieness--but what is the alternate meta, what does it have to do with the Metaverse, how (and why) do we participate in both, yada, yada, (insert multiple, additional, noobish questions here)?

#8430  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 10:28:25 AM

...we're leaving them far behind eating our dust!

Greldon, at this point they're so far behind I suspect our dust has long settled before they ever get there!

"Look, Maude! Tracks! Something passed this way before, although the tracks are too old now to make it out clearly. All I can tell was, it was large and it was moving fast!"

"Well, Roy, let's just pray it doesn't backtrack and run us down!"

#8431  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/16/2004 10:35:10 AM

This is the link for the alternate metaverse Link

If I am not wrong I think it is based in raw points submitted.

#8432  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 10:35:58 AM

OK, sorry for the brief answer, but I have to leave the office, so I will post more later...

the Alt meta is basically a "month to month" raw score tabulation that Alex keeps from his statbot data. You can find it here Link It doesn't really have much to do with the real meta, it's just a different way of looking at who is active in a given month and how well they are doing. What makes it nice IMHO is that it gives those of us who aren't tossing in 6 maso games a day a league to compete in as well. Also, since it only looks at scores submitted this month, you don't have the problem of being surrounded by dozens of players you have never heard of on page 27. Only active players. Finally, he breaks the scores down based on difficulty level, thus maso players end up in the pro league, and everyone else get divided into the amature league and novice league.

Sorry if this isn't clear. In a hurry - got to get to a client site. Go check it out, it will be clearer, and I (or others on this forum) will answer questions more...

Guess it wasn't brief

[Message Edited]

#8433  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:37:06 AM

Hello, Major!
"Well, Roy, let's just pray it doesn't backtrack and run us down!"

The Alternate Meta is a listing of raw scores for the different categories. Link

#8434  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 10:38:44 AM

Major D!!! It would appear that you have not been keeping up with events in Raven's Claw.

The alternate metaverse has been discussed and the link posted at least twice - see post number 8285 from yesterday.

Your penance is to personally deliver 100 billion Yor cranial units to the Halls of the Guardians by sundown tomorrow.

#8435  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/16/2004 10:43:53 AM

The prate got the answer first!!!!

Too slow the Guardians are indeed!!! (Ahhh?? where that Jedi quota came from???) OH, Oh, time to stop the training!!!

Glad to see everyone willinng to help a felolow mate.

#8436  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 10:47:13 AM

The prate got the answer first!!!!

But you didn't answer all the questions...

#8437  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:49:16 AM

Too slow the Guardians are indeed!!!

What was that you're so far back I couldn't hear you!

#8438  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/16/2004 10:53:54 AM

What makes it nice IMHO is that it gives those of us who aren't tossing in 6 maso games a day a league to compete in as well.

Indeed, like myself, it is nice to have difficulty levels broken down.

#8439  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:57:23 AM

it is nice to have difficulty levels broken down.

Magnum blurred that line by submitting a 60K crippling!

#8440  by Citizen Kazzryl - 4/16/2004 10:57:33 AM

In fact, Major Dallas, you and I can have a friendly competition in the alternate metaverse.

#8441  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 10:58:37 AM

Naqmir: Congrats on making Fleet Admiral!

#8442  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 11:04:07 AM

Major D!!! It would appear that you have not been keeping up with events in Raven's Claw.

Magman, oh I've been "keeping up," all right. It's just that critical difference between seeing and hearing the words and actually understanding them. (I think Greldon's still got my 2x4--maybe he needs to teach me some new lessons! )

I have followed the link several times, but wasn't certain what I was looking at. Hadn't noticed that my name was on the list (although I did see most of my Guardian brothers plastered all over the "positions of prominence"!). And didn't know 'how to participate'--failing to recognize that it was automatic.

I have now bookmarked the link, and will visit there frequently.

Now, with regard to my 'punishment,' I am honored. You suspect me of a misdeed, but rather than take me to task on it, and give me some onerous duties, you instead reward me with the opportunity to collect more Yor cranial units!

Consider it done.

And with regard to GH's request for a 'wingman,' I'm truly confused. It looks to me like Attila is right there, with a whole squadron of Guardians closing in fast! (Unless I'm mistaken, the air up there is about to get very crowded with Guardian assault vehicles!)

And thanks, Renegade, for pointing me in the right direction. (Wait a minute, I'm getting directions from the dread pirate Renegade?! Hmmm, I'd better re-check my map on a regular basis! )

#8443  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/16/2004 11:06:51 AM

And thanks, Renegade, for pointing me in the right direction. (Wait a minute, I'm getting directions from the dread pirate Renegade?! Hmmm, I'd better re-check my map on a regular basis!

Glad to see a Guardian with an open spirit!!!

#8444  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 11:07:47 AM

In fact, Major Dallas, you and I can have a friendly competition in the alternate metaverse.

Kazzryl, it looks like we already are! And I didn't even know it!

Father: "Son, run that way!"
Son: "Huh?"
Father: "Run! You've got the ball! You can score! Run!"
Son: "What ball?"

(The role of the son in this morning's production of The Oblivious Infant has been played by none other than our own, oblivious, Major Dallas. Please hold your applause--not until the end, just hold it! )

#8445  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 11:09:22 AM

you instead reward me with the opportunity to collect more Yor cranial units!

Aah, but some would certainly consider that onerous as you would need to resist the temptation to just Greldonize them into space dust.

#8446  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 11:09:23 AM

Glad to see a Guardian with an open spirit!!!

Renegade, I'm not sure about having "an open spirit" but I have been hearing a whistling sound in and around my ears whenever the wind blows recently!

#8447  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 11:11:24 AM

Aah, but some would certainly consider that onerous as you would need to resist the temptation to just Greldonize them into space dust.

Magman, actually that got significantly easier once I realized the value of taking their planets (and the fruit of their rusty labours!), versus making space dust out of them! ("Look folks, he can be taught!")

#8448  by Veteran Terl - 4/16/2004 11:11:36 AM

And from left field comes the tune of Rocky Racoon we give you Rocky the Yor

Now somewhere in the deep blackness of the galaxy
There lived a young lad named Rocky the Yor
And one day a Guardian surveyor stopped to say "Hi"
Made young Rocky really mad, Rocky didn't like that
He said "Fleshlings you're gonna die!
So one day he took off into space
Headed himself off to Sol towards the Guardians

Rocky the Yor checked out his weapons
Only to find he's out gunned
Rocky had come equipped with phasers
To shoot up the worlds of the fleshlings
His rivals it seemed had Greldonizers
By coming to Sol he'd sealed up his fate
The ship was quite large, an avatar class
And all guns fired on Rocky

Now Lothmorg and Greldon, Magnum and li'lwotts
Hank, Attila, the Major, and MC
Worked hand in hand building a ship
Big as a star for the showdown
They tracked down the Yor and fired a shot
Rocky the Yor is all gone now

Then Technician came in with freighters galore
And took all the parts to his warehouse
Greldon said "Let's all have our drinks"
And dropped 60k on the table
With the Yor destroyed they turned their sights of Altaria

#8449  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/16/2004 11:18:11 AM

Good one Terl

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