I trade embargo with all the majors. |
Does that impair relations?
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Does that impair relations? |
Nothing a little bribery can't fix. When you also control all of the military resources, things get a lot easier.
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Nothing a little bribery can't fix. |
True enough. A little cheese eating goes a long way.
When you also control all of the military resources, things get a lot easier. |
Also very true.
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The pebble flies into the air where, MD proceeds to catch it with his mouth, quickly swallows, and then beams at the Master, awaiting the inevitable praise.) |
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Lothmorg, how are you possibly able to get to the military resources first? I'm only playing on Crippling, and by the time I even know where the resources are, the AI's have already begun mining them! (And if I remember correctly, the AI's begin by knowing exactly where they are--whereas we begin "in the dark".)
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From what I've heard, Maso is harder in 1.49M. |
No way, not on large maps or above anyway. Medium and smaller are very cramped and can be harder.
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I buy the resources I want, if the AI gets them before me.
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GH!! I am closing :Genghis Hank 290828 12 The Galactic Guardians 9.0000 2 Weyrleader 210016 8 Fellowship of the Ring 8.7500 3 Attila The Guardian 199408 10 The Galactic Guardians 7.8000 after my last post i am sure i am a bit closer or even got through Weyrleader! |
You should be past him when the page updates. WTG
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#8579 by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/16/2004 6:02:17 PM
Lothmorg, how are you possibly able to get to the military resources first? |
Answered here.
#8582 by Citizen littlewotts - 4/16/2004 6:03:55 PM
I buy the resources I want, if the AI gets them before me. |
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Does anybody knows how to prevent Incredible AI from saying " I think we're better get off dealing with you, before you deal with us.." |
Yeah, you've got transports sitting idle or on "guard" in an adjacent sector to one of their systems. Doesn't matter if it's in your influential control, if it's next to one of their system sectors they see it as a threat.
Keep them moving and they don't seem to mind, or stage them at least 2 sectors out from any AI systems.
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