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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8550  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 4:56:08 PM

One last one, close your eyes MD

Is it OK to look yet? (Oops, you caught me. I had one eye open!)

#8551  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 4:56:59 PM

Good evening,morning, afretnoon to Guardians, Renagade(it seemes that you always here, like a Guardian of this Forum! )

I just got passed through bfwebster!! 3.000
And about 10,000 behind rbloom (next target)
RBLOOM!!! Prepare for Greldonising!! Tommorow!!

just came back from a date! She was nice! older than me though! (Women like fine wine with years, becomes just better)

GH!! I am closing :
Genghis Hank 290828 12 The Galactic Guardians 9.0000
2 Weyrleader 210016 8 Fellowship of the Ring 8.7500
3 Attila The Guardian 199408 10 The Galactic Guardians 7.8000
after my last post i am sure i am a bit closer or even got through Weyrleader!!
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#8552  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 4:57:22 PM

I guess I'll just have to practice more!)

Yes quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand....

#8553  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 5:01:23 PM

Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a lawyer....

#8554  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 5:04:34 PM

Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a....

How many time in the 79 episodes did Bones say this?

#8555  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 5:04:53 PM

Hear about the terrorist that hijacked a 747 full of lawyers?

He threatened to release one every hour if his demands weren't met.

#8556  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 5:09:07 PM

Yes quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand....

(to himself)

I can do this. I've seen the Master do it a thousand times. All my fellow students have passed the test, and gone on to further studies. A long time ago! Maybe if I-- NO! Stop it! Focus! See the pebble, see myself taking the pebble, see myself becoming one with the pebble...

(...with less-than-lightning speed, Major Dallas reaches out, manages to grab Greldon's pinky and give it a good sharp yank. The Master, once again surprised by the idiocy if his slowest student, yelps in pain and jerks his hand away. The pebble flies into the air where, MD proceeds to catch it with his mouth, quickly swallows, and then beams at the Master, awaiting the inevitable praise.)

Master: Yes, Grasshopper--it is obvious to me that you should be stoned! Or you are stoned! It is unclear to me which is the right path!

#8557  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 5:13:31 PM

Attila, over 35,000 for a game, my crippling only got me 12,000. Must be the expansion. Its buy or be left behind

#8558  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 5:14:58 PM

Master: Yes, Grasshopper--it is obvious to me that you should be stoned! Or you are stoned! It is unclear to me which is the right path!

....and go find me another pebble before the next student can keep that one.

#8559  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 5:15:41 PM

ED, I've seen a big jump in my scores since I moved up to AP. Partly it's experience--but it definitely seems to be partly due to AP, as well. (I gotta admit--that was my primary motivation for moving up, although I do like the added races!)

#8560  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 5:19:19 PM

what could be more frightening than Genghis and Attila leading the pack?

Two most cruel barbarians Are going to RULE this universe!!!

Now Lothmorg and Greldon, Magnum and li'lwottsHank, Attila, the Major, and MCWorked hand in hand building a shipBig as a star for the showdownThey tracked down the Yor and fired a shotRocky the Yor is all gone now

And here was Attila first mentioned in Terls articles!!
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#8561  by Citizen Greldon - 4/16/2004 5:19:24 PM

ED: Attila was playing a large played a medium. That would account for some of the difference, but AP does give somewhat higher scores.

#8562  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 5:20:18 PM

....and go find me another pebble before the next student can keep that one.

The Master is very, very wise.

#8563  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 5:22:40 PM

Well at least when I buy the AP there will be no evidence for the wife. No "whats that, you bought another game." As long as I can get to next months credit card bill 1st. Yes, I have a plan, I can compete. New AP here I come.

#8564  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 5:26:30 PM

ED: Attila was playing a large played a medium. That would account for some of the difference, but AP does give somewhat higher scores.

Greldon, can I have the mystery's of the scoring system speach again. That's a classic.

#8565  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 5:27:39 PM

New AP here I come.

Yeah, ED!! get it ASAP, i am looking forward for you to compeet with! But for now, rbloom is having some problems on keeping his place over there!

#8566  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/16/2004 5:30:21 PM

Its buy or be left behind


AP is not needed for 60K scores.

#8567  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 5:33:56 PM

Guys where should i unzip Halut Pack and Greldonizer?!

#8568  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/16/2004 5:35:20 PM

AP is not needed for 60K scores

It is skill or money Lothmorq, if you don't have the skill you need the money. Would have to give Maso a try.

#8569  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/16/2004 5:35:40 PM

Guys where should i unzip Halut Pack and Greldonizer?!

I believe it goes in your MODS directory.

#8570  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/16/2004 5:37:07 PM

Would have to give Maso a try.

From what I've heard, Maso is harder in 1.49M.

Good luck though!

#8571  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 5:39:04 PM

How much do you think the logistics will play into your strategy Lothmorg? How big a role do starbase have to you?

#8572  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/16/2004 5:39:26 PM

I believe it goes in your MODS directory.

Are you sure its not into DATA ?

And where to galcatic civ. or Alatarian Prophesy?!

[Message Edited]

#8573  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/16/2004 5:41:07 PM

The Halut Pack and Greldonizer go in the Mods/Data folder.

#8574  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/16/2004 5:41:59 PM

How big a role do starbase have to you?

I usually try to get all of the military, economy, and morale resources. I have a ton of trade SBs as well.
It's not uncommon for me to make more in trade revenue than taxes. I trade exclusively with minors. I trade embargo with all the majors.

Are you sure its not into DATA

I don't have AP, so it's just a guess.

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