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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8475  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 12:36:19 PM

(Note to self: If you're gonna slack off on Friday, stop messing around on the Empires forums and start piling up those Yor cranial units that you owe Magman!)

#8476  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 12:40:43 PM

Lunch time!

I'll be back.

#8477  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 12:41:19 PM

If you wish to be left out of these, let me know...

[shameless request] BTW, I don't think I've ever been in, but I don't want to be left out either! [/shameless request]

#8478  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 12:47:33 PM

[shameless request] BTW, I don't think I've ever been in, but I don't want to be left out either! [/shameless request]

Cool! We have an audience request! Go, Terl, go!

#8479  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 12:50:00 PM

(Note to self: If you're gonna slack off on Friday, stop messing around on the Empires forums and start piling up those Yor cranial units that you owe Magman!)

Aah! A dilemma. If you concentrate on collecting Yor bits, you might miss out on some important snippet of information in Raven's Claw (rare, I know, but they do sneak in amongst the drivel occasionally ). Then you may end up asking another question relating to something already covered which results in further "punishment", and yet more Yor collections.

Thus begins the eternal circle that ensures all Guardians are forever required to kill Yor. Clever, isn't it.

#8480  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 12:54:25 PM

BTW, I don't think I've ever been in

You were featured in "Rocky the Yor" GH, so you are already immortalised in Guardian song, and will be forever remembered through the ages as one of the great Yor-hunters.

#8481  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 12:55:56 PM

Thus begins the eternal circle...

Must kill Yor. Must read posts. Must apply posted information to killing Yor more effectively, allowing more time to read posts, in order to...

(My wife and kids are going to kill me! )

#8482  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 12:57:11 PM

Thus begins the eternal circle that ensures all Guardians are forever required to kill Yor. Clever, isn't it.

Use two computers! Or one computer with dual video! You see, the answer is simply put more into tech! Much like the secret to killing more Yor!

Hmmm... However, if I had two computers, I could play two games at once and kill twice the Yor, but I would have to not play on one to read the forum...

Aaaaarrrrrrrgggh! It IS a circle!

#8483  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 1:01:28 PM

You were featured in "Rocky the Yor" GH,

So I was, and am ashamed to have missed it in the first read. Thanks!

#8484  by Veteran Terl - 4/16/2004 1:12:53 PM

So I was, and am ashamed to have missed it in the first read. Thanks!

I try as much as I can to ensure I mention the more prolific posters (games or forum posts or both) in the bits I write.... Sometimes I have to use a bit of literary license and abbreviate some....

#8485  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 1:15:15 PM

Use two computers!

When I first began working in the computer field (harken back to when it was called "Data Processing," when we were still using punched cards), our Development team of 40+ people shared 4 terminals. If you needed time on a terminal you would sign up (assuming that all four terminals were currently busy). When you got done using one you would check the sign-up list and notify the next person on the list. During my stint there I got moved into the "Software Support" group (somewhat 'elite') and even got a terminal on my desk (while the 'grunt' programmers were still sharing those same four terminals). Years later I was doing benchmark testing for a national retailer, selecting the PC's that we would standardize on throughout our operations, and I had five or six PC's to myself, in a single office with a linoleum floor, a wheeled chair, and I would roll from one to another with gleeful abandon! [Insert Tim 'the Toolman' Taylor "arrh, arrh, arrh, more power" here!]
[Message Edited]

#8486  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 1:15:19 PM

I try as much as I can to ensure I mention the more prolific posters (games or forum posts or both) in the bits I write.... Sometimes I have to use a bit of literary license and abbreviate some....

Was just fine. I just didn't read carefully in my haste. Thank You.

#8487  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/16/2004 1:20:07 PM

we were still using punched cards

Those were the fun days! Bumping in to someone and dropping your nice ordered pile of cards just before your timeslot on the mainframe came up.

I'm fairly certain that's how most modern swear words got invented - I certainly came up with many new ways of expressing displeasure.

#8488  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 1:55:17 PM

Uh, Magnum...GH has to pay, same as Major, don't you think?

#8489  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/16/2004 2:01:27 PM

Uh, Magnum...GH has to pay, same as Major, don't you think?

As you wish, although it will need to wait 'til over the weekend.

#8490  by Veteran Terl - 4/16/2004 2:02:19 PM

Abbreviated Steve Miller.....

Some people call me a Yor soldier
Some call me the fodder of space
Some people call me dead meat
Cause I die at the Guardians hands

Oh I'm a loser
I'm a target
I'm a doomed Yor soldier
With everyone out gunning for me....

[Message Edited]

#8491  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 2:24:54 PM

Great stuff Terl!

Just incase I missed it, Welcome to Trscroggs!

#8492  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 2:41:57 PM

I read the whole thing. Terl is in proper form today.
Vapourizing Yor is what I live for. Don't want to collect their stinking heads. Don't want thier stinking worlds. Don't want thier stinking social projects. Greldonizing is the only way to control the stinking Yor problem.

#8493  by Veteran Terl - 4/16/2004 2:44:53 PM

A quickly done Sound of Music version....

The hills blow apart when hit with mass drivers
The dirt it rains down on the Yors below
The hills are all gone from the many volleys
The PQ here took a really big hit

My commander said I could use terror stars
That wipe out the planets completely
But I needed places for resupply
To hit the Drengin next
Then on to the Korx and Arceans then
Over Torians on our way
To the Altarians space
Domination is our way

#8494  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 2:55:15 PM

Are you familiar with Les Miseerables or Phantom of the Opera?

#8495  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 3:05:26 PM

I Can picture Julie Andrews on the top of a Yor mountian singing that. Thats just beautiful Terl. Tear in my eye.

#8496  by Veteran Terl - 4/16/2004 3:10:36 PM

Are you familiar with Les Miseerables or Phantom of the Opera

Not too much....but here's a Rocky Horror Picture Show version of Time Warp....

It's astounding
Rapid rising
Greldon leads the pack
But Lothmorg, he says

Not for very much longer

Greldon must keep control
He's been posting games at time warp
Drinking on Raven's Claw
And playing all night long

And Greldon would be shouting....

Let's blow the Yor up again
Let's blow the Yor up again

You flip the safety off

And then a press of the switch

And a flick of the wrist

You bring all weapons to bear
But its the mass drivers
That really does those Yors in
Let's blow the Yors up again
Let's blow the Yors up again....

#8497  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 3:13:27 PM

Rocky Horror Picture Show version of Time Warp

This is making my day.

#8498  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 3:18:02 PM

Oh, it's friday isn't it...well, I'll have Jester's Corner out in a bit.

#8499  by Citizen Arcilte - 4/16/2004 3:18:43 PM

I see...

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