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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#8625  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/17/2004 1:39:25 PM

If that does not fix it, you may need to contact Cari at Email
She should be able to fix it for you to resubmit it again.

#8626  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/17/2004 1:41:15 PM

You should be fixed in the metaverse after the next submission. It will recalculate it then.

#8627  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/17/2004 1:42:25 PM

Ok, I'm off to crush some more Yor!
(I did do a refresh, but it doesn't help. Submit a game and see what happens.)

#8628  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/17/2004 1:47:25 PM

Just resubmitted, it didn't worked!! I am doomed to be left behind...

What exactly should i tell Cari?!

#8629  by Citizen Cliffracer Slayer - 4/17/2004 1:59:43 PM

You guardians don't half talk. It took me ages to get here.

#8630  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/17/2004 2:12:02 PM

What exactly should i tell Cari?!

Tell her that you changed your name (by mistake), and submitted a game, but then changed it back and wanted to resubit it under your old name.

She will fix it for you. You may need to send her the savegame though.

#8631  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/17/2004 2:18:32 PM

just sent her an e-mail, How long it is going to take her to reply?! Today is Saturaday! She might be off!

#8632  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/17/2004 2:25:36 PM

She will likely not get back to you until Monday. Just save you games, don't submit, and then drop them all off at once, just to be certain about the scores.

#8633  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/17/2004 6:51:54 PM

BOOM My 1st maso game done. Finished as alliance but I want to go back and try to get a military. Learned alot in that game. The AI's are so quick to get stuff. I was still finding my third planet they were getting trade goods.

#8634  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/17/2004 7:10:21 PM

BOOM My 1st maso game done

Now i am very worried! because defenetly your skills are becoming much better than mine! Especially when i've got this problem with my scoring. I hope everything is going to be fixed by the end of next week. And i will be back rolling, improving my skills on getting on Maso 60K's

[Message Edited]

#8635  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 7:33:31 PM

Hey Everybody!

I just got the "something evil is growing" message. Is this the Draginol event?

#8636  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 7:34:38 PM

BOOM My 1st maso game done


#8637  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/17/2004 7:53:07 PM

Congrats ED.

GH, you got the Draginol a-coming. Clear your decks and get the shopping trolleys ready. You're going to be very wealthy soon.

#8638  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 7:55:31 PM

GH, you got the Draginol a-coming. Clear your decks and get the shopping trolleys ready. You're going to be very wealthy soon.

I gave up on waiting on them, and sent my 8 CTs off to the other side of the galaxy... It took them about 3 years to show up!

#8639  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 7:58:08 PM

OK, so I know we talked about them a while back, but how far back? I got all but about 10B off the planet. What next?

#8640  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 8:04:12 PM

Oh, so THAT's an Overlord. Never seen one before. Ouch!

#8641  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/17/2004 8:06:19 PM

As soon as they take over the planet, make peace with them. Then sell them something - you should be able to get all their money forever (about 140,000bc per month).

Don't worry about trying to destroy them, the other AIs will all throw waves of ships against them and eventually take the planet, which should then flip back to you quite quickly, leaving you back where you started but with a few million bcs in the bank. Then just buy the galaxy.

#8642  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 8:09:31 PM

As soon as they take over the planet, make peace with them. Then sell them something - you should be able to get all their money forever (about 140,000bc per month).Don't worry about trying to destroy them, the other AIs will all throw waves of ships against them and eventually take the planet, which should then flip back to you quite quickly, leaving you back where you started but with a few million bcs in the bank. Then just buy the galaxy.

Cool! Just managed to make peace. Wish it would have came earlier in the game - I was already it the "play it out for more points phase".

#8643  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 8:11:12 PM

I sold them Diplo Translators! I figured they needed it!

#8644  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/17/2004 8:38:23 PM

As soon as they take over the planet, make peace with them. Then sell them something - you should be able to get all their money forever (about 140,000bc per month).

The moment they came out in my game, for a very first time this event occured. I made a peace, also asking for some cash. They accepted 140,000bc per 50 turns! I was loaded!!I was quite powerfull at that time. Literally i bought the galaxy! What i couldn't buy i used Terror Star. Its a powerful strategy!
I love Draginol event!
[Message Edited]

#8645  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/17/2004 8:40:17 PM

Increase my BOOM by about 7,000 but it took about hour and 1/2 extra. Just terror starred my way through. No one seemed to have combat transports for purchase. They must have known my plan. Dam Yor spys again. I better go back and make them pay.

#8646  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/17/2004 8:44:13 PM

All right - it's not Boom yet, but I'd say that it probably counts as BANG! 45K small crip! Take that, Masoverse!

#8647  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/17/2004 8:48:24 PM

All right - it's not Boom yet, but I'd say that it probably counts as BANG! 45K small crip! Take that, Masoverse!

Tell me your secret! I am getting just over 35K on cripling/large?!!

#8648  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/17/2004 8:50:20 PM

All right - it's not Boom yet, but I'd say that it probably counts as BANG! 45K small crip! Take that, Masoverse

Great score. Beat my Large Maso by 9,000. Must be that AP.

Attila freaky cool avatar. How do I get my Avater that Theo gave me in the diplomat halls here?

#8649  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/17/2004 8:52:24 PM

Attila is that a new shield color?

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